I almost got married once. My fiance of 3 years broke up with me over the phone. I called her on my lunch break while at work and talked to her about the idea of me going back to school to get a business degree. She suddenly got furious and said I just wanted to be around young college girls, and then broke up with me and hung up. I was hit with bewilderment. What the fuck just happened? What was the last 3 years for? In hindsight my guess was that she found a better option and was looking for an excuse to break up with me. A year later she messages me asking if we can still be friends. I guess my replacement didn't work out so she was poking around to see if I was still available.
it sucked at the time but it was a blessing that it was only a break up over the phone. Imagine if I was married to a woman who would do something like this and then go through a divorce with her.
I've had people "warn" me that I will one day regret not settling down with one woman, but it's not like I haven't tried. Why would I want to commit when women have broken up with me seemingly out of nowhere, cheated on me, or created constant drama and fights? It is not a healthy existence to be stuck with a contentious, unfaithful partner. The last partner I had was the nail in the coffin. I was crazy in love with her and willing to move for her and financially support her. Soon after I committed, she would talk shit to me, would start fights, and she eventually started hiding things on her phone from me. I'm fairly certain she went and fucked the "friend I don't need to worry about" soon after we broke up. Now I just don't see the point in ever committing to a monogamous partnership.
You can talk about "types of women," but I've been with many women from different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds, ages and nationalities. Across the board, women (people) are all the same in essence. I don't hold resentment or bitterness towards my exes or women in general; I realized it's in their nature and they can't help it. Now that I've fully embraced being single and uncommitted, but also trying to be understanding of the female experience, my relationships with women have never been better. I now have mostly really positive experiences with women who seem to adore me despite me not committing anything and being honest about it. I have great sex, tender moments without getting into arguments or drama. So yeah, never getting married.
No it was created to keep society functioning
Otherwise 20% of the men would get 80% of the women
Society with a bunch of jealous, horny, and violent men would crumble
Modern harems for the top 20% is happening right now.
I would argue that it's against our nature but people have to do it to keep society functioning. But I'd also argue that modern society itself is against our nature.
But we can't force people to stay faithful and be healthy partners. It's so easy to become disillusioned when reality hits. It makes sense why marriage rates are falling and divorce rates are rising.