Detention stories!!! Hardened under 18 criminal tales GTFIH!!!!

Detention? That's cute. I did 5 years in juvie for attempted murder. Do I win this thread?

No, you don't win. You just pointed out what a failure you are. Murder is a simple task, and you apparently failed at it.

If someone went to Juvie for murder, they would win the thread..........according to your logic.
I got detention in high school because my friend and I were sword fighting with paint brushes in art class. We showed up and the hall monitor in charge of detention liked us, so he just let us go. Fun fact: the art teacher called us a couple of retards.
Well, if nobody else is going to ask...

Who did you attempt to murder, and why?
A "rival." I was the typical easily misled kid from a broken home looking to belong, so I fell in with a gang and made some really bad choices.
No, you don't win. You just pointed out what a failure you are. Murder is a simple task, and you apparently failed at it.

If someone went to Juvie for murder, they would win the thread..........according to your logic.
Ok then, thanks for the breakdown chief.
Alright, so I am bored at work and I was thinking about the old days getting detention in school. I was getting into fights and talking all types of shit as a youth. One particular tale happened in Fourth Grade when we were talking about Christopher Columbus. The teacher started saying how he discovered America and he then made trades with the Native Americans (ignorant lady called them Indians lol) and I asked her how he could discover something when people were already there. The class chuckled but i was hungry for more!!! I got up, walked to her desk and sat with my feet up and said, "Hey look I just discovered Mrs. (Blank)'s desk!!!!" The class lost it and i had to go see our very flamboyant principal. After that day, I was hooked on getting those lolz. What say you ever get detention in school???? What did you do????

Cliffs: In Fourth Grade I punked my teacher when she said Columbus discovered America. I sat at her desk with my feet up and said i discovered it. Detention with flamboyant Diet Coke drinking Principal.

Yep, my engrish teacher was doing Orwell, he was talking about animal farm......
detention was proven to be ineffective during my school years so they abandoned it. we'd just cut out of school like the rest of the universe.
After middle school all my friends went to the local public HS and my parents sent me to a private Catholic prep school an hour away against my protestations (how dare they care about my future). Anyways, my friends at the public HS would ditch after lunch every day, meanwhile you couldn't so much as miss a single class unexcused at my private school without the administration making a federal case over it. I was butthurt and jealous at the time but looking back I'd probably have ended up homeless by age 17 had I been given free reign at the public school

One of my friends at the public HS didn't even graduate (had to eventually get his equivalency) despite the fact that he was a literal genius who was building and selling computers at age 15 and eventually ending up with a masters in mechanical engineering from UF. But back in HS he skipped his entire senior year and just dropped acid every day lol, I have zero doubt I would've been right there with him but I simply wasn't as innately brilliant as he was to have turned the corner and bail myself out the way he did for himself
i ran away from school in first grade
got in trouble for chasing a girl during tag, one step into the girls bathroom

sent to the principle, when i got back the entire class said 'oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' as i opened the door like i was a murderer so i just dipped

made it about 5 miles through the SD suburb of Mira Mesa before my aunt frantically saw me while driving around (i was heading to my grandparents house).

Weirdest part was nobody stopped a 6 year old kid walking around in broad daylight for a few hours, i even crossed Mira Mesa Blvd an 8 lane road, nothing haha.
One day I got sent to detention after school, I walk in the classroom and see my older brother already seated.

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