dealing with family's less then healthy lifestyle


Feb 28, 2007
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so here's the deal. my parents, and pretty much entire family, excluding my bro eat a ton of junk and rarely get any exercise. because of this there is usually a ton of garbage food laying my house. this doesn't really bother me as i figure they can eat whatever they want. my only real problem is that my mom cooks the most unhealthy crap ever for dinner, or orders takeout. now i don't mind cooking my own food when she does but she somehow feels this is disrespectful. she figures that since she took the time to make it, or paid for it, i should have to eat it. i tried explaining to her that no matter how good her deep fried chicken fingers and cheese fries are i'm trying to get in shape, as opposed to just being thin, and can't eat that stuff all the time anymore. i also suggested she just not make as much anymore to compensate for me not eating it. but she, and my dad, still say its disrespectful and are now pissed at me. they also say its weird and "stupid." its been like 2 months now and i'm getting kinda tired of their nagging that "just one piece of pie won't hurt." don't get me wrong i will occasionly have a piece of pizza or something but i like to reserve that for dates and/or special occasions.

am i being unreasonable? should i have to eat unhealthy food just b/c my mom decided to cook it? any suggestions on how to deal with this would be appreciated, thnx.
Damn! thats fukked up. Did they also vote for Bush???? Your parents are trying to cripple and kill you. You should start by pointing out that they cant even reason on your level if they think turning down unhealthy junk food that will kill you is disrespectful. Explain to them that thier thinking is fundementally out of wack. Tell your moms to stop being so lazy and uncreative and make some new meals for the fam. Buy her a copy of Berardi's cookbook for starters. Turn that junk food down every chance you get and NEVER GIVE IN (except on her birthday and mothers day). I've come to realize that theres an intellectual gap between our Generations and our parents gen (I believe it has to do with technology and multitasking and the highly competitive state of the world) They cant think like you and are bred to be too stubborn to see the reality that dreams exercised with action can become reality. And of course if your over 18 just man up and move out.
am i being unreasonable? should i have to eat unhealthy food just b/c my mom decided to cook it? any suggestions on how to deal with this would be appreciated, thnx.

You're not being unreasonable. They sound like they're simply set in their ways and anything that disrupts the status quo is to be feared.

You could try the education route. Ask your Mom what the nutritional information is for the food she's serving.
I think what you need to do is have a serious discussion with them. Ask them both to sitdown and talk to you and explain everything from your perspective. Make sure you say "we need to have a serious discussion)

Tell them how unhealthy they food they cook and order is and tell them how you are trying to become a healthy person.

Then talk about how their nagging is hurting your chances to become a healthy person. Tell them you are insulted by how unsupported they are of your lifestyle change and how difficult it is making it for you

I agree with punch drunk, buy them a healthy cookbook or something.

You need to show them how serious you are about this. Present them with some nutritional info. about what they are eating. You really need to lay out everything though, don't hold back.
Damn! thats fukked up. Did they also vote for Bush???? Your parents are trying to cripple and kill you. You should start by pointing out that they cant even reason on your level if they think turning down unhealthy junk food that will kill you is disrespectful. Explain to them that thier thinking is fundementally out of wack. Tell your moms to stop being so lazy and uncreative and make some new meals for the fam. Buy her a copy of Berardi's cookbook for starters. Turn that junk food down every chance you get and NEVER GIVE IN (except on her birthday and mothers day). I've come to realize that theres an intellectual gap between our Generations and our parents gen (I believe it has to do with technology and multitasking and the highly competitive state of the world) They cant think like you and are bred to be too stubborn to see the reality that dreams exercised with action can become reality. And of course if your over 18 just man up and move out.

lol, they actually did vote for bush and the worst part is they actually think he's doing a good job. yeah right.:icon_cry2 not 18 yet but only 1 more year to go till college. :icon_twis

anyway i doubt my mom would even consider cooking anything that's actually healthy. she seems to feel if its not coated in butter or oil its not edible. she even manages to make spinach unhealthy by cooking it in garlic and oil. my dad also feels miracle whip, light salad dressing, or anything like that is "stupid" and must taste bad. i told him to try some and he refused saying it was "gay." yeah dad being healthy is gay.

i swear they're doing this just to piss me off. no one could actually think like that, could they?
lol, they actually did vote for bush and the worst part is they actually think he's doing a good job. yeah right.:icon_cry2 not 18 yet but only 1 more year to go till college. :icon_twis

anyway i doubt my mom would even consider cooking anything that's actually healthy. she seems to feel if its not coated in butter or oil its not edible. she even manages to make spinach unhealthy by cooking it in garlic and oil. my dad also feels miracle whip, light salad dressing, or anything like that is "stupid" and must taste bad. i told him to try some and he refused saying it was "gay." yeah dad being healthy is gay.

i swear they're doing this just to piss me off. no one could actually think like that, could they?

LOL@ the Bush thing... I knew it!.... I have a FAT uncle (thank god not blood related) he's like 6'2 380 and he swears 1. Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Riely are always right and 2. Healthy food is for pussies and queers. He's been saying both of these things to me since I was 15 I'm 29 now. He's been going in and out of the hospital for health complications due to eating poorly. He'll probably die before he gets to 60 (sucks for my cuzn). He also had the nerve to tell me to go back and finish college "because you need that degree" when I make more money at a better job than him and I"m 29 been living on my own / making it on my own since 18. Bottom line these type of ppl swear on the holy bible that they are 100% right and everyone else is just full of conspiracy.... but as the long term shows they are just ignorant and flat out wrong. STICK TO YOUR GUNS! Forget all the hate just let it brush right off your shoulders because when you lean and mean and fukking maaaaaad bitches because they think you look "sexy" you'll be laughing your ass off at the haters. Not too mention it feels great walking the earth in "supreme kill mode" as opposed to "cow in a grid, lothargic looser" mode.:icon_chee Good luck buddie!
LOL@ the Bush thing... I knew it!.... I have a FAT uncle (thank god not blood related) he's like 6'2 380 and he swears 1. Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Riely are always right and 2. Healthy food is for pussies and queers. He's been saying both of these things to me since I was 15 I'm 29 now. He's been going in and out of the hospital for health complications due to eating poorly. He'll probably die before he gets to 60 (sucks for my cuzn). He also had the nerve to tell me to go back and finish college "because you need that degree" when I make more money at a better job than him and I"m 29 been living on my own / making it on my own since 18. Bottom line these type of ppl swear on the holy bible that they are 100% right and everyone else is just full of conspiracy.... but as the long term shows they are just ignorant and flat out wrong. STICK TO YOUR GUNS! Forget all the hate just let it brush right off your shoulders because when you lean and mean and fukking maaaaaad bitches because they think you look "sexy" you'll be laughing your ass off at the haters. Not too mention it feels great walking the earth in "supreme kill mode" as opposed to "cow in a grid, lothargic looser" mode.:icon_chee Good luck buddie!

dude, i swear your cousin and my dad gotta be related. he like worships O'Reilly. tell me he thinks global warming is "bullshit" and the catholic church is ALWAYS right and i'll be on the floor laughing.

i don't think i'll be "fukking mad bitches" anytime soon though. i'm actually a chick:icon_chee, not a dude, so that would be pretty nasty. it's pretty funny nobody on here can tell by my username. i pretty much picked it b/c i figured it would be a dead giveaway. haha, what guy would name himself PussInBoots?:icon_lol:
dude, i swear your cousin and my dad gotta be related. he like worships O'Reilly. tell me he thinks global warming is "bullshit" and the catholic church is ALWAYS right and i'll be on the floor laughing.

i don't think i'll be "fukking mad bitches" anytime soon though. i'm actually a chick:icon_chee, not a dude, so that would be pretty nasty. it's pretty funny nobody on here can tell by my username. i pretty much picked it b/c i figured it would be a dead giveaway. haha, what guy would name himself PussInBoots?:icon_lol:

haha true that! substitute for "bikini season" lol....
haha true that! substitute for "bikini season" lol....

haha maybe that's my dad's real problem with healthy eating. let's just say he's not too happy with the attention i get now, never mind come bikini season. maybe he's just trying to fattin me up, eh?
My Dad is from the era where "Real men" ate organs, bacon, bangers, fried craqulin and all the wonderful stuff in excess whenever they could get it. (grew up on a farm in Ireland in the 40/50s) Now he's not necessarily wrong, but we have to keep in mind that back then they worked farms without heavy equipment, or drove a 9-pound hammer for 10-12 hours a day.

Eat according to the needs of your lifestyle and don't let anyone tell you it's wrong.
haha maybe that's my dad's real problem with healthy eating. let's just say he's not too happy with the attention i get now, never mind come bikini season. maybe he's just trying to fattin me up, eh?

Yeah your best bet would be to try to sit down and talk to them. They do sound pretty stobborn(dont worry i belive its all parents my mom smoked and her health is getting really bad at the age of 45 but she still thinks its the only thing she can enjoy in her life left).

Either way if you have too or can, just start buying your own food, and if they keep telling you your disrespectful ask them how caring for your own health is disrespectful, and see what they say.

Yeah your best bet would be to try to sit down and talk to them. They do sound pretty stobborn(dont worry i belive its all parents my mom smoked and her health is getting really bad at the age of 45 but she still thinks its the only thing she can enjoy in her life left).

Either way if you have too or can, just start buying your own food, and if they keep telling you your disrespectful ask them how caring for your own health is disrespectful, and see what they say.


i already buy the stuff that isn't in the house already. for example i buy my own protein powder, vitamens, etc... but not the stuff we already have like eggs, chicken, tuna, salad, oatmeal etc.. i figure that's a pretty fair arrangement. hell i'm actually saving money by not buying fast food all the time. you don't realise how much money you blow on that stuff til you stop eating it.
are you old enough to move out?

nah, got one more year til college. guess i'll just have to deal with it til then. just curious, does anyone else have this problem or are my parents just nuts? i never thought i'd have to hear it about eating fresh fruit and veggies, when they used to yell at me when i was younger to do the exact same thing. funny how things turn out.
nah, got one more year til college. guess i'll just have to deal with it til then. just curious, does anyone else have this problem or are my parents just nuts? i never thought i'd have to hear it about eating fresh fruit and veggies, when they used to yell at me when i was younger to do the exact same thing. funny how things turn out.

Get out while you
I did a complete 180 with my eating habits a few years ago. i've been trying to get my folks to eat healhty, as well. No go.

Interestingly, they both know they need to eat healthier; dad makes excuses and says "it's not that i eat unhealthy, i just eat everything." :icon_conf Yeah, including a half stick of butter on EVERYTHING you eat. My mother just doesn't have the self control. Both, it seems, are deathly afraid of eating anything healthy which requires you to adjust your taste, like raw veggies.

Sigh....i know what you're going through man. When i go home i just buy my own groceries and cook for them - and myself - as much as possible. They know I'm kinda nazi when it comes to eating habits, thankfully they're cool with it.
wow i thought i was the only one who had parents who eat like that, and the disease must have moved up north as im in NY also