dealing with family's less then healthy lifestyle

It was by accident. I was at school and traded in my carrot juice for this guys kolbasa sausage. He was not too happy to say the least...but i couldn't get enough of it. I try to avoid meat only because my parents make me feel bad becuase of all the stories they used to tell me about the slaughterhouses.

As a vegetarian myself, I'd like to say that pretty messed up. I'm fortunate enough to have parents who fed me well, and let me make my own decision when I was enabled to do so.

@ Puss, I kinda had a similar dilemma when in HS. I didn't even care about the meat vs no-meat at the time, but I had to make weight for wrestling. This is a heckuva undertaking as my parents made it their DUTY to make sure I was well fed. I mean no skimping on the butter type of fed. Coming from not having much, and as a family barely having enough at the time, I understood their position enough to not raise an issue. They were trying to provide, so I dare not make a fuss.

My resolution was to just work that much harder just to maintain and loose what I could. I had to work like a freakin Spartan. All my workouts no matter how small, required full sweat gear for hours at a time. And when at all possible, I'd eat nothing but school salad :)mad:) knowing I'd get more than enough calories at home later anyways.
Buy yourself alot of water,vegetables and chicken breast and you dont have to worry about your family eating junk,not too complicated. The thing is if you want something you will get it done,same goes for dieting,there are mofos around you stuffing their faces with donuts and chips and you should just sit there and sip your cold water buddy.
I vote that PussInBoots gets her name modified with some apostrophe's so she's easier to identify as a Sherdogirl in the future. I'm thinking PussI'n'Boots works just fine.

Other than that, I can only imagine how difficult your scenario has to be. I've been a bit of a 'health nut' for a long time. In my circle of family and friends, that means doing anything to watch what I eat. Counting calories on canned food is 'crazy behavior'. I've been adamant about what I eat, though. I've had friends try and convince me to do the things I would not do, and the learned to understand that I was immovable and unshakable in my ways.

With Family, I think educated conversation goes a long way. People constantly underestimate the power of proper communication. If you tell your mother and father that you would like to talk, and bring serious information to them, they should listen.

Sit down with them, and clarify that you do not intend any disrespect, but you are concerned about your health(And maybe, your image). Offer to discuss alternatives, or help in meal planning and preparation. If all else fails, inform them that you will continue your eating habits because it is important to you, and you are equally offended that they do not respect your well-being enough to support your attempts at self-improvement.
I vote that PussInBoots gets her name modified with some apostrophe's so she's easier to identify as a Sherdogirl in the future. I'm thinking PussI'n'Boots works just fine.

Other than that, I can only imagine how difficult your scenario has to be. I've been a bit of a 'health nut' for a long time. In my circle of family and friends, that means doing anything to watch what I eat. Counting calories on canned food is 'crazy behavior'. I've been adamant about what I eat, though. I've had friends try and convince me to do the things I would not do, and the learned to understand that I was immovable and unshakable in my ways.

With Family, I think educated conversation goes a long way. People constantly underestimate the power of proper communication. If you tell your mother and father that you would like to talk, and bring serious information to them, they should listen.

Sit down with them, and clarify that you do not intend any disrespect, but you are concerned about your health(And maybe, your image). Offer to discuss alternatives, or help in meal planning and preparation. If all else fails, inform them that you will continue your eating habits because it is important to you, and you are equally offended that they do not respect your well-being enough to support your attempts at self-improvement.

lmao, i was actually gonna go with PussyInBoots when i first signed up, but i kinda like your spelling more anyway.