Dealbreakers in what attracts you to the opposite sex.

A wonky eye is harder to get past than height tho thats for sure. I honestly dont care if girls prefer a taller man (im of medium height) or not,thats their preference,why cant they go for what they prefer?
I bet if you asked a woman if she would take 6 feet 2 brad pitt with a wonky eye versus 5 feet 6 brad pitt without a wonky eye the over whelming response would take 6 feet 2 brad pitt with the wonky eye . Perfect example of men putting their preferences and assuming its the same for women . Women are far more likely to trade on looks than height and men are far more likely not to even care about height . So with that you get 5feet6 guys like Muscles calling women shallow for putting such high standards on height and that a big frame on a man shouldnt matter in 2016 because it was only useful in primitive times . How very wrong to use your own standards as a man and interpret what women should think .
It doesn't matter when golden standard is golden vagina @ peak SMV (hawttttt as f 18-23 on avg) or alpha male Adonis ratio etc. It retry much is a as to be a piece of chit cause it's tolerated due to absurd sex appeal.
I dont even know what youre trying to say but you sound like you will fall in love with the first woman who lets you poke her vagina .
Smoking cigarettes. Sorry, I just can't do it with the taste of ash/nicotine/whatever the fuck.
I bet if you asked a woman if she would take 6 feet 2 brad pitt with a wonky eye versus 5 feet 6 brad pitt without a wonky eye the over whelming response would take 6 feet 2 brad pitt with the wonky eye . .

Wouldnt be my guess.
Not having a box gap. Seriously
Wouldnt be my guess.
5 feet 6 is really really short .
Really short arms and legs and a slight build . At least the wonky eye would just be butter faced but his body would be super hot .
Thank you, that actually clarified your position and thought process a lot. I get it, you are in no mood, or place to now or possibly for the foreseeable future to settle down. So you have no desire for a ready made family with loads of socio-economic baggage for you to contend with. If I were honest with you, I wish I had listened to my father when I was younger, he gave me similar advice, and I didn't listen. No I regret the shit out of it..

Keep smashing party girls mate, wish I could do the same.

Let's not kid ourselves. I have fun but I strike out too. Fairly attractive male. In good shape. No model/actor/body builder.

I have friends that model. It shattered my beta male reality in my teens as did my experiences with women. In mid teens, it's like the hungry don't get fed. #fapking or. .. not fed enough lol

Late teens, it's better with dating. More success. Travel around the world, road trip etc. Start smashing and bang out hoes. Rule of thumb cute/pretty/hawttttt + thin. No fatties.

Mid 20s, it got stupid. Basically, hit o absurd amounts of girls and smash or go get more girls.

Late 20s right hurrrrr ITT. It's FUCKING RETARDED. A chick I would have broke off a piece of my D to get at like 4/5yrs ago drunk dialed me. Fuck not given. Reality kicks in.


The clocks ticking playboy. Not interested? Cool story brah! She has friends. They got friends. Maybe a younger sister.

Sadly, I see the trap. Women are taught to slut out. To be a train wreck. With free money, child support, daddy government, welfare state, etc. What incentive is their to be a free thinking quality human being?

Women got free money, D from alphas in peak SMV, and victim hood after squandered youth.

Make no mistake. I love women. No in love. There is a difference. A woman brought me into this world. I call out gross female behavior because it disgusts me and I know women can do better. I can't change what is but I can direct my life. The onus is on me. If a woman trashes my life, nobody will mourn me. Meanwhile women are being cheered off the cliff (search mental health stats by gender). I love all that is feminine. Yes, it bugs me.

I subscribe to free thinking. I challenge the status quo. I am not adverse to competition. No man should ever be afraid to stake his claim be it in business in the free market or hitting on women.

Dude download "way of the superior man" by David Deida pdf. It's online. Free. Just states not for sale purpose. Reading only. David states a man must very about his purpose in life (whatever it maybe). In our banished father households now a days, young boys and men are lost.

Much of what is written is innate; you know it intuitively but it is lost in the feminist girlie man society young boys are inundated with regularly be it mainstream media or government education.
Then I stick it out with her and wait for her to get through it (hopefully she makes it) and then her hair will grow back out. Your right it's her head and she has the right to do with it what she wants. It's also my right to find and be with women who I'm sexually attracted to. I make it perfectly clear to women I date that I want long hair. If they don't want to do that they are well within their right to leave just like I am. Just like a girl is well within her rights to gain 100 pounds after starting a relationship with me, just don't expect me to stick around after you gain all that weight.

I honestly don't care how I come off. I'm not going to be with someone I'm not attracted to just so people can think I'm a "good guy". Were talking about the rest of my life here and I'm going to make sure the girl I get with is someone I'm attracted to. If your willing to be with someone your not attracted to more power to you. It's not how I'm going to live my life though.

+ 1

Long hair ideally associated with femininity. I don't get hard on for masculine women; hilarious Clinton etc. Do mode! "I don't need a man." Again, dependency isn't attractive either. My point, a woman in her feminine; she could be into yoga, art, dance etc something of passion. Something that moves her at her core turns me on in ways a woman bragging about her resources never will.

Dude check out David Deida. Greatest read for every man. Life changing.

I know a woman that will hit me up. Crazy piece of art and a caption. Another with a pic of her yoga + some idiom. I appreciate free thinking women who disregard the social engineering of female victim culture.

Big ups brother!
If she's an overt SJW feminist type. Don't get me wrong, I'll get her drunk and pee in her butt, but the relationship ends there
My homeboys tried to warn me..

On what specifically?

Et me be serious for a sec.

I hit on more women in a day then most do in a year. Running into women from my past, many of which had their lives turn to garbage. It's a shame. I don't wish it.

The best way to explain it, imagine a plane on a nose dive? The crash is about to happen. You see it. You can save her nor are you Captain save a hoe. It's not your job. Yu don't wish it uon anybody but you gotta do it.

You pull the chute.

Rain into some sloot from my past. Single mom. Shocker. Father is banished. Of course she is a victim. Also looks like she has been bulking. Classic.
I dont even know what youre trying to say but you sound like you will fall in love with the first woman who lets you poke her vagina .

We've never agreed on any point EVER. Difficult for you seeing female nature called out for what it is.

Picked up by foreign girls today. Another day at the office.

Mean personality

Big on personality.

lol @ personality

A good personality consists of a chick with a little hard body, who will satisfy all sexual demands without being too slutty about things, and who essentially will keep her dumb fucking mouth shut.
lol @ personality

A good personality consists of a chick with a little hard body, who will satisfy all sexual demands without being too slutty about things, and who essentially will keep her dumb fucking mouth shut.

A wise man once said, "the finger pointing to the moon isn't the moon."

With respect to personality, it pertains to something of substance. I have met hawttttt girls before who disgust me. Diet consists of coke sperms and fast food.

With respect to personality, something of substance in respect to her awareness. Ability to question social narratives rather than follow the beaten path. A woman that reads and challenges her consciousness rather than drowning in celebrity gossip and low vibration nonsense like the Kardashians. Well spoken. I hate slang. I am a sucker for accents.

I enjoy energetic, bubbly, and feminine personalities.

Of course, you can't smash a personality. Some dudes use it as an excuse to bitch out of making a pass at girls.
lol @ personality

A good personality consists of a chick with a little hard body, who will satisfy all sexual demands without being too slutty about things, and who essentially will keep her dumb fucking mouth shut.

So I'm at the rock climbing gym the other day and I'm admiring this pretty young thing from behind with that tight rock climber body. Nice bottom, good full head of healthy hair...she's turning around... flat belly, small perky boobs... then I get to the head. She is cross-eyed. Otherwise a very nice looking girl. What a curse that must be. There isn't corrective surgery for that as far as I know.

Then my buddy taps me on the shoulder and says "imagine getting a blow job from that." He proceeds to make the blow job face with his eyes crossed.


A cheap, temporary fix.

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