Day 257 without a Clinton Press conference(Will update daily)


Feb 2, 2016
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Hillary Clinton's holdout: Will she ever host a press conference again?

The Hill

Joe Concha 4 days ago

In a solemn ceremony, today marks 250 days since Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton last held a formal press conference. Context is everything, so let's see what can occur in the span of 250 days:

Two NFL seasons could be played plus two Super Bowls.

Fly to the moon and back 42 times.

Walking across Russia end-to-end.

Finish the first 36 weeks of pregnancy.

Complete all voting in the presidential primary season, plus both party conventions.

You get the idea.

But here's the question: With Hillary Clinton up 7.7 points in the RealClearPolitics average of polls with less than three months until Election Day, is the blatant lack of transparency even hurting her in any capacity?

Clinton advocates and the campaign itself have argued that the candidate does plenty of interviews and is open with the press. Yup, when one runs for president, one does tend do some Q&As here and there.

Know this: Now that Clinton has a comfortable lead, any interviews she does grant -- especially when juxtaposed with Donald Trump -- will be periodic at best. As we've seen, those few who are granted interviews will be very carefully hand-picked. And if you think that list will include Chris Wallace of Fox News, the Sunday political show host who walked Clinton into "short-circuiting" (her words) on an answer around the honesty FBI Director James Comey never said she displayed around explanations of the handling of her State Department emails, you'll need to wait another five years before she even thinks of sitting down with Wallace again.


I mean I can't imagine why Clinton actually polls worse then Trump on trustworthiness.

If she has nothing to hide, then why not hold a press conference....Is it maybe because her E-mail lies are so ridiculous that even the most blind Clinton supporter would have to re-evaluate their position, if reporters were actually allowed to ask her questions about it?

Will update daily with new days count.
I hate to say it but its not exactly hurting her campaign.

If it ain't broken, don't fix it I guess.
Negotiations have stalled over the number and colors of balloons she insists be dropped from the ceiling.

I bet she'll have the "Most Transparent Administration in the History of the World" or something. Well, maybe the 2nd most. :rolleyes:
I am no campaign expert, but its a good strategy by Shillary.
Press conferences she will get asked questions about Soros, Benghazi, Nephilim, emails, her having any number of illness, her husband Will Jeff drill pressing chicks while they were married, her many lies, etc.
Right now she is up 28-14 with a quarter to go in the game, and her opponent has been playing like shit. Her best move is just run the ball, and keep it simple.
Let Trumps diarrhea mouth, dictate the headlines. The more stupid shit Comrade Trump says, the less the middle focuses on how corrupt of a candidate is Shillary.
If I were her, I'd keep my head diwn and let Trump kill himself. No pressers. No debate.
Oh, for fuck's sake! You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel now aren't you?

There's not a single politician in the world with the brains the gods gave a ping pong ball who wouldn't do the same thing in her shoes. Her opponent is in the press non stop shooting himself in the feet two barrels at a time and she doesn't have any new issues that would require any sort of clarification.

Why on Earth would she needlessly expose herself when she doesn't need to?
The media now trying to shit on the cop involved in the shooting, digging through Twitter posts from 3 years ago to try and make him seem like a piece of crap. Also Sylville is being referred to on Yahoo as a "shooting victim."

Wrong thread man.
Rumor is she can't do press conferences because multiple questions at the same time cause her seizures.
It's because her Parkinson's is getting worse.
Seems like the goal is for the public to forget about Hillary and focus on hating Trump.
Seems like the goal is for the public to forget about Hillary and focus on hating Trump.

Whenever people see too much of Hillary she tanks. Why? Because she is a terrible candidate. Without the media blasting Trump everyday I don't think this race would even be close. She, and those who believe in her, are just wrong all around the board on almost every issue.
Something is wrong with Hillary's health. I didn't make that up.


Its been confirmed that the cold chai had a zing to it, and in the second picture some of Brendan Schaubs butterflies buzzed her.

How do you not know this? I thought you were in touch with the cheezes?

Can you make it happen brother? @bigwaverider
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she's GSP right now. shes won, and probably handily, unless wikileaks comes out with some surprise about her that is unusually damning. so she's gsp running around the ring jabbing in the 4th, and who can blame her/him?
she's GSP right now. shes won, and probably handily, unless wikileaks comes out with some surprise about her that is unusually damning. so she's gsp running around the ring jabbing in the 4th, and who can blame her/him?
You may be right.

She's got a lot of scandals though and there could be a big one come out later.
You may be right.

She's got a lot of scandals though and there could be a big one come out later.

Could be. the problem though is it would have to be truly irrefutable for it to cost her the election.

imo, she doesnt have many REAL supporters. most liberals and moderates who vote for her will actually be voting against trump. her supporters wont believe even the slightest accusations against her, just like trump supporters wont question even the most egregious things she's accused of. almost doesnt matter what comes out.

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