Crossfit guys are weak?

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I am impressed.
Especially those smooth and deep Overheadoneleggedsquats (yes. i make it one word. :D) were a thing of beauty.
BJ Penn used to do crossfit as well.

Crossfit guys are weak?
Id venture to say Crossfit Girls are stronger than the average guy.
I've become TONS stronger after doing XF on-and-off for the past couple of years. However, I do think that the people who are the best crossfitters are people who come to it having a strong athletic background.

And to add: YES, I'm a girl, and I'm stronger than lots of the guys at my gym. (5'5", 125 lbs.)
I am impressed.
Especially those smooth and deep Overheadoneleggedsquats (yes. i make it one word. :D) were a thing of beauty.

I think the longest "official" German word ist

I've become TONS stronger after doing XF on-and-off for the past couple of years. However, I do think that the people who are the best crossfitters are people who come to it having a strong athletic background.

And to add: YES, I'm a girl, and I'm stronger than lots of the guys at my gym. (5'5", 125 lbs.)

Well hello there.
CrossFit guys are weak compared to the strength athletes that they like to talk shit about in their literature.
CrossFit guys are weak compared to the strength athletes that they like to talk shit about in their literature.

This has been done a hundred times. Yes they are weak. But I don't see them talking much shit with respect to strength athletes. They take competitive powerlifters as examples of athletes that are too specialized to fit into the crossfit model, just as they reference triathletes or other ultra-endurance athletes to be too specialized to fit into the crossfit model. A bunch of olympic lifting gyms have crossfit affiliations.

Out of the CFJ-Trial issue:

Much of the best weight training material on the Internet is found on
Overhead squats and walking around with the barbell overhead. Stuff that requires more balance and stability than strength.

Ok, go to a smith machine and load 85lbs on it and do a pistol. Balance won't be an issue so surely you could do it.
Ok, go to a smith machine and load 85lbs on it and do a pistol. Balance won't be an issue so surely you could do it.

I can do pistols. I can also squat ~500. Pistols require very little strength. My little sister who couldn't squat 135 to save her life can do pistol squats. Find me somebody who only does CrossFit workouts who can squat 500, deadlift 600 or press 250.
I can do pistols. I can also squat ~500. Pistols require very little strength. My little sister who couldn't squat 135 to save her life can do pistol squats. Find me somebody who only does CrossFit workouts who can squat 500, deadlift 600 or press 250.

Crossfit doesn't claim to produce people who can squat 500 or deadlift 600. They claim to produce people who above average in most athletic qualities (strength, aerobic and anaerobic conditioning, flexibility or whatever). Now if you claim that they are weak on average, that is probably true by powerlifting standards. They probably also have bad aerobic endurance relative to marathon runners. They are probably also not as flexible as gymnasts or as fast as sprinters. I really don't get the point of the crossfit dissing, besides the obvious lack of programming in WODs. I've never seen them state that they want to produce good strength athletes. I don't rip on Westside for doing shit for my cardiovascular endurance or the guy from beastskills, because he can't run a sub 4.4 40 yards.
Crossfit doesn't claim to produce people who can squat 500 or deadlift 600. They claim to produce people who above average in most athletic qualities (strength, aerobic and anaerobic conditioning, flexibility or whatever). Now if you claim that they are weak on average, that is probably true by powerlifting standards. They probably also have bad endurance relative to marathon runners. They are probably also not as flexible as gymnasts or as fast as sprinters. I really don't get the point of the crossfit dissing, besides the obvious lack of programming in WODs. I've never seen them state that they want to produce good strength athletes. I don't rip on Westside for doing shit for my cardiovascular endurance or the guy from beastskills, because he can't run a sub 4.4 40 yards.

Here's a quote from Greg Glassman:

If you train the WODs hard, and eat right and get lots of sleep, you will definitely gain lean mass, lose fat, and yes, you can build muscle mass with the crossfit protocol. More specifically, according to Coach,
Here is a hierarchy of training for mass from greater to lesser efficacy:
1. Bodybuilding on steroids
2. CrossFitting on steroids
3. CrossFitting without steroids
4. Bodybuilding without steroids
The bodybuilding model is designed around, requires, steroids for significant hypertrophy.
The neuroendocrine response of bodybuilding protocols is so blunted that without "exogenous hormonal therapy" little happens.
The CrossFit protocol is designed to elicit a substantial neuroendocrine whollop and hence packs an anabolic punch that puts on impressive amounts of muscle though that is not our concern. Strength is.
Natural bodybuilders (the natural ones that are not on steroids) never approach the mass that our ahtletes do. They don't come close.
Those athletes who train for function end up with better form than those who value form over function. This is one of the beautiful ironies of training.

I don't have a problem with CrossFit as a training modality if that's the kind of training you want to do. I do have a problem with ignorant CrossFit people talking about how super strong CrossFit makes you and how everyone else would impove their strength if they switched to CrossFit.

There are many knowledgeable people involved with CrossFit. There are also quite a few very vocal mindless followers who parrot the senseless propoganda that Glassman spews. These people annoy me. JPC is sounding like one of them with his "I bet you can't do a smith machine pistol" challenge.
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