Critique my Heavy Lifting routine


Orange Belt
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
I'll explain my weekly routine and goals at the end of the list.

This is what i did today for the start of a Heavy-Lifting routine. Let me know what you think.

One handed pushups: 5,5
Push-Presses: (105 lbs) 7,7,7,4 (minimal lower-body assistance)
Deadlifts: (235 lbs) 10 single reps
Front Wide-grip Pulldowns: (140 lbs) 10,8,8,6
Yoga Ball Flys: (35lb dumbells) 7,7
**Yoga Ball Dumbell Presses: (35lb db's) 15,15

**Those are the ONLY dumbells i have right now, and the bench is spider infested. I dont have a spotter either.


My goal with weights is to get exponentially stronger.

GENERAL ROUTINE: Thai Boxing/Rolling/Killer Climbing, Jumping, and other unforeseen acts of enjoyment

Sun: Heavybag, Sparring, abs
Mon: Heavybag, Kick/Squat emphasis,
Tue: Pull/Chin Ups, Plyo Pushups, Handstand-Pushups, Tris, Bis (hammers), Forearms, Core
W: Rest / Recoup
Th: Heavybag,abs
Fri: Heavy Lifts for Back, Chest, Shoulders
Sat: Rest/Recoup

Age: 19
Height: 6'
Weight: 160 lbs.
FCFighter316 said:
since u said "exponentially" u might wanna read the stickies, lift like us, and decide for youself if ur not sore enough to do plyos etc..

Ive read it all.
What i think you are saying is that 1 heavy lifting day a week will not cut it?


Im going to add military presses to the heavy day.