Social Crisis' at Columbia University forces classes online, arrests at Yale College campuses are becoming battle grounds for Hamas and Israel

Pro Palestinian is not pro Hamas, but then you know that, but being a rightwinger you want to smear all people supporting the human rights of Palestinians as pro Hamas.
When the protestors get violent, chase Jewish students or form human barricades so they can't get by it makes you wonder though doesn't it? With chants like "Death to Israel", "Gas the Jews" (Which I have seen in person in NYC) the wonder goes away and you know these folks are pro Hamas.
Snake eating its tail

This is what the world has become. Half of these idiots just hate who they are and just want things to be upset about. No matter what they take a side, and it becomes their life....because their true life is pathetic and upsetting. We have professional blue haired protestors showing up everywhere. We will look back on this time and laugh, the left has jumped the shark, and it is comical at this point.
lol… What was the point of Oct 7th? What did Hamas expect as a response?

All those Palestinians cheering murdered young women paraded through the streets? They’re not cheering now are they? Palestinians should have known Hamas just doomed them all.

It’s a lot to assume that Hamas has functioning reasoning abilities. They had to know this outcome was highly probable

Its like they wanted Gaza leveled…

Tell you what, the party atmosphere in Gaza is fucking shocking nowadays. Absolutely no partying going on in Gaza anymore, no disco dancing. Place is a foodies paradise, too!
You’re seeing the point of 10-7, and why Israelis are on record describing a policy to support Hamas to prevent a 2 state solution…. Looks like Israel backed the right horse to further their decades long land-grab, that’s for sure!

Hamas did EXACTLY what Netanyahu and the hardliners wanted, and now Israel has a blank check to steal as much land as they want… brilliant.


Hamas are a bunch of bumblefuck clowns who defeated Israeli intelligence with paragliders, recorded literal war crimes, and had no clue their actions would lead to this… they really care about Palestinians and figured killing kids and raping women would be okay, and they simply miscalculated Israeli’s response.

Do you actually believe THAT?

It so, I have some WMDs to sell you in Iraq…

lol… ok

What’s your view on 9/11 and the US Government?
lol… ok

What’s your view on 9/11 and the US Government?
They hated our freedoms.
Nobody could have ever imagined such an attack (therefore our govt had zero chance to stop it).
I’m glad we spent 20+ years in Iraq/Afghanistan despite the fact that the vast majority of hijackers were Saudi.
I support the Patriot Act and indefinite detention of US citizens without charges.

Did I miss anything?
They hated our freedoms.
Nobody could have ever imagined such an attack (therefore our govt had zero chance to stop it).
I’m glad we spent 20+ years in Iraq/Afghanistan despite the fact that the vast majority of hijackers were Saudi.
I support the Patriot Act and indefinite detention of US citizens without charges.

Did I miss anything?

lol.. yes. You missed the complete point doofus

How the US Government knew in advance and let 9/11 happen to further its interests in the Middle East

Good lord, no wonder you believe Israel aided and abetted the slaughter of its own citizens.

Cmon... start the chant "From the River to the Sea..."

I know you know the words
You’re seeing the point of 10-7, and why Israelis are on record describing a policy to support Hamas to prevent a 2 state solution…. Looks like Israel backed the right horse to further their decades long land-grab, that’s for sure!

Hamas did EXACTLY what Netanyahu and the hardliners wanted, and now Israel has a blank check to steal as much land as they want… brilliant.


Hamas are a bunch of bumblefuck clowns who defeated Israeli intelligence with paragliders, recorded literal war crimes, and had no clue their actions would lead to this… they really care about Palestinians and figured killing kids and raping women would be okay, and they simply miscalculated Israeli’s response.

Do you actually believe THAT?

It so, I have some WMDs to sell you in Iraq…
lol. you fuckin shameless lying spammer.
Yeah, killing off your bargaining chips makes a whole lot of sense. What's the point of taking hostages if your desire is to just kill them? Retarded take.

Google the Hannibal Directive, pea brain. A literal policy of the IDF.

Netanyahu gave zero shits about the hostages, which is why his own Israeli citizens were protesting him over it.
hamas only chance at any "victory" is through public outcry. it makes no sense for israel to use the hannibal doctrine as it feeds into hamas only hamas's literally their policy to kill jews.........
lol.. yes. You missed the complete point doofus

How the US Government knew in advance and let 9/11 happen to further its interests in the Middle East

Good lord, no wonder you believe Israel aided and abetted the slaughter of its own citizens.

Cmon... start the chant "From the River to the Sea..."

I know you know the words
Crazy talk… nonetheless, IF the US knew about and abetted 9/11, they were smart enough to avoid discussing this plan out loud, unlike the Israeli government.

“In 2009, Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for over 20 years, told The Wall Street Journal, quote, “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation.” Another former Israeli official, Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev, said he was given a budget to help finance Islamist movements in Gaza to counter Yasser Arafat and his Fatah movement. Another former Israeli military official, David Hacham, said, quote, “When I look back at the chain of events, I think we made a mistake. But at the time, nobody thought about the possible results.”

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Crazy talk… nonetheless, IF the US knew about and abetted 9/11, they were smart enough to avoid discussing this plan out loud, unlike the Israeli government.

“In 2009, Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for over 20 years, told The Wall Street Journal, quote, “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation.” Another former Israeli official, Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev, said he was given a budget to help finance Islamist movements in Gaza to counter Yasser Arafat and his Fatah movement. Another former Israeli military official, David Hacham, said, quote, “When I look back at the chain of events, I think we made a mistake. But at the time, nobody thought about the possible results.”

Yeah. What years clown?
Wait, is there some law in the US that allows for protests on private property so long as its an academic institution? Or are they just coddling these soy brigades?
That is a tiny fraction of the protesters. Such clips are cherry picked to demonize and smear the whole pro Palestine movement. In any large groups no one is going to be completely united in message. The rightiwng used the same smear tactic was used to brand all BLM protests as engaging in violence and road blocking. But the same rightwing will say that all those who gathered to support Trump should not be tarred and feathered because of what some of them did by storming the Capital.

The 'pro palestine' movement is too narrow in focus and as such it's easy to paint them as specifically anti jewish (which some are.)

The anti war movement is the movement you should back, but be warned, that also means not waving a ukraine flag around like a fucking retard who doesn't learn from history.
These protestors are a bunch of fat uneducated cans. Palestine has truly done some goated media work with this conflict to the point where people are protesting just to protest cuz it’s cool.
Why is it the same type of people ?

Of course these Clowns always wear those useless masks....But why aren't people being arrested or investigated for saying they are "Hamas"...they are declaring they belong to a terrorist organization and should be deemed as a threat to national security?
These protestors are a bunch of fat uneducated cans. Palestine has truly done some goated media work with this conflict to the point where people are protesting just to protest cuz it’s cool.
They read from their pamphlets they are bought for them but who is funding these riots is the question I wonder.