Conor McGregor highly influenced by "The Secret" dvd

What on earth are you even talking about? There isn't a product to sell, it's a mindset, and it's verified by pretty much every single successful person ever. Belief is powerful, someone was just smart enough to profit off spreading that belief.

Snake oil cures and flying spaghetti monsters literally has nothing to do with this topic whatsoever, and it's sad that you took this long to type that up.

Conor bless you.

Exact same deal. The products are the books and videos.

Pure superstitious snake oil bullshit 'verified' by nothing more than classic confirmation bias.
Lloyd is legit though, dude!

"While one gunman held Irvin's family hostage, another gunman directed Irvin to the the master bedroom. According to Irvin, he led the gunman toward his bedroom. Once in the bedroom, Irvin said he noticed the other gunman was far enough away down the hall to make a move to disarm the attacker in his bedroom. Irvin, an expert in Sambo defensive gun and knife techniques, was able to get ahold of the gun in the attacker's hands, first separating the clip from the gun and then removing the gun from the attacker's hands. At that point, the attacker in Irvin's room ran yelling to his accomplice that Irvin had his gun and both gunman fled the house. It's not clear what, if anything, they were able to take with them. Police were called to the scene and have launched an investigation."

thats bad fucking ass
Finally a fighter that's not riding Jesus' nuts!

Personally I am big into the whole new age universe stuff.
Finally a fighter that's not riding Jesus' nuts!

Personally I am big into the whole new age universe stuff.
I still don´t like Connor´s attitude in the weight ins even if I understand is what idiotic public want to see but I love the fact of a none religious champ who just follow positive thinking.
Good for him, but I personally believe the book negates the value of hard work. Most people read the thing and believe that if they wish to be successful and think positively, that it'll just fall into their lap.

The Secret is a joke as they left out the other piece of the pie. The movie made it seem like you can just sit on your duff and plop there goes $1 million in your lap.

As you said, it leaves out the work.

You have to do both. You have to visualize the life you want (mental/non-physical) and you have to work your ass off to get it (physical).
thats bad fucking ass

Depends how you look at it, the other guy with the gun couldve easily started blasting, couldve been crackheads or just mental cases but they could of killed em after robbing em too tho
This bullshit clearly has very real motivational benefits, but it's still bullshit.

You might as well practice Voodoo and credit your long string of KOs to the pin you stick in the chin of the doll you've made for your opponents. It would probably make a guy looser in the cage to believe that he's already beaten his opponent in the netherrealms, but that's the extent of its benefit.

Just because a fighter thanks God for his victory doesn't mean God gives a shit who wins an MMA bout; and just because a fighter credits his success with asking the universe for it doesn't mean the universe isn't a fickle bitch that has zero idea he exists.
I really dig the voodoo idea as a marketing move! That would be my schtick if I was a pro fighter. Would be even weirder since I'm about as non-carribean looking as possible! I'd do the whole deal though, bone necklace, face paint, psychobilly music for my walkout. I'd even have a witch-doctor guru in my enterouge. My cornermen would have the voodoo doll of my opponent and they'd blatantly hold its feet over a lighter while the cameraman was focused on them. "This is how we sap the enemy's cardio!"
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Looks like he has something in common with this guy:


Wrestler Ryback too was influenced by "The Secret"

The Secret - Master Key System, Mental Chemistry, Your Forces and how to use them are all Illuminati Books - books based on the Luciferian doctrine, all wisdom taken out of the Holy Bible but repackaged in a more appealing way for the reader who can not understand the words written in the Good Book.

The Bible gives us the same teachings but makes sure the reader gives praise to God the Almighty.

What these books have done is taken the Bible's teachings and switched it up a bit to make the reader believe that they too can be "Gods" this is essentially the Luciferian Doctrine to erase God from the equation and promote self/ego...this is the great deception though, the battle is not fought for the material but for the spiritual souls of men/women.

With that said ....great books -- but just remember there is a higher power and us humans are just the ants.
Lmao ive read it. Its total bullshit. People with cancer who believed they would be cured and suddenly were cured.. Yeah sure.

If you think it, it would come true. Yeah sure.
Why is that bullshit? There are plenty of documented cases of this being true. You don't think the body is capable of healing itself? You are just ignorant.
The amazing thing about Connor are his performances not his predictions. Every fighter makes about the same ones, but they often don't come true because they aren't such good fighters.

Also recall bias. People are more likely to remember his accurate descriptions than his fails. I bet you he didn't predict his two submission losses.

And about this law of attraction that's total bullshit. Of course people with a positive attitude and who work hard are more likely to achieve something. Has nothing to do with some mystical force though. Many people expect and visualize about winning the lottery. Well, it's not really possible for them all to win now is it? Same with MMA. If everyone starts practicing this technique will the law of attraction cause a plethora of draws?

Very true.

Mystic Mac said he was going to stop Siver inside two minutes but it took two rounds.
The Secret is a joke as they left out the other piece of the pie. The movie made it seem like you can just sit on your duff and plop there goes $1 million in your lap.

As you said, it leaves out the work.

You have to do both. You have to visualize the life you want (mental/non-physical) and you have to work your ass off to get it (physical).

You must've not been paying attention because the movie (not sure about the book) clearly had a section dedicated to the importance of taking persistent action to achieve your goals.
Looks like he has something in common with this guy:


Wrestler Ryback too was influenced by "The Secret"

The Secret - Master Key System, Mental Chemistry, Your Forces and how to use them are all Illuminati Books - books based on the Luciferian doctrine, all wisdom taken out of the Holy Bible but repackaged in a more appealing way for the reader who can not understand the words written in the Good Book.

The Bible gives us the same teachings but makes sure the reader gives praise to God the Almighty.

What these books have done is taken the Bible's teachings and switched it up a bit to make the reader believe that they too can be "Gods" this is essentially the Luciferian Doctrine to erase God from the equation and promote self/ego...this is the great deception though, the battle is not fought for the material but for the spiritual souls of men/women.

With that said ....great books -- but just remember there is a higher power and us humans are just the ants.

What about Psalm 82:6?

"I said, 'You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High."

That being said, I do agree that one should have faith and give gratitude to God for all of his/her blessings.
Not really what´s it´s about LOL
The book says that if you put the thought in your head, the universe will re-arrange itself to accommodate the thought in your head.

What happens to the universe if someone has an opposing thought? Who knows, that's why it's a dumb book.
Why is that bullshit? There are plenty of documented cases of this being true. You don't think the body is capable of healing itself? You are just ignorant.
well then show me some of these documented cases of people curing cancer by thinking it will go away
well then show me some of these documented cases of people curing cancer by thinking it will go away

I believe not knowing that you have cancer, is the first step to curing it by yourself
Is this any different to Yoel Romero believing God grants him victory?

Also has Conor himself said anything about this or is TS just advertising his cult?
I believe not knowing that you have cancer, is the first step to curing it by yourself
well tell that to a person who never went to the doctor when he had symptoms and when he did was told he had a few weeks to live

it's actually the worst advice you can give someone.. cancer can be cured if you act fast
depending on the type of cancer
well then show me some of these documented cases of people curing cancer by thinking it will go away

Here you go, a women in a hospital without medicine in China having her tumor dissolved through belief.

Don't criticize what you don't understand. Western medicine is only about profit. Most conditions people take medicine for are caused by emotions/ stress.
The accuracy of his predictions is down to his incredible perception, he can read other fighters movements and emotions like no other, this helps him visualize the best way to make them pay.

If you look at his fights, even though he usually finishes with the big left, he used different techniques to dismantle and create openings for his biggest weapon depending on the oppositions style.

There is, and never has been any one close to his level when it come to fight IQ.