Columbus day is now indigenous peoples day

If this change isn't going to help, why are you righties soo annoyed by it since you obvously think it is of no consequence.

How did removing 3rd Reich symbols after WW2 help Germans? How did destroying Soviet Era statues of Communist dictators in the former USSR nations help people ?
Help them in what way? The symbols are still there and in their face. There are holocaust museums everywhere. But maybe we should remove them not to hurt the next generation’s feelings, huh?
I’ve travelled eastern europe and I can tell you the relics are still there. Removing statues doesn’t undo 50 years of misery. This is Kiev but these apartment buildings are scattered all across the eastern europe.
Columbus had cast iron balls, as did his crew...
Columbus was a scumbag even by the standards of his time.
Since Columbus and Western Civ professed to be Christians, Jesus preached to treat others like you would want to be treated, so going by the words of Jesus Columbus was a despicable person.
Oh lawd. Okay mang . You’re right. Can we cancel Caesar salad and dressing? The madman has blood on his hands!
No. It's Columbus Day. This land no longer belongs to the indigenous. They lost it. It's ours now. We name the holidays. Not long dead civilizations.
Actually, it looks like you just lost the land now too. And the shitty thing is, you lost it to be a bunch of millennial libs who are destroying your monuments and you haven’t done shit to stop them
They are scum bags according to your standards of today. They were good people according to old standards. You are like the time travelling female we see in most recent movies. Medieval movies with warrior females empowered by strong and independent ideals of the modern woman. That’s not how the world works sweetie. Stick to your own timeline or you’ll end up destroying cave paintings because they look like they were made by children.

Get real. They are still good people to you. But the best part about all of this is that a bunch of soy boys are ripping down your monuments and renaming your holidays and the only thing you can do or will ever do is whine about it on the internet lol
Renaming holidays to remember a group, solely for being here first, who through inferior disease tolerances, void of technical advances and in-fighting didn't last long in terms of strength... sure makes a lot of sense to the participation trophy generation.

If you don't count the fruits and vegetables they stumbled upon, what were the meaningful contributions to America again?
If this change isn't going to help, why are you righties soo annoyed by it since you obvously think it is of no consequence.

How did removing 3rd Reich symbols after WW2 help Germans? How did destroying Soviet Era statues of Communist dictators in the former USSR nations help people ?
It didn't, but the funny thing is that Columbus didn't even set foot in North America. He just went around the Caribbean and had little to do with English colonists wanting to move to what is now Northeast USA and starting what is now the USA, more than a hundred years later.

Personally I find him to be an interesting character, he was a skillful navigator, convinced the Spanish to fund his expedition, managed to find land. He was, according to his enemies, a brutal ruler, of both natives and European settlers, but the Spanish monarchs pardoned him and he went for one last trip.
He wasn't particularly brutal for the standards of the era, look at what happened to people who opposed European rulers at Europe or Natives who opposed the Aztecs.

In the big picture, his main contribution was to encourage more Europeans to explore the Americas, otherwise, maybe, we would have the Ottomans settling here. More likely the Spaniards would move there anyhow. The fate of the natives would be pretty much the same, except they would be muslim.

As long as I still get the day off I don't care what they call it.
Help them in what way? The symbols are still there and in their face. There are holocaust museums everywhere. But maybe we should remove them not to hurt the next generation’s feelings, huh?
I’ve travelled eastern europe and I can tell you the relics are still there. Removing statues doesn’t undo 50 years of misery. This is Kiev but these apartment buildings are scattered all across the eastern europe.

The point is that the vast majority of American conservativesare not going to protest the removal of either the 3rd Reich symbols or the Soviet statues, yet a good portion of the rightwing oppose ther removal of Confederate statues and Columbus.

No claimed that with statues and symbols gone, the misery is undone. Removal of statues and symbols is to removal glorification.
It didn't, but the funny thing is that Columbus didn't even set foot in North America. He just went around the Caribbean and had little to do with English colonists wanting to move to what is now Northeast USA and starting what is now the USA, more than a hundred years later.

Personally I find him to be an interesting character, he was a skillful navigator, convinced the Spanish to fund his expedition, managed to find land. He was, according to his enemies, a brutal ruler, of both natives and European settlers, but the Spanish monarchs pardoned him and he went for one last trip.
He wasn't particularly brutal for the standards of the era, look at what happened to people who opposed European rulers at Europe or Natives who opposed the Aztecs.

In the big picture, his main contribution was to encourage more Europeans to explore the Americas, otherwise, maybe, we would have the Ottomans settling here. More likely the Spaniards would move there anyhow. The fate of the natives would be pretty much the same, except they would be muslim.
Right he didn't set foot in North America, yet soo many on the right are really peeved off at doing away with Columbus day. We have a Leif Erickson day, so why isn't that enough ?
Personally I find him to be an interesting character, he was a skillful navigator, convinced the Spanish to fund his expedition, managed to find land. He was, according to his enemies, a brutal ruler, of both natives and European settlers, but the Spanish monarchs pardoned him and he went for one last trip.
He wasn't particularly brutal for the standards of the era, look at what happened to people who opposed European rulers at Europe or Natives who opposed the Aztecs.

The unique brutality of him and his men led Bartolome de las Casas to issue a formal apology and renunciation of the enterprise due to his christian faith. He released the Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies after going to the new world as a boy and spending years there after sailing on Columbus' second voyage, then denounced the enterprise before the monarch, pushing for indigenous rights.

Nobody gave a shit because the money was flowing, but nonetheless, his life was dedicated to remediating the effects of what Columbus and his men wrought.

Right he didn't set foot in North America, yet soo many on the right are really peeved off at doing away with Columbus day. We have a Leif Erickson day, so why isn't that enough ?

You'd think the hard righties would want some blond haired, blue eyed Aryan man representing their viking heritage to have a holiday, not some spaniard guy...........
Help them in what way? The symbols are still there and in their face. There are holocaust museums everywhere. But maybe we should remove them not to hurt the next generation’s feelings, huh?
I’ve travelled eastern europe and I can tell you the relics are still there. Removing statues doesn’t undo 50 years of misery. This is Kiev but these apartment buildings are scattered all across the eastern europe.

You could put that vidoe on mute and ignore the title that has those crazy Russian letters in it and would still know it's a former Soviet country or Russia.
Oh lawd. Okay mang . You’re right. Can we cancel Caesar salad and dressing? The madman has blood on his hands!
No one is actually glorifying Caesar the person by having Caesar salad. Caesar is also ancient history , and there isn't a direct link from Caesar to some contemporary persecuted group, but Native Americans still exist and Columbus symbolizes the genocide and suffering they underwent.
Right he didn't set foot in North America, yet soo many on the right are really peeved off at doing away with Columbus day. We have a Leif Erickson day, so why isn't that enough ?
Cause only crazy fucks in Michigan and Minnesota celebrate that.

Frankly, I was stunned when I found out people got Columbus Day off.

In Utah we get Pioneer Day at the end of July, supposedly to commemorate when the first caravans made it over the Wasatch and settled the area. Utah likes to conveniently leave out the part where they FUCKING MASSACRED ALL THE NATIVES out here.

You could put that vidoe on mute and ignore the title that has those crazy Russian letters in it and would still know it's a former Soviet country or Russia.

LOL. Like

But but Bidenbros told me the statues were removed and it helped the russians