Christian Bale or Edward Norton - Who's the better actor?

Who's the better actor?

  • Christian Bale

  • Edward Norton

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Too close to call, imho.

That's like trying to figure out who is better between prime Big Nog, & prime Crocop.

Which I guess means, if Norton cheats & grabs the ropes, maybe he can get an armbar on Bale.
I would say Norton when he gets a good role, probem is that doesn't happen often enough and in average roles he can end up being bland.
Tough choice but Norton's performance in Birdman was nothing short of masterful and is imo one of the greatest acting jobs in the history of cinema .
Fight Club
American History X
25th hour


The Machinist
American psycho
The fighter

I believe Bale is slightly better as an actor, and he sacrificed more for his role.
He has more good quality movies, although Norton has 3 of the best...
When Norton weighs less than 100 lbs for a role and then bulks up a few months later to play Batman, let me know.

Bale >
considering Norton has been mailing it in since Italian Job, it's clearly Bale

Primal Fear was a tremendous performance tho
I'd go with Ed Norton.
I liked Bale in American Psycho, but that movie had brilliant script to fall back on. Liked him in The Fighter, too, but I wouldn't consider either role seminal.

Ed Norton impacted the entire industry with his acting style in American History X and 25th Hour, and he was awesome in Fight Club. And he's been taking roles all across the spectrum.

That being said, I haven't seen either guy do much out of the ordinary the last decade or so. Guess Bale might be fresher in that respect- at least his claim to fame isn't based on a span of three years around the Y2K mark.
Bale, because somehow someway he manages to get ahead of his lisp and Norton just can't. Plus Norton just threw his 30s into the garbage while Bale gained steam in a big way.
When Norton weighs less than 100 lbs for a role and then bulks up a few months later to play Batman, let me know.

Bale >

Lol, no offense, but this is such an MMA forum response. Acting isn’t a strongman competition, or a weight loss challenge. If it is, then Anthony Rumble Johnson >>>>> Daniel Day-Lewis.
Lol, no offense, but this is such an MMA forum response. Acting isn’t a strongman competition, or a weight loss challenge. If it is, then Anthony Rumble Johnson >>>>> Daniel Day-Lewis.

Then I'm at the right place. So comparing an MMA fighter to an actor is the logical response?
Bale is a methodical actor and a notch better than Norton. That was the purpose of the example I provided with the Machinst and Batman.
Bale easily.
Lol, no offense, but this is such an MMA forum response. Acting isn’t a strongman competition, or a weight loss challenge. If it is, then Anthony Rumble Johnson >>>>> Daniel Day-Lewis.

But you got to say what Bale achieved physically in The Machinist is nothing short of extraordinary. And than bulking up in matter of months to play Batman is quite a method acting achievement imo.
When they were both younger, Ed Norton. Primal Fear, American History X, and Fight Club were iconic roles

I believe Bale has been the more consistent of the two these last 15 years or so.
Ill give this to norton simply because of fight club