Chick schools some dude in BJJ



What's up sherdoggers, I'm from Paragon BJJ and we just recently came back from a Houston tournament, we all did good but the one of us that really stood out was our 17 year old female competitor Rachelle... she got first in the women's gi and no gi division, but what really caught people's eyes was the fact that she schooled some dude in the men's division.

Check this shit out....
Everyone has to know what that dude was thinking..... "I just got beat by a chick!" hahaha
Thats not a huge surprise to me there are some women who are great at grappling.
Link doesn't work. How long has she been training?
when i was in high school wrestling, i had to wrestle some state champion's sister.. she was at 103 weigt class.. THANK GOD i beat her at the first period.
cradle234 said:
when i was in high school wrestling, i had to wrestle some state champion's sister.. she was at 103 weigt class.. THANK GOD i beat her at the first period.

I remember that match...that match got more applause and attention than any of the pro matches that day.
that's really good comsidering that she's only been training for only an year
thats my team mate Rachelle she is one TOUGH girl... also the guy who posted it is one bad mo fo as well

congrats to both of them for winning t his past weekend

Paragon BJJ !!!!!11
impressive. scarring a guy for life... nice job though.