CFB Playoff Discussion v4

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in my experience college rugby parties are some of the wildest things on campus. I guess you have to be a bit nutty to want to play that sport.
Yes our "socials" can get a little ridiculous. I'm just glad I haven't had to drink out of my cleat yet.
in my experience college rugby parties are some of the wildest things on campus. I guess you have to be a bit nutty to want to play that sport.

Ohio U's Marching 110 parties were amazing.
BF, I will reply to your PM when I have more time, so probably tomorrow. I will send you some resources that you can look into.
HEY, KY has Highlands and Louisville Trinity.

The rest can't compare to Ohio HS football though.

Those teams would get crushed by the best teams in Ohio. Moeller/St X would steamroll them.

Northwestern is in Evanston. You are looking at an hour to get to the Loop by subway(train).

You guys should look at the University of Chicago. It's one of the great universities in the world and they built a brand new business school right downtown.

You think a guy that burnt himself making fishsticks could get into Booth? C'mon man.
Oh, and TDR the White House is covered pretty extensively in Boys Will be Boys by Jeff Pearlman.
Yes our "socials" can get a little ridiculous. I'm just glad I haven't had to drink out of my cleat yet.

At Auburn after you score your first try you have to pull a naked lap at the next party.
like the band?


Yes. I've never seen so much liquor at a college party in my life. The rugby house at Ohio U is one of the biggest shitholes I've ever seen in my life, and I probably lived in the second biggest shithole there (for a year, it was a Frat house)

cardale da cook
At Auburn after you score your first try you have to pull a naked lap at the next party.

First try here is drink a beer from the biggest shoe on the team

Naked lap is reserved for being skunked in BP
And what if you refuse to drink from someone's shoe?
Oh shit, Ohio State may have covered up failed drug tests for Cardale and Elliot!
I'm sure there is some equally vile thing. I'm a prop so I doubt I'll score a try anyway
You think a guy that burnt himself making fishsticks could get into Booth? C'mon man.

Milton Friedman, burnt fish stick guy ... you're right -- there is something wrong about that.
I once went to a chick rugby party with some other runners from the XC team. I was more than a little concerned about getting roofied and taken advantage of by husky woman.
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NDSU takes the lead!
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