International 'Cerberus' Heatwave Threatens to Break Records in Southern Europe

So, looking at the daily hottest temperatures, 21 out 30 occurred in the last 15 years. You're totally right, no trend there just normal fluctuations.
Look at those numbers in the 40s bro!

You have no data set to understand fluctuations dipshit, you're using 80 years of information.
I can only imagine the bags under @dirtypablo's eyes as he gets 1 hour of sleep a night, petrified of impending planetary collapse.....

You need help mate. A lot of your colleagues as well.
Look at those numbers in the 40s bro!

You have no data set to understand fluctuations dipshit, you're using 80 years of information.

Yes, there was clearly a heatwave in the year 1940.

I have no data set? What are you talking about? You posted some data. The daily temperature records for a location for the last 87 years. The majority of the daily highs occurred within the last 15 years.
Yes, there was clearly a heatwave in the year 1940.

I have no data set? What are you talking about? You posted some data. The daily temperature records for a location for the last 87 years. The majority of the daily highs occurred within the last 15 years.
That's nice, all superficial conclusions. In a system that fluctuates.

Your problem is how much you want to attribute to man. You're nuts.
That's nice, all superficial conclusions. In a system that fluctuates.

Your problem is how much you want to attribute to man. You're nuts.

How much do you attribute to man? And how did you come up with that number? Pull it out of your ass?

Your problem is that you're a moron who doesn't understand the topic, but you're too stupid to realize how little you know.
How much do you attribute to man? And how did you come up with that number? Pull it out of your ass?

Your problem is that you're a moron who doesn't understand the topic, but you're too stupid to realize how little you know.
The part you don't want to address is that even if the models and predictions are showing truths, the doomsday results are not. So why are we at 11:59 again DP?
That's nice, all superficial conclusions. In a system that fluctuates.

Your problem is how much you want to attribute to man. You're nuts.

It's funny, because as a kid I used to say "but how do we know it's man made and not a natural cycle", and my father used to say we don't.

Now he says it's all a scam and we somehow do know.

He's right-leaning.

Crazy how we found that out in my lifetime, let alone his.

Some dork on here showed a graph that showed the many spikes in temperature that supposedly happened over time. He neither decried that data as totally unreliable, nor acknowledged the current spike seems to be way more severe than the previous ones - even on a graph that tries to hide that fact.

I wish I could reproduce that dork's graph.
It's funny, because as a kid I used to say "but how do we know it's man made and not a natural cycle", and my father used to say we don't.

Now he says it's all a scam and we somehow do know.

He's right-leaning.

Crazy how we found that out in my lifetime, let alone his.

Some dork on here showed a graph that showed the many spikes in temperature that supposedly happened over time. He neither decried that data as totally unreliable, nor acknowledged the current spike seems to be way more severe than the previous ones - even on a graph that tries to hide that fact.

I wish I could reproduce that dork's graph.
But where are the catastrophes amigo? Yes the earth is increasing in temperature, and yes the activity of man is undoubtedly assisting in that increase. But this temperature shift out a glacial maximum has been what has provided the ability for us to thrive at all. And the dorks talking about 1-2 degrees want you to believe fiery infernos are a minute away?

Get real.
Global warming or temperatures isn't the issue. Pollution is the issue that most closely affects us all and will have the gravest consequences on future generations. It already is. Cancer rates skyrocketing everywhere. That ain't from CO2 or a slight rise in average temps.
Friends in Vegas say it's sweltering right now and will only get hotter. He said they could see 100 degrees at midnight. Some places could see highs of 120 or above. People need to move underground.














Phx and vegas get around 105 -110 during summer . lol . The propaganda is real . A few years ago when of the times I was in Vegas for Conor fight it was 120 the day he fought.
I grew up in AZ and been to Vegas over 50 times
Friends in Vegas say it's sweltering right now and will only get hotter. He said they could see 100 degrees at midnight. Some places could see highs of 120 or above. People need to move underground.

Las Vegas is in the desert.
But where are the catastrophes amigo? Yes the earth is increasing in temperature, and yes the activity of man is undoubtedly assisting in that increase. But this temperature shift out a glacial maximum has been what has provided the ability for us to thrive at all. And the dorks talking about 1-2 degrees want you to believe fiery infernos are a minute away?

Get real.

Well I mean I don't believe that.

I believe that the spikes and falls as we generally accept them have been very dramatic and part of a larger pattern - and turning that drama up and creating an out-of-turn spike is an obviously extremely worrying concept for all of us.

Now if nobody had any money to make from any of this, and that goes for both left/right, yes/no politics, what would you honestly rather do?

Take a fucking risk because supposedly "normal" and "not that bad" or maybe try to rein it all in?

I honestly can't fathom how any honest human being cannot say "Let's give green a try" at this point in time, it's definitely not the more monetized system compared to gas and fucking oil, who have held the cards for the last century and more. The motivation for continuing with fossil fuels is literally old rich families and shitty governments who got rich off the stuff saying "no, no, don't believe that", and that's not at all convincing or subtle.
Global warming or temperatures isn't the issue. Pollution is the issue that most closely affects us all and will have the gravest consequences on future generations. It already is. Cancer rates skyrocketing everywhere. That ain't from CO2 or a slight rise in average temps.
Yep. Polluting the atmosphere with co2 by burning fossil fuels and polluting the environment and the bodies of every living being with plastic created from fossil fuels.
In other words, you have no idea how much humans have effected it.
Neither do you. And even if we did, so what? 2 degrees? Your panic is completely unfounded. You have no understanding of nature and the ability for things to adapt. You also clearly don't understand that 99.9% of all life that has ever existed on earth has been driven extinct by extreme climate change or cosmic influence that had nothing to do with mankind.

Yep. Polluting the atmosphere with co2 by burning fossil fuels and polluting the environment and the bodies of every living being with plastic created from fossil fuels.

Plastic, now you're onto the right topic.