Cat saves boy from dog attack

meh... not dog

Goddammit, Jack Bauer. You really are the man.
But my son can do almost anything and that cat doesn't so much as complain about it.
He'll rest his head on her while she's laying down and she'll just deal with it.
She's pretty protective of him too.

I have 2 cats and 2 kids and can attest to this. Something I never expected honestly. But if someone comes over and brings their dog my cats disappear.
I have 2 cats and 2 kids and can attest to this. Something I never expected honestly. But if someone comes over and brings their dog my cats disappear.

My cat will put up with (ignore) dogs and any other animal.
But she hates other cats. She was a rescue and the place I got her from she was crammed into tight confines with other cats. So maybe that's where her hate for all things feline springs from.
I own cats and I doubt the cat actually did it consciously thinking of saving the kid. Alpha cat was pissed that another animal was on his turf and took it personal.

Still alpha though. Maybe even more so. Like an anti-hero.

Well, cats think their owners are property.
Fuckin ridiculous. Dog attacks a kid and starts dragging him. Most wild animals wouldn't do that. Owner should be brought up on charges for sure.
I have a cat and a child (going on 2)....
my cat hates everyone except for me. And she puts up with my wife.
Other people she'll go Larvell Jones on if they try to pet her.

But my son can do almost anything and that cat doesn't so much as complain about it.
He'll rest his head on her while she's laying down and she'll just deal with it.
She's pretty protective of him too.

So it could be more than just "yo dog.... this is my crib!"

We also used to have cats that were pretty shy or even pissed off at strangers their entire lives. When my little bro was a little kid he would also do totally unthinkable things to them and they tolerated it. Using them as pillows, grabbing their hair. The cats even looked pissed off, but never did anything or even run away.
Yea cats are bad ass.

It is known.
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that pitbull was not game.

I've had pitbulls of all kinds. That didn't look like any pitbull I've ever seen.

But as the media dictates..if it's a dog attack it MUST be a pitbull. Rinse..Repeat..Dirty Laundry!

Not a cat lover but I approve THAT cat video.