Carnal and the deleted sticky

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Created Monkey
Jul 24, 2003
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CarnalSalvation said:
This board doesn't deserve the effort I put in.

Fucking pussy, drama queen and girly man.

I think the value of his works are greater than the value of the man himself. This thread was a great introduction to lifting and also a great place to come back for motivation. I'm also pretty sure some members here have saved the article to their hard drives, so I'm asking if they are willing to post it back, so we could restickify this. I think the value of the post justifies this. If you think this would be a lack of respect, let me ask you for what do we respect a man? Answer: For what he does. This would not be lack of respect, but proof of it.

'Of what consequence are you, Zarathustra? Speak your teaching and break!' Nietzsche, Thus spake Zarathustra, The stillest hour.
Fuck man write your own fucking stuff. Fucking pussy.
Good to hear you think im such a good writer. I didn't think so highly of myself.
My point is: I could use this post and many other people could use this post. It was good. Now, ONE person commented negatively (as to how it could be even better) on it and Carnal said the WHOLE board doesn't deserve him. That's emotivo-girly bullshit. If the man leaves, at least preserve the wisdom.
I wonder why he only deleted that post. His grip training posts are still there.
NoSkill, I don't buy any of your justifications of reposting that treatise. You praise an artist if you steal his works, of course, but you're still a thief. If you're so interested in avoiding pussydom, why don't you just quiet down and take the loss?

None of us wanted Carnal to go; many of us no doubt disapprove of the way he left and what he took with him. I'm sure we'd all agree that, if he never returns, the board will suffer. But none of those things permit us to go about restoring part of his contributions in such an underhanded way.
too much work.

seriously, his antics are getting on my nerves. most of the time his posts have no value, theyre just some dumb bullshit. the good stuff he does post, is limited in nature and his concept of any sort of training theory is virtually nonexixtent. if jarfi and james smith posted more, this board would have a lot more useful information. carnal if youre out there, quit whining and get back on the board.
He took it off so people would ask for it back.
why did he gets his dubs?

i noticed as soon as he got them removed he quickly erased his posts and left

any details on what went down?
Noskill said:
Fucking pussy, drama queen and girly man.

I think the value of his works are greater than the value of the man himself. This thread was a great introduction to lifting and also a great place to come back for motivation. I'm also pretty sure some members here have saved the article to their hard drives, so I'm asking if they are willing to post it back, so we could restickify this. I think the value of the post justifies this. If you think this would be a lack of respect, let me ask you for what do we respect a man? Answer: For what he does. This would not be lack of respect, but proof of it.

'Of what consequence are you, Zarathustra? Speak your teaching and break!' Nietzsche, Thus spake Zarathustra, The stillest hour.

This is a fucking internet message board. He posted something, he can do what he likes with it. It was a good post and a good thread, I benefited from reading it, and from the sounds of things, so did alot of other posters, but he can do whatever he likes with it. It would be fucking rude for someone to repost it after he decided to take it down. I really don't like throwing around terms like "intellectual property" but as long as a post falls within the set guidelines we all have to abide by in order to use this site, and as long as each poster has access to the edit function, they should be free to do whatever they want with any post they make. Certain posters might have a little more to contribute than others, but what they choose to do from there really isn't anybody's business. This is just a fucking internet forum. Nobody owes anyone anything.
it sucks that he left or whatnot, but its not like its the end of the fucking world. sherdog aint the only place that can provide information on training and apparently some ppl have lost sight of that.
morganfreeman said:
This is just a fucking internet forum.

Took the words right out of my mouth. I like Carnal and I like most of the shit he posts but if he's gone, well he's gone. It's not like I'm gonna sit at the edge of my bed hugging a pillow praying to god that he'll return.
I feel like i'm at his wake or something. I liked Carnal but man if your gonna dish it out and be out there, gotta be able to take it.

Anyway Carnal-Good luck bro. Smoke w--d, eat cornbeef hash, and raise hell...
FCFighter316 said:
ah so much to explain to you idiots and i dont want to quote everyone.

The board WAS/IS suffering even when he was here, people just wouldnt fucking listen and kept on starting threads on stupid shit like 'how much should i weigh' 'how can my chest get big' all the shit Urban would have to yell at people about and repeat "Read the stickies rar rar' hes just really patient for reasons i cant even comprehend!

IMHO and his, People dont even deserve the knowledge and wisdom he shared on here, so he left. I mean why the fuck wasn't he a mod if he knew the most? Yet he gets dubbs so he cant share knowledge! So this is more of a message to Sherdog. Show some fucking respect you ungrateful bastards

hes changed my whole fucking life, i can now get beautiful girls, participate in sports i love, and everyone respects me because of the way I look/have changed

this is the only thread you guys need to be concerned about right now because you've all seemed to have ignored it and here we are

My God, FC, shut up for a second. Or at least just listen to yourself. You sound like a fucking tool. I've been thinking about this for a while, but I wasn't going to say anything. Not up until you decided to take it upon yourself to scold everyone on this forum.

But I think you're the one who acts like a gigantic :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: sometimes. I'll tell you the difference between you and Carnal, alright? And I want you to listen up:

You are weak. Carnal is strong.

People listen to Carnal; people respect Carnal; people are obviously going to miss Carnal if he stays gone. But what people don't need is some third-rate, cheap imitation of Carnal running around on these boards acting like a fucking idiot.

When Carnal called folks :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:s or idiots or whatever, people tended to let it slide. Most importantly because he offered--along with his invectives--a magnificent outlook on the iron game. He gave out information folks can bank on if they're trying to lift heavy weights. Folks also let it slide because they knew that Carnal could walk the walk. He squats seven hundred pounds. It's easier to take being called a girly man by someone who most definitely isn't one.

But when you come in here calling people queers and morons and whatnot, all I can think is, "Who the fuck is this kid? He's not stronger than me." Not to mention you're scolding folks on this board who are stronger than both of us combined. And you definitely don't know jack about the weightlifting world. I don't either. Niether of us have been at it long enough. But the one thing that I know that you don't is that I don't know.

Fucking show some respect. Quit posturing like you're some perfect CarnalSalvation acolyte and you have seen the way, the truth, and the light in weightlifting. You're nobody and you know nothing. Nobody wants to hear your shit.

You're not the only one who listens to Carnal. You're not the only one Carnal has helped out. You have no right to this kind of righteous indignation bullshit you're spewing all over the place. God.

Don't act like we've somehow scared Carnal off by not listening to what he says. I'm pretty sure I've taken to heart more of Carnal's wisdom than you have, mainly because Carnal's against weak little kids like you and me telling stronger folks (like most the regulars here) how to lift weights. Seriously, knock that shit off.
My God, FC, shut up for a second. Or at least just listen to yourself. You sound like a fucking tool. I've been thinking about this for a while, but I wasn't going to say anything. Not up until you decided to take it upon yourself to scold everyone on this forum.

But I think you're the one who acts like a gigantic :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: sometimes. I'll tell you the difference between you and Carnal, alright? And I want you to listen up:

You are weak. Carnal is strong.

People listen to Carnal; people respect Carnal; people are obviously going to miss Carnal if he stays gone. But what people don't need is some third-rate, cheap imitation of Carnal running around on these boards acting like a fucking idiot.

When Carnal called folks :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:s or idiots or whatever, people tended to let it slide. Most importantly because he offered--along with his invectives--a magnificent outlook on the iron game. He gave out information folks can bank on if they're trying to lift heavy weights. Folks also let it slide because they knew that Carnal could walk the walk. He squats seven hundred pounds. It's easier to take being called a girly man by someone who most definitely isn't one.

But when you come in here calling people queers and morons and whatnot, all I can think is, "Who the fuck is this kid? He's not stronger than me." Not to mention you're scolding folks on this board who are stronger than both of us combined. And you definitely don't know jack about the weightlifting world. I don't either. Niether of us have been at it long enough. But the one thing that I know that you don't is that I don't know.

Fucking show some respect. Quit posturing like you're some perfect CarnalSalvation acolyte and you have seen the way, the truth, and the light in weightlifting. You're nobody and you know nothing. Nobody wants to hear your shit.

You're not the only one who listens to Carnal. You're not the only one Carnal has helped out. You have no right to this kind of righteous indignation bullshit you're spewing all over the place. God.

Don't act like we've somehow scared Carnal off by not listening to what he says. I'm pretty sure I've taken to heart more of Carnal's wisdom than you have, mainly because Carnal's against weak little kids like you and me telling stronger folks (like most the regulars here) how to lift weights. Seriously, knock that shit off.

FC didn't warrant this post.

How is FC being weaker than Carnal relevant to anything.

Half of your post was just worthless rambling and ranting.
And if Carnal wanted to get out, that's his business.

I don't know what got into his ass though?
FCFighter316 said:
(i edited that post Alon)
HAHAHAHA I didn't realise, fair enough then, I thought it was a bit out of place.
Ted-P, the fact that Carnal is worlds stronger than FC matters a lot. Let me explain why:

1) Carnal hates it when "undersized, weak :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:s" try to talk about weightlifting shit that they obviously don't understand.

2) FC would be, by Carnal's definition, an "undersized, weak :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:."

3) FC likes to think of himself as Carnal's poster-boy lifter

4) FC goes around bitching about how the rest of this board obviously doesn't understand weightlifting and that's what drove Carnal off.

Do you see the disconnect between #3 and #4? That's why it matters.

Now I've spent the last hour or so writing an English paper, and I've cooled off. Reading FC's response kind of embarassed me because he seemed so laid back about my vicious attacks on him. So I'm willing to agree that he is not a gigantic :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:. However, I am right about this matter, and, although I now think it's probably just honest, well-meaning immaturity which drove FC to attack everyone else on the board rather than toolishness or idiocy, I do think he needs to cool it.

So, yeah, my ramblings weren't worthless or disconnected from the matter at hand; they weren't incorrect per se; but they were out of line. I apologize, FC and anyone else I may have offended.

I also think it's funny in that training log thread how Alon comes to SKD's aid. The guys with Olympic lifters in their sigs are a pretty tight bunch, I think. ;)
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