International Canadian Parliament Gave a Standing ovation To Someone Who Fought With Nazis

I believe you're right on this.

Also, what the fuck, why aren't Italians hated the world over for their Nazi-siding Fascism if what happened 80 years ago matters so much? Spaniards, too?

Pretending Ukrainians need to be hated all of a sudden is ridiculous.

These idiots hate the Japanese, who were possibly the worst offenders outside of Nazi Germany?

I haven't seen anyone say you need to 'hate' Ukraine.

I see posters trying to educate people like you on the reality of their role in WW2 and the remaining Nazi elements of their society and military.
Wising up to the shaming tactics that's got us not acting in our best interests and fighting for the sake of fighting. From Ukraine to election interference to immigration to kids in schools to our natural resources. People are finally landing on the right sides of these issues

Our next PM and CPC have been strong in their support of Ukraine. Trudeau is cooked but nothing will change. Trolls try to paint it like he's the only reason we support a land that a great many of our families came from and have connections to. It ain't. So feel free to gtfo of Canada if you don't like who our parliament unanimously supports.

So you're Ukrainian?
So these were the good Nazis?!


If all people who fought on the Axis side is a war criminal, does that applies to all people who fought on Stalin side? who btw was allied with fucking Adolph Hitler to tag team Eastern Europe?

Russians want people to ignore that side of history so badly.

The speaker is falling on the sword for this. In sure he'll end up with a nice cozy Senate seat one day down the line. Lmao at the Liberal party of all people asking people not to "politicize" their latest shameful act.

The speaker is falling on the sword for this. In sure he'll end up with a nice cozy Senate seat one day down the line. Lmao at the Liberal party of all people asking people not to "politicize" their latest shameful act.

I think conservatives have to tell themselves "Do unto others as they would do unto you", and then remind themselves what the Liberals would be doing unto them, if they were caught celebrating a guy who fought for the Nazis, in Parliament no less. Pretty sure not too long ago, Mr Trudeau was accusing conservatives of "standing with Nazis" because they supported the trucker protests, where one obvious plant waved a Nazi flag around for a few minutes, and was never to be seen or heard from again.

Conservatives should be giving them a nice dry ass fucking over this, every single chance they get.
Holy shit, I wish I had a video clip of what I just saw on the local news. They had a guest political specialist on the show to discuss the situation and he said, and I quote, "well, the Nazis were allied with the Soviets at the time so he was actually one of the good guys despite being in the SS". I have no fucking words.
I think conservatives have to tell themselves "Do unto others as they would do unto you", and then remind themselves what the Liberals would be doing unto them, if they were caught celebrating a guy who fought for the Nazis, in Parliament no less. Pretty sure not too long ago, Mr Trudeau was accusing conservatives of "standing with Nazis" because they supported the trucker protests, where one obvious plant waved a Nazi flag around for a few minutes, and was never to be seen or heard from again.

Conservatives should be giving them a nice dry ass fucking over this, every single chance they get.

Andrew Scheer tweeted out a message of condolences for the NZ mosque shooting that said "worshippers" instead of Muslims and the Liberal party and their media organs had a field day accusing him of being a hateful Islamophobe. There have been mass shootings in the US where Liberal MPs and their propagandists have barely been able to hide their glee in a rush to use it to push their domestic gun control agenda as well as try to connect the Canadian Conservative party to the latest American tragedy. Politics is long past any point of civility or "loyal opposition" or any of that horseshit. They're all a bunch of cynical, opportunistic scumbags and there's no point pretending otherwise at this point - the Conservatives should milk this for all it's worth.
Canada is the biggest joke all around and anyone defending this incident as a simple 'oops our bad but also whatabout' crap is a lost cause and deserves the shit sandwich that's coming to them

Embarrassing and shameful to even try and excuse this buffoonery.
I think conservatives have to tell themselves "Do unto others as they would do unto you", and then remind themselves what the Liberals would be doing unto them, if they were caught celebrating a guy who fought for the Nazis, in Parliament no less. Pretty sure not too long ago, Mr Trudeau was accusing conservatives of "standing with Nazis" because they supported the trucker protests, where one obvious plant waved a Nazi flag around for a few minutes, and was never to be seen or heard from again.

Conservatives should be giving them a nice dry ass fucking over this, every single chance they get.
Excuse my interjectin, but did Pierre Pollievre stand and applaud Yaroslav Hunka with the rest? If so, he might want to keep quiet and let others be outraged at Justin Trudeau.
If all people who fought on the Axis side is a war criminal, does that applies to all people who fought on Stalin side? who btw was allied with fucking Adolph Hitler to tag team Eastern Europe?

Russians want people to ignore that side of history so badly.

The SS was not the average German soldier

Zelensky brought this guy because he fought Russians in WWII... but he had a woeful lack of self awareness of what this guy's divisions did in WWII. And Ukraine's role in WWII

"The division did destroy several Polish communities in western Ukraine during the winter and spring of 1944.[41] Specifically, the 4th and 5th SS Police Regiments have been accused of murdering Polish civilians in the course of anti-guerilla activity. At the time of their actions, those units were not yet under Divisional command, but were under German police command.[42] Yale historian Timothy Snyder noted that the division's role in the Massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia was limited, because the murders were primarily carried out by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army.

In a speech to the soldiers of the 1st Galician division, Heinrich Himmler stated:

Your homeland has become so much more beautiful since you have lost – on our initiative, I must say – those residents who were so often a dirty blemish on Galicia's good name, namely the Jews ... I know that if I ordered you to liquidate the Poles ... I would be giving you permission to do what you are eager to do anyway.[43]"

Either with Russia or Germany in WWII... it was ugly in Ukraine for Jews
The truth is, of course, that Ukraine in the ’30s and ’40s of the 20th century was a bloodland for Jews.

Soviet Ukraine, or Ukraine Sovietized, or, more precisely, Ukraine buffeted between Sovietism and Hitlerism, was one of the theaters of the Shoah by bullets, with, counting just the ravines of Babi Yar, 33,771 Jewish men, women, and children forced to dig the pits where their warm corpses would be piled, still shivering, not quite dead.
The SS was not the average German soldier.

This was not "The SS" that were formed before the war with pure Aryans who were ideologically committed to the cause.

When the Germans were losing the war they tasked the SS to recruit and conscript non-Germans as manpower.

These were the equivalent of the foreign legion and had people from all backgrounds, you had Arabs, Slavs, Indians, Spanish etc, etc.

Even your occassional African

Bro, what. You scrolled through all 22 pictures, found them clapping for a 98 year old Ukranian immigrant, and got offended because he fought for a Ukrainian unit used to defend Ukraine from the Bolsheviks during WW2? Bolsheviks who just killed 1/8th of the people in the Ukraine during a genocide 10 years earlier? It's not like this guy was a guard at a concentration camp or something.

Looks like he's active in rallying support for Ukraine. Seems like he's in great shape for 98. Good for him. Not sure what the problem is here.

I mean, that's understandable.
The revisionism around Bandera, who did ethnical cleansings against Polish people in Western Ukraine is responsable for the death of at least 100,000 of them, well that's something else...

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