can you spot the pattern here?

You could look at it like Herb Dean is considered the top ref in the game, and they want him reffing the biggest fights. That would make sense why the Athletic Commissions would pick Herb.

If Herb Dean is somehow involved in fixing fights, then the Athletic Commissions would have to be involved as well, since they are the ones assigning referees.
You really got the UFC that they let Alex KO Jiri again by having Herb ref him instead of Goddard did like last time.
Cool subject change after I point out, over a large random data sample, that your company more than doubles the likelihood Herb is ref whenever they have an interest in who wins the fight. Got any other distractions you want to use for viewers of this thread?
Herb's one of the OG's, & has risen to the top. Despite his many questionable callz...


...he gives confidence to commissions that hire him... to make sure that he refs their most important event. (the main... especially a high profile main)

It reminds me of business in general... you can't hire a newer guy who you feel will do a better job because if he makes the same mistake the veteran will... then it's your neck on teh chopping block. If you hire the guy who has the most credentials then you are safe... & it's him... the "best choice on paper" ...that failed.

Like it or hate it... that is the way business is done. Politics as well.
Cool subject change after I point out, over a large random data sample, that your company more than doubles the likelihood Herb is ref whenever they have an interest in who wins the fight. Got any other distractions you want to use for viewers of this thread?
I do actually.

Why did you flag when Herb reffed these supposed guys but not when he didn't? As already mentioned, Goddard reffed Pereira/Jiri 1 but you didn't mark Pereira as a "clear favourite" there like you did with his other Herb fights like Pereira/Jiri 2. In fact you did the same with Izzy and his fights. Big lol at the double standard you're actively employing.

Why did you leave out other clear favourites like Islam? Was it because he had Goddard and Peterson for his refs and not Herb?

Your thread is cherrypicked shit.
Updated brother. Check out the second post / looks pretty damning. Took some time for me to make that edit since I've been busy with work, but hey, it is a statistically valid point and I do what the people of Sherdog want.
Well you definitely put in the time to do the research.

Now I'm curious to see who refs the Jones/Stipe fight.
Ufc fans are probably the most gullible sports fan base out there.

  1. "PRIDE was corrupt! The owners had yakuza ties" when the fertitas, a billionaire mob family, ran the ufc.

2. No ufc fighter who passes the drug test has ever been on steroids!" This one is pretty self explanatory, I remember when frank Mir gained 30lbs of lean muscle in 5 months between the second Lesnar fight and the carwin fight, there are too many examples to list.

3. "Athletic prime is 35" this one isn't as prevalent as it used to be, but man, when randy "the natty" was still around beating world class guys in his mid 40's it got beyond ridiculous. Anyone who has played any contact sport knows that 30 is universally seen as the beginning of the end for 98% of professional athletes, only the truly elite can continue to produce at the same rate into their mid 30's. This is just common sense, for reference randy STARTED fighting professionally at 35.

4. "UFC fights can't be fixed" just look at Ken shamrock diving before rich even hit him in the main event of the TUF finale. Conor breaking almost every single rule against khabib, while herb just watches like a spectator. Conor vs cowboy... they get in a standing clinch and cowboy just holds Conor, doesn't actively defend himself at all, and gets fucked up by shoulder strikes in a standing clinch, the first time this has ever happened in a fight.

But sure, nothing to see here.
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Been saying this for years. When the UFC wants a certain outcome they send in Herb to stack the deck. The fight that stands out for me was Ronda when she got absolutely starched by Holly. In that fight he just started blankly while Holly pummeled her lifeless body before finally and reluctantly calling off the fight. You know he would have ended the fight in Ronda's favor in an instant at the slightest opportunity.
You could look at it like Herb Dean is considered the top ref in the game, and they want him reffing the biggest fights. That would make sense why the Athletic Commissions would pick Herb.

If Herb Dean is somehow involved in fixing fights, then the Athletic Commissions would have to be involved as well, since they are the ones assigning referees.
It's pretty naive to think the UFC doesn't have some influence over the commissions.