Can I get your guys opinion on something?


Oct 15, 2006
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Now obviously this happened a little while ago since there is snow on the ground now but its been on my mind and I want to get your guys' opinions on what's going on here.

This occurred at one of the neighbours houses down the street. So anyway it was probably 11pm or maybe getting close to midnight. It was dark out anyway. Now the husband and wife were chilling in the living room and their teenage son was upstairs in his bedroom (I assume). The wife decides to head to bed and the husband stays up watching some show on TV. I think it was one of those reality-show/documentaries but I'm not sure, I couldn't see it well.

Anyway after 15 or 20 minutes the wife turns the lights off in the bedroom, and I guess the show wrapped up around the same time because the husband went up to bed as well. I was getting ready to head back home when I noticed something on their back porch. I was surprised to see a lighter flickering in the dark. Now I couldn't see for sure because of the hedges but I could faintly smell marijuana, and I think their son snuck out after they went to bed and was smoking dope!

What I want to know from you sherdoggers is if I should let them know that their son is using drugs? I mean it will be very awkward to bring it up with them (obviously) but is this drug issue more important than that? What do you guys think?
Next time try to look in all the windows of your neighbor's house before you make damning accusations about them, FFS.
How bout you mind your own business and stop watching the neighbours?
Personally, I wouldn't care. If they aren't snorting coke, injecting heroin, or swallowing eccies, as though they're Skittles, I've no reason for concern.

Besides, it doesn't sound like you're certain it's even their kid, and if they're even smoking weed.
Get some evidence first.
Look around the hedges for dirty pot needles.
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Sorry man but that would be kind of a gay narc thing to do. His natural plant isn't harming you or anyone else.
Just blackmail him into giving you all of his drugs.
First of all it's none of your business. Secondly are you sure it wasn't the father/husband and he didn't go u to be when he shut off the lights but went out back for a smoke?
Yes it is a tough one I know. But if the some is experimenting with drugs I feel I might have a Moral obligation to say something. I know many people will say it is 'just marijuana' but all drug addicts start with 'just marijuana'.

Although on the other hand this is the first time I've noticed anything like this with this particular family so maybe it is not worth making a deal about.
Before you talk to them, be sure to film them eating dinner.
Did not read. But kill the kid.
I'd mind your own business. Besides it's 2016, shit's legal in like six states now.

If he was shooting up or something, maybe say something.
Cannabis can trigger schizophrenia, so allthough its considered a light drug, its still a concern.
I would probably talk to the kid 1st, instead of telling his father.
Imo its the kid´s decision if/when to tell his parents.

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