Can a manlet be an A level athlete?

Take this shit back to body building forum PLEASE

<LikeReally5> All terms/words are made up, welcome to the origin of spoken word.

Well done for ignoring the crux of the post and replying to two words, fucking Shakespeare.
Manlet is a term made up by insecure teenagers on 4chan.

Make of that what you will.
Nope. forum I believe is where all this manlet/a level shit came from. Not to be confused with cuck/incel which I believe did come from 4chan.
Nope. forum I believe is where all this manlet/a level shit came from. Not to be confused with cuck/incel which I believe did come from 4chan.
If that's true it would be pretty funny, since the average height of body builders is 5'nothing.


Well done for ignoring the crux of the post and replying to two words, fucking Shakespeare.

...And I brought closure to your incomplete thought. You're welcome.

You asked us to " make of that what you will ".

<Fedor23> Not my fault your default position is butt hurt when someone points out your faulty logic.

Good night and thanks for playing.
Are size and athleticism what determines an A level athlete? With Hardy coming to the UFC I’ve been seeing a lot of discussion about A level athletes. The common consensus seems to be that they are all making bank in the NFL and the NBA. These sports are generally filled with big men, but there are outliers. Muggsy Bogues is 5’3 and 135 lbs. He was in the NBA for 14 seasons. Does he make the cut?
No, a manlet will never amount to anything despite their legetimate accomplishments.
For a short player "manlet" to be able to make a NBA or NFL squad more than likely they are even more athletic then large players at their position.
Are size and athleticism what determines an A level athlete? With Hardy coming to the UFC I’ve been seeing a lot of discussion about A level athletes. The common consensus seems to be that they are all making bank in the NFL and the NBA. These sports are generally filled with big men, but there are outliers. Muggsy Bogues is 5’3 and 135 lbs. He was in the NBA for 14 seasons. Does he make the cut?
Yean he does, as does Martin St.Louis and many others but arguably the greatest athelete of our generation is what morons refer to as a "manlet". I let you figure out who that is.

Hint: $

Hint 2: Apparently someone posted his pic while I was writing that so look up, lol.
It's more likely to be one, truth be told.

Gravity tends to favor manlets, unlike Sherdog. Faster fights can be more exciting and more technical.
I've never heard the term "manlet" outside this site.

The real question is, has anyone eactually heard that word outside outside of the internet? What's this beef between tall obese MMA fans and short guys?
Messi is a proper manlet but also a High
A level athlete.