Bread and circuses

If you study history, you will discover the true purpose of the games. And I do my part.

It's true. I play Civilization V and when you build stadiums, the people get :). Keep the sheeples' minds off the drugery of living and they won't revolt.
Of course it's true. We have to ask ourselves what is the purpose of sports?
If you study history, you will discover the true purpose of the games. And I do my part.

That man is kept in lower consciousness. He is afraid of his true power no matter how true he could be.

Sports is nothing more than meaningless trivia which people watch, read about and talk day after day and waste their precious time and energy. Teens, old people, man, women, nearly everyone seems to have his mind preoccupied with sports. Earlier I couldn’t understand how is it that there is something known as professional sports (I mean are you serious that an individual spends his life kicking a ball or hitting one) and also how come these sports persons get so much media attention and they are projected as Icons and Idols whom everyone should follow. (I don’t know about you but to me that appears to be a joke in itself). Nevertheless I just couldn’t grasp the foolishness of the great majority of people who were obsessed with men kicking a ball around. So to search the answers for my questions, I did a bit of research and found out something very interesting that mega corporations own and sponsor all these sports channels, sports teams and sports tournaments. Its they who benefit from it. Average people apart from wasting their crucial time and energy, spend their hard-earned money to fill the bank accounts of billionaire corporate owners. So basically its all a big business in which the ordinary people have been deceived to indulge in, through clever marketing techniques applied by the mass media as even mega corporations own and control the media.

Sports is used to distract people from real issues like Disinvestment, GMO foods, FDI, increased surveillance, UID, Free trade agreements, The economic imperialism of International Financial Institutions IMF and World Bank, Inflation in prices , deregulation , privatization of nations industry, weak legislative , judiciary, executive systems, SEZ , Forex markets, Stock and commodity exchanges, UN Agenda 21, Central banks with their fiat currency, children being hyper sexualized , gruesome wars, horrific poverty and the list goes on and on. People are so obsessed with sports, they never think , discuss , question, analyse and debate real issues. These key, vital and essential issues that effect us at every level of our life get completely unnoticed.

At some point you have to live.

In any case I work for the NWO bro. I suggest you join lol
Bread and Circus use to be a grocery store in the Boston area until whole Foods bought them out... was hoping this thread was about that....
It was, you goose. Or, more accurately, the Hunger Games references panem et circenses, a Roman idea for keeping the masses content with food and entertainment.

My apologies...

Do circuses even really exist? Like, has anyone anyone ever really been to one?
I'm fully convinced you're nothing but a troll. Never really gave it much thought but it's quite obvious now.
I've never seen this poster before, but going by this thread alone, I just thought "lol trolling" xD
Do circuses even really exist? Like, has anyone anyone ever really been to one?
Yeah. They're awful tho. There's one circus in particular that has animals, and when people protest them, they make it a point to take their animals out in front of the protesters and mistreat the animal to make the protesters even more upset. Wish I remembered their name . . . Have seen pics n videos of it tho. :/
Fuck circuses tbh
TS is right you pathetic sheep. Foozball is for stupids. Smart people use drugs and alcohol to escape reality.
It certainly diverts a great deal of energy and attention from the masses into harmless distraction.

That won't have gone unnoticed.

BTW you did absolutely nothing to combat the problems, while some people have been involved in direct action but you gonna sit there on your computer and say whoa is me because you didnt get invited to a superbowl party.

Get at me when you actually have enacted change.

BTW way to rally against sports on an MMA website...which is a sport...
Of course it's true. We have to ask ourselves what is the purpose of sports?

Aside from entertainment and distraction, the purpose of sports is projection of both participants' and spectators' will to power. The former do it in an active way while the latter do it in a passive way.
Do you watch Netflix and play Xbox while you're looking down on the sheep for vicariously revelling in a mindless bloodsport?

Ever heard the expression, "Life is too short?" It's not. It's actually long as fuck. Why do you think people keep inventing shit to kill time?

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