Brandon Schaub Accused of Stealing Jokes

i'm more surprised that schaub actually thinks he could do stand-up. schaub doesn't come across as being funny in the slightest. nothing he says on his podcast is remotely funny.

I find him really funny.
Doesn't matter how many jokes he steals tbh. He just isn't that funny.
I find him really funny.

weird. at least to me. but i guess you're not alone, since his podcast is really popular. the only times i want to hear him talk is when he's talking mma.
If Schaub is stealing jokes then his real comic "friends" should kick him to the curb. Stealing jokes is really a cardinal sin in the world of comedy. Rogan is outspoken against comics stealing material, he confronted Carlos Mencia on stage for stealing jokes. Let's see if Rogan, Joey Diaz and Bryan Callen confront him about it. It's a career killer to be accused of stealing material.
Uh oh, Let's see if Joe Rogan starts a crusade against this joke thief.
Well what chance did he ever have? his mentors are Brian The Kissass Callen and alleged comedian Joe Rogan
lets see if rogan calls him out on it, hes always been vocal about comedians stealing material.
when amy schumer got caught stealing jokes joe rogan went full on cuck-apologist mode on his podcast

What does zoolander have to do with this discussion.

oh wait ...
Looks like that anal bleach he put in his hair has seeped into his brain
I think Schaub has a decent sense of humour, he has some great stories too...but he is not better or worse than a lot of my friends, stand up comedy is a whole different ball has taken Joe Rogan 20-25+ years of stand up comedy to get to a half decent level, his earlier stuff was embarrassing.
He takes his comedy from classic 80's/90's movies.

I stopped listening to Fighter and the Kid podcast about 3 months ago, I am sure I am not the only one.
Amy Schumer steals jokes and they still allow her on stage. But Brendan obviously can't play the 'I'm a woman and you're being misogynistic by criticizing me' card.