Blowing your nose in public, how rude would you say it is?

Chewing with mouth open
Nasty fingers covered in oils and sauces
Picking food out of teeth

All worse
It’s gross af. I hate the sound of people blowing their noses. I’ll tolerate it in most situations, but anything involved with food I don’t want to be hearing that
I dont really care it would be different if it was at the table but if its next to a trash can? Probably your fault to sit too close to the garbage. Its like sitting down next to the toilet door and then being mad that the door opening hits you with the smell of amoniac or worse.
I dont really care it would be different if it was at the table but if its next to a trash can? Probably your fault to sit too close to the garbage. Its like sitting down next to the toilet door and then being mad that the door opening hits you with the smell of amoniac or worse.
Yea the reason I ask is because yesterday I was getting some food at a Chinese joint. The food was spicy so my nose became really runny. So as I'm leaving I throw my food away and then blow my nose near the trash can that was right by the exit, but a family was sitting there like 7 or 8 feet away, a man, a woman and a small kid. Nobody else said anything or looked in my direction but the man started talking shit to me, telling me not to do that in front of other people especially kids. Naturally I said some shit back to him, told him to fuck off, mind his own busi because people blow their noses basically. Then he started acting tough challenged me to a fight. I told him to step outside with me, but instead of fighting him, since he was there with a woman and little kid, I thought it could be his family so I talked it out with him instead. I really wanted to fuck this dude up though, had he not been there with that woman and kid i think we would have gotten into a fight
<{fry}> People really get upset about stuff like this? Especially if there's any separation.

I suppose it depends if it is a discrete little toot to fend off dripping on yourself or a full-on Canadian Goose War Honk at full volume.
Yea the reason I ask is because yesterday I was getting some food at a Chinese joint. The food was spicy so my nose became really runny. So as I'm leaving I throw my food away and then blow my nose near the trash can that was right by the exit, but a family was sitting there like 7 or 8 feet away, a man, a woman and a small kid. Nobody else said anything or looked in my direction but the man started talking shit to me, telling me not to do that in front of other people especially kids. Naturally I said some shit back to him, told him to fuck off, mind his own busi because people blow their noses basically. Then he started acting tough challenged me to a fight. I told him to step outside with me, but instead of fighting him, since he was there with a woman and little kid, I thought it could be his family so I talked it out with him instead. I really wanted to fuck this dude up though, had he not been there with that woman and kid i think we would have gotten into a fight
You did the right thing twice. You blew your nose in close proxy to the trash and you stopped a fight from happening which is good. He on the other hand didnt mind his business and he started shit while with his family which is a big mistake he put his family in potencial danger because he got grossed out. I wouldnt like it either if someone snorts while im trying to eat but i would never start shit over it because your gone in 2 seconds it would have to be something that has to be endured for me to say something.
Seems like what most people do is try to snort the snot back into their nose, which is completely retarded. In school during the winter there were perpetually 3-4 people per class constantly snorting, like all day long. Meanwhile they could have blown their nose and end it there instead of making everyone hear their gross antics all day.
If someone is blowing their nose at or near the table while others are eating, it is 100% garaunteed to be a white person.

As a white person myself, I ignore them.
Hell nah, I see Asians (Chinese) doing nasty shit like that all the time. But who cares what the race is, it's nasty.
What happens at the Golden Corral, stays at the Golden Corral.
I have hayfever.

At its worst, I'm too pissed off to care about what anyone around me thinks.
Same. I go out for a 5 min walk and I just start sneezing on the street. I don't give a fuck anyone sees me or not. My eyes are all watery and my skin is itchy too.
Same. I go out for a 5 min walk and I just start sneezing on the street. I don't give a fuck anyone sees me or not. My eyes are all watery and my skin is itchy too.

Yeah, I got hammered yesterday, coughing constantly, had to take a rag from work and blow my nose into it every minute or two, eyes were so sore that I could barely keep them open or see out of them.

If someone told me to go to the bathroom, I'd have told them to fuck off.
Say you are at fast food joint, someone grabs a napkin and blows there nose by the trash can which is maybe 7 or 8 feet from other people. How much does this bother you? Would you

A. Throw hands with a person
B. Talk some shit to them
C. Try to politely tell them to refrain from doing it in front of others
D. Ignore them
Yeah it’s annoying. If it’s someone sitting at my table while eating I always say something, like “go into the bathroom and do that you rude prick”.

If they’re sitting at by table : B, otherwise D
As somebody who has always spent a lot of time around old people . . .

They will blow their nose right at the table, use the tissue to dig a little, then set the dirty tissue in a crumpled ball on the table.

It drives me fucking mad. Old people are disgusting. They stop giving a fuck about anything.
Bliwing your nose is much better than sitting and sniffing loose boogers back in.
I think it’s rude in general.

Like sneezing.

I mean, can you not?
People that use hankies piss me off, it's so dirty. Use tissues then throw them away!
I actually didn’t know it was rude before this thread. I will have to stop doing it