BJJ and insomnia

tail cures all, haha

Since we're on the subject , ever thought about advancing in position during sex?
I'm having trouble controlling myself and not submitting woman sometimes.
Maybe someone else on this forum has issues with this as well. I work all day and don't have time to take a nap between work and BJJ. When I get out of training the adrenaline usually keeps me up hours upon end and I don't actually fall asleep until around 2 or 3 AM. Does anyone else have this problem and what measures have you taken to work around this? It's effecting my ability to train because some days I'm too tired to goto class, often falling asleep on the transit between work and home.
I have this periodically, or rather, the Carrera26 version of it (you know, HL-real and analysis). What usually works for me is for some reason earplugs and a sleeping mask. I don't really know why.

Incidentally, even the tiniest bit of new cauli tends to eliminate this as an option, since the discomfort of having extra pressure put on sore ears creates a separate reason for insomnia for me.

I seem to remember David Bielkheden blogging a bit (in Swedish) about this problem as well. He did yoga, got massages and such, if I remember correctly.
One thing to keep in mind is that insomnia is one of the symptoms of overtraining.
I'm not suggesting that overtraining is the cause of insomnia in most cases, but it's worth keeping in mind as a possible contributor.

Other symptoms associated with overtraining*:

-performance decrements
-decreased maximal heart rate
-elevated resting norepinephrine levels and decreased norepinephrine excretion (this may be the cause of the insomnia with overtraining).
-fatigue, anxiety, irritability

*from Clinical Sports Medicine, 3rd Edition, by Brukner and Kahn 2007
One thing to keep in mind is that insomnia is one of the symptoms of overtraining.
I'm not suggesting that overtraining is the cause of insomnia in most cases, but it's worth keeping in mind as a possible contributor.

Other symptoms associated with overtraining*:

-performance decrements
-decreased maximal heart rate
-elevated resting norepinephrine levels and decreased norepinephrine excretion (this may be the cause of the insomnia with overtraining).
-fatigue, anxiety, irritability

*from Clinical Sports Medicine, 3rd Edition, by Brukner and Kahn 2007

I'm definetly not overtraining. I wish that were the case. I'm undertraining by far.
Thought I'd chime in to say I don't have this problem. In fact, I have quite the opposite: I'm always very tired after training.

Maybe look at other aspects of your life?
Just on Thursdays. I have trained on mon-wed sametimes but on thursdays I have trouble
I wish my brain got as tired as my body. The harder the practice, the more there is to analyze later...
Meditation... Try and clear your mind....
On bad days I don't sleep, I just keep going over and over what it was that went wrong and how I can fix it, its ended up costing me more than a few nights of sleep, as in absolutely no sleep at all.
I started taking melatonin on nights that i found my mind wandering too much and it has done a fantastic job.
I can pretty much sleep whenever I want, except for lately with stress within the personal life. But once that clears up, I'll sleep like a baby. It's all will power my friend.
I have the same issue ad the TS.

Sometimes listening to podcasts or audiobooks helps falling asleep.

I want to try melatonine.

Any other solution?
I have the same problem ts, and it sucks. Many times I don't get enough sleep and fall asleep on the subway on my way to class. Lately, I've been trying to read in bed, and it helps. No t.v. and no internet. I really have to force myself to relax and forget about practice. I also try to sleep on a full stomach.
Maybe it's not adrenaline. It could just be endorphins or somrthing totally different. Either way it keeps me up at night.

yeah, your metabolism and heart rate elevating will have this effect. I can fall asleep at 11:30 or 12 after an 8 to 9:45 class. The issue is largely that I come home and watch TV and/or get on the computer. Those things stimulate you and don't allow you to wind down. If I come home, eat something light, get into bed and read a book or something it's much easier. However, with a girlfriend on the other side of the world, I have to get online to talk to her at night.

for me it's not that I can't sleep, but that i can stay up late on the computer if I choose. Seriously, I can stay up until 3 or 4 if I want to keep fucking around and have to force myself to turn it off.

basically, this article explains it all
Report: 90% Of Waking Hours Spent Staring At Glowing Rectangles | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
It's endorphins and i have the exact same problem. To boot my natural sleep cycle had always been awkward. In my entire life I was never able to fall asleep before 1 am unless I'm absolutely exhausted both physically and mentally.

Luckily it seems that I dont need that much sleep. I function very well on as little as 5 hours of sleep. Hopefully it wont catch up with me some day.
This happened to me last night actually. Couldn't sleep, kept running through different transitions in my head ALL night.

Weird. I think more about all that stuff when I don't/can't train. When I do it's like it's released and I have that good post-workout feel. I do have a fucked up sleep schedule now though, as is obvious because I'm posting at 4 AM. Well, I guess it's a Friday, but this year I've had too many 4 AM nights.

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