Elections Biggest lesson for Democrats heading into 2021: Pelosi and Schumer must go

How the fuck is Nancy pelosi worth 100 million.?
What is "psycho" about condemning blatant corruption whereby rich people openly bribe Republicans into passing policies that hurt everyone but the rich and are absolutely panned by experts in every policy area?

You see, this is why we need class-infused politics. If we have a major party talking about class issues - like...
  • the dark money of billionaires dominating the politics, spreading misinformation, and bribing politicians
  • conservative tax plans that explode the deficit and incur odious public debt that will be paid by the middle class just so that conservative donors can get billions in tax breaks
  • trillions of dollars in tax avoidance by the rich
  • union busting so that corporations can suppress the wages of their employees
  • people getting priced out of their homes because wealthy landowners are keeping affordable housing from being built so that they can keep their property values artificially high
...then maybe very stupid people like yourself wouldn't equate class issues with begging for handouts.

What is "psycho" about condemning blatant corruption whereby rich people openly bribe Republicans into passing policies that hurt everyone but the rich and are absolutely panned by experts in every policy area?

You see, this is why we need class-infused politics. If we have a major party talking about class issues - like...
  • the dark money of billionaires dominating the politics, spreading misinformation, and bribing politicians
  • conservative tax plans that explode the deficit and incur odious public debt that will be paid by the middle class just so that conservative donors can get billions in tax breaks
  • trillions of dollars in tax avoidance by the rich
  • union busting so that corporations can suppress the wages of their employees
  • people getting priced out of their homes because wealthy landowners are keeping affordable housing from being built so that they can keep their property values artificially high
...then maybe very stupid people like yourself wouldn't equate class issues with begging for handouts.

Cut the bs comrade. You have amounted to nothing achieved nothing have no money and now want to take other peoples wealth and justify it with but but but the poor.
Trump is gone they did the right thing backing Biden in the general.

But now they should go after Pelosi and Schumer for underperforming.

I like Pelosi quite a lot more as a person and political officer, and I think Schumer's missteps are more glaring, but I realize the cost-benefit at play. Schumer is a notorious fundraiser and has exerted influence over the DSCC even a full decade after he left the chair, and there are obvious concerns as to whether more activist-type progressive can bring in money like he can.

What is "psycho" about condemning blatant corruption whereby rich people openly bribe Republicans into passing policies that hurt everyone but the rich and are absolutely panned by experts in every policy area?

You see, this is why we need class-infused politics. If we have a major party talking about class issues - like...
  • the dark money of billionaires dominating the politics, spreading misinformation, and bribing politicians
  • conservative tax plans that explode the deficit and incur odious public debt that will be paid by the middle class just so that conservative donors can get billions in tax breaks
  • trillions of dollars in tax avoidance by the rich
  • union busting so that corporations can suppress the wages of their employees
  • people getting priced out of their homes because wealthy landowners are keeping affordable housing from being built so that they can keep their property values artificially high
...then maybe very stupid people like yourself wouldn't equate class issues with begging for handouts.
Agree with everything but usion busting. With neo liberalism, there simply is too much competition for workers to be able to fight for more money etc. competing with China that doesn't care about the environment or people isn't right. Nor is it OK for construction workers to have to compete with illegals that will work for far less than you can live on.
Other than that I agree with you. I don't like any of that stuff and it should be stopped or St least limited if possible
I would give up Pelosi and Schumer if McConnell and Rand goes

Rand Paul might become the chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions panel soon if Burr passes on it. I don’t think he’s had a spot like that before so it will be interesting to see how he handles them since he’s been known to obstruct various ways.
Of course..

Pelosi and Schumer isn't enough.

"Cut off a limb, and two more shall take its place."
Most people want Schumer/Pelosi to go. It's one of those things where I wish they could be political mentors to the people coming up. They are not devoid of intelligence and tact, but they are also holding old ideas that no longer apply. Their lack the craftiness and skills to operate well within the ever-changing world is quite obvious.

So they would do well to step aside and mentor up-and-comers who can learn from their experience while avoiding their cringy outdated concepts and missteps.

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