biggest a-hole move you ever pulled

Already answered but I remembered something else.. This one I regret more than the other

This was in grade 9. I thought it would be fun to "hack" my bestfriend so I came up with a plan. I made a fake YouTube video on how to hack someone's email. In the instructions it said to send some procedural shit to some random email I made. One of the things was the wannabe hackers password

While I was on the phone with my friend talking about YouTube videos we made I used a fake YouTube account to send this vid to my friend. He told me about it on the phone and I was like "yo we should try it on blah blah blah"

He sent his email password to my fake email and it was game over from there lol. I changed his Facebook, MSN and email password then started fucking around.

First I fucked with people on MSN. And soon people at school were like wtf? I told my friend my shit got hacked too but I changed my password before the "hacker" did

Then I started fucking around HARD on Facebook. I started messaging all the hot girls fucked up shit, making weird statuses and threatening "hardcore" kids. But I made it all believable. I even started to zoom in on girls tits from there photos, upload and rate them

While I was doing all this my hacker persona was keeping in touch with my friend over YouTube mail. I told him I was a police officer who was getting after kids trying to do illegal stuff on the net. I typed like a professional to make it all believable too.

I kept this going for over a month and my friend became like the most hated kid at the school. He got jumped once and talked to like 100 other times having to explain that he was hacked but I was smart on Facebook and messaged this one kid saying "I'm not really hacked, im just pretending" etc. And he told everyone that and they believed him so it went on and on.

I set up fights with people and everything. One chick I was talking to was like "I know your someone at the school" n shit but I was trying to tell her I was a cop. I was like fine I do go to the school and told her to meet me at some place. My hacker persona also emailed my friend that time and place and I got the two to meet up for an awkward encounter lol

I did tons of other shit too. Like I was on ustream and got some guy from a random country to call my friend and say some random shit. At that point my friend stopped using the internet and I had to check his YouTube mails for him lol

The chick I got him to meet with threatened to call the cops so I stopped at that point and mailed my friend to write a 5 paragraph essay to get his accounts back and he did it lol but he still didn't use the internet for like a month and still doesn't have Facebook anymore

Still never told him an I feel bad about this cuz he's my best friend. I was always by his side when he was confronted at school too and sometimes it was hard to keep a straight face when girls got mad at him for "being perverted"

I told 1 kid at the school about this and he ended up telling a bunch of people. They all thought I told my friend but I didn't so it got brought up when we were all together but my friend doesn't believe it was me cuz of how believable I made it

Fuck that was long lol. There's so much I did but fuck it, that's the short story.

BTW I still know all his account passwords to this day lol

Edit: this reminds me of more shit I did in grade 6 actually

Hotmail passwords were easy to get back then, all you had to do was guess their security question I think.. And I guess like 2 chick's. This was when MSN was popping so I fucked around hard. Changed their display pics to a dick and made the status "I'm a dick" and stuff. Not funny now but at 10/11 that shit was hilarious to me lol

They knew it was me soon enough and threatened to tell the principal so I stopped

Also used to fuck around in grade 4. Me and 2 others were the "cool" kids and there were 3 guys who wanted to be in our crew. Our teacher also told us that running around our class portable x amount of times was equivalent to running around the earth so we told em they had to run that much to be with us

Every lunch, recess, after school etc. we'd watched andd count their laps but they stopped after a few weeks and said it was bullshit lmao.

That ones not as bad but it's funny lol

Sorry for fucked up grammar. On my phone and it's 4am

Edit2: should add that my friend was extra scared cuz I threatened to arrest him and stuff and wrote down random numbers to try and look smart like "here's your IP" and told him where he lived n shit. He's still weary about internet stuff today because of all this

christ you are a prick
This guy was whisper raging at his girlfriend in a grocery store while I was trying to read the nutritional label on something.

Then his girlfriend says something to him, and all of a sudden he switches languages to swear at her. So they go back and forth swearing to one another, she accuses him of ruining her life and he says that he hates her. She then says he definitely gave her an STD and he says that he didn't and she must have contracted it in another way.

They obviously didn't realize that I spoke the language (I'm mixed but don't look it), so I looked at them and said in their language:

"I don't believe him either" and walked away.

I'm generally polite and non-confrontational, but I was annoyed that these were the type of people who air their dirty laundry in public. I feel like an a-hole because who knows how she got an STD, but at the time I thought it was funny.
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Skipping class to get bjs from the popular guy's gf and watching him kiss her at lunch. She always wondered why I wouldn't kiss her after that.

Having sex with a girl's best friend emotionally crushing her and watching her go off the deep end after. Sometimes would get back with her promising the moon. Would drunkenly make comments about how good a fuck said friend was and other cruel things to watch her squirm.

Not tell a coworker who was falling for me happy birthday and watch her almost cry on her birthday.

Lead a girl on for a year with the promise of marriage while having no intentions of doing so. During this time cheat on her with at least 7 women. One of them with a boyfriend of a few years. Lie about my work schedule so I could go ruthlessly bang this woman. Once again ran out of there before he got home so he probably kissed her after I'd just blown a load in her mouth. One of the women I'd been banging the whole time was 18, still in school when I met her. I worked my mindfuck to convince her that banging her on the side was OK. She slipped up one day and posted all this shit on my wall. Girl drove down to her place of employment and beat the crap out of her and I pretended I didn't know her. After the heat died down I apologized and resumed banging said 18 year old.

I have evolved slowly. I worked with some engaged chick and I hit on her constantly even though I knew this fact. I got her number but I refrained from sleeping with her.

This killed me for some reason. You ruthless, bruh.
Already answered but I remembered something else.. This one I regret more than the other

This was in grade 9. I thought it would be fun to "hack" my bestfriend so I came up with a plan. I made a fake YouTube video on how to hack someone's email. In the instructions it said to send some procedural shit to some random email I made. One of the things was the wannabe hackers password

While I was on the phone with my friend talking about YouTube videos we made I used a fake YouTube account to send this vid to my friend. He told me about it on the phone and I was like "yo we should try it on blah blah blah"

He sent his email password to my fake email and it was game over from there lol. I changed his Facebook, MSN and email password then started fucking around.

First I fucked with people on MSN. And soon people at school were like wtf? I told my friend my shit got hacked too but I changed my password before the "hacker" did

Then I started fucking around HARD on Facebook. I started messaging all the hot girls fucked up shit, making weird statuses and threatening "hardcore" kids. But I made it all believable. I even started to zoom in on girls tits from there photos, upload and rate them

While I was doing all this my hacker persona was keeping in touch with my friend over YouTube mail. I told him I was a police officer who was getting after kids trying to do illegal stuff on the net. I typed like a professional to make it all believable too.

I kept this going for over a month and my friend became like the most hated kid at the school. He got jumped once and talked to like 100 other times having to explain that he was hacked but I was smart on Facebook and messaged this one kid saying "I'm not really hacked, im just pretending" etc. And he told everyone that and they believed him so it went on and on.

I set up fights with people and everything. One chick I was talking to was like "I know your someone at the school" n shit but I was trying to tell her I was a cop. I was like fine I do go to the school and told her to meet me at some place. My hacker persona also emailed my friend that time and place and I got the two to meet up for an awkward encounter lol

I did tons of other shit too. Like I was on ustream and got some guy from a random country to call my friend and say some random shit. At that point my friend stopped using the internet and I had to check his YouTube mails for him lol

The chick I got him to meet with threatened to call the cops so I stopped at that point and mailed my friend to write a 5 paragraph essay to get his accounts back and he did it lol but he still didn't use the internet for like a month and still doesn't have Facebook anymore

Still never told him an I feel bad about this cuz he's my best friend. I was always by his side when he was confronted at school too and sometimes it was hard to keep a straight face when girls got mad at him for "being perverted"

I told 1 kid at the school about this and he ended up telling a bunch of people. They all thought I told my friend but I didn't so it got brought up when we were all together but my friend doesn't believe it was me cuz of how believable I made it

Fuck that was long lol. There's so much I did but fuck it, that's the short story.

BTW I still know all his account passwords to this day lol

Edit: this reminds me of more shit I did in grade 6 actually

Hotmail passwords were easy to get back then, all you had to do was guess their security question I think.. And I guess like 2 chick's. This was when MSN was popping so I fucked around hard. Changed their display pics to a dick and made the status "I'm a dick" and stuff. Not funny now but at 10/11 that shit was hilarious to me lol

They knew it was me soon enough and threatened to tell the principal so I stopped

Also used to fuck around in grade 4. Me and 2 others were the "cool" kids and there were 3 guys who wanted to be in our crew. Our teacher also told us that running around our class portable x amount of times was equivalent to running around the earth so we told em they had to run that much to be with us

Every lunch, recess, after school etc. we'd watched andd count their laps but they stopped after a few weeks and said it was bullshit lmao.

That ones not as bad but it's funny lol

Sorry for fucked up grammar. On my phone and it's 4am

Edit2: should add that my friend was extra scared cuz I threatened to arrest him and stuff and wrote down random numbers to try and look smart like "here's your IP" and told him where he lived n shit. He's still weary about internet stuff today because of all this

First off. You are a horrible person to do this to your closest friend. Maybe if it was just some guy you hardly knew or someone who was a jerk to you, I guess, but this was your closest friend. Like wtf? So close that he didn't want to believe it was you who would do that to him.

Secondly, idk why but the five page essay thing made me cry laughing. I'm still trying to hold in laughter right now.
this may qualify

my older brother was seperated from his first(now ex) wife who was a weed/coke/pills dealer and doer (think Sharon Stone from Casino) She had his daughters at her apt around all those other weird drug addict fucks but he cared about her too much to do anything about it, basically just begged her to keep the kids himself (which he did most of the time) I didn't care what she did to pay the bills, but she was very threatening and wanted to take my brother for everything he owned including his little girls. Again, he felt resigned to his fate since courts love siding with the women even in this day and age when most women are fucking idiots.

So i did what I felt I should. Called cops anonymously from a payphone, claimed I was a neighbor and they were doing drugs around little kids on some night when I drove by and there was an extra car or 2 there. Yes, I drove by multiple times on multiple nights waiting for the right moment to strike.

Cops investigated, searched immediately. she was arrested and charged and went to jail since she was a drug dealer (had a massive stash) and did it around kids, which from what I hear made the judge and DA apeshit.

So he got his daughters back and got a chance to raise them right. He also got to be completely blameless. she went away to which she couldn't do a fucking thing. I for sure ruined her life, but I don't see what else I could have done except let my brother get fucked and let my neices be raised around a bunch of druggy fucks.

And no, he doesn't know I did it.

Ruined her life and saved the lives of the little girls. Not an asshole move at all.
this may qualify

my older brother was seperated from his first(now ex) wife who was a weed/coke/pills dealer and doer (think Sharon Stone from Casino) She had his daughters at her apt around all those other weird drug addict fucks but he cared about her too much to do anything about it, basically just begged her to keep the kids himself (which he did most of the time) I didn't care what she did to pay the bills, but she was very threatening and wanted to take my brother for everything he owned including his little girls. Again, he felt resigned to his fate since courts love siding with the women even in this day and age when most women are fucking idiots.

So i did what I felt I should. Called cops anonymously from a payphone, claimed I was a neighbor and they were doing drugs around little kids on some night when I drove by and there was an extra car or 2 there. Yes, I drove by multiple times on multiple nights waiting for the right moment to strike.

Cops investigated, searched immediately. she was arrested and charged and went to jail since she was a drug dealer (had a massive stash) and did it around kids, which from what I hear made the judge and DA apeshit.

So he got his daughters back and got a chance to raise them right. He also got to be completely blameless. she went away to which she couldn't do a fucking thing. I for sure ruined her life, but I don't see what else I could have done except let my brother get fucked and let my neices be raised around a bunch of druggy fucks.

And no, he doesn't know I did it.

Good call imo. She's the asshole, your brother is a pussy and you're the dick.

More explanation here.

This story may be the best example ever of this analogy now that I rewatch the video.
There is so many. I'll name one, not even close to one of the worst things I did though.

Some lady cuts me off, I give her the finger. Bitch pulls up on the red light and hops out of her car. Starts talking shit, without even thinking twice I just spat in her face.

There is so many. I'll name one, not even close to one of the worst things I did though.

Some lady cuts me off, I give her the finger. Bitch pulls up on the red light and hops out of her car. Starts talking shit, without even thinking twice I just spat in her face.


there is so many. I'll name one, not even close to one of the worst things i did though.

Some lady cuts me off, i give her the finger. Bitch pulls up on the red light and hops out of her car. Starts talking shit, without even thinking twice i just spat in her face.


My friends 19 year old freak step daighter wanted my d, she was like a 4/10 I wasn't in a huge hurry too nut it or anything and I'm an hour and 30 min bus ride so I'm like "ahhh I don't know man kind of far you know" I work nights and was sleeping till the phone call woke me up...buddy sais he'd pick me up so I could nut. Went there, raw dogged it and completely manhandled her. She started bleeding all over my shit cause I split it...then I went to nut and crammed my bloody red d down her throat and nutted...she got the blood and seman shot and I couldn't help but laugh..felt bad for a minute

I think I saw that movie.
Here's another one.

My cousin and a few of my friends were walking so some explosive gentlemen tried to rob us. There was four of them, one was a chick. So each one of us got an opponent so to speak. Unfortunately for the chick she was paired up against me. So I just flat out three a Wand style hook. This bitch just dropped to the floor and started crying and shit.
Mine was tonight. Car pulls up to my left at a red light full of obnoxious college chicks (maybe a dude in the back). I dunno if they were trying to flirt or fuck with me, but I was not in the mood. At all. I was making an urgent phone call and they were interrupting.

The light turns green, I take a drag of my cigarette and the broad yells out something about cigarettes. I'm just ahead of them, so I stick my arm out the window, cig in hand, wait a second, and I flick that sumbitch as flagrantly as humanly possible onto their car.

At the next red light I turn and look in their direction (they veered off to another road) and they're screaming "fuck you" out the window.

I don't ordinarily do shit like this, but I have to say it felt really satisfying.

Reminds me a bit of the time I was walking home from school, and a car drives past me. The driver stuck his head out the window and shouted "W*NKER!!!" at me, then promptly crashes into the car in front of him that had stopped to turn whilst he was shouting.

I was still laughing about a week later.
I asked for change after telling the waitress at Denny's to keep the change. I felt like a dick, but, I needed that money for tolls.
When I was a youngster I basically shit my pants but managed to frame one of my best friends so he took the rap. It's a long story.

I managed to clear a big circle in a packed nightclub when I dropped a pocket of extremely noxious gas. Everyone stood round holding their noses and pulling horrified faces when I realised it was just me and a friend stood in the middle. So I did what anyone else did, which was hold my nose, and shout "YOU DIRTY B*STARD!" at him, then joined the crowd, while he just stood there looking baffled.
Reminds me a bit of the time I was walking home from school, and a car drives past me. The driver stuck his head out the window and shouted "W*NKER!!!" at me, then promptly crashes into the car in front of him that had stopped to turn whilst he was shouting.

I was still laughing about a week later.

I got a similar story. My gf at the time and I were walking off the main strip in a big heavily populated bar area in pgh. a car speeds by us yelling something like "fuck you" or something stupid along those lines. We keep walking and about 5 blocks later this clown is out of his car walking the line touching his hand to nose
I was downtown late at night waiting for the bus home.

Went to piss in a semi hidden corner near the entrance to some building.

As I'm pissing in the corner right next to this door, I notice that there's one of those big buttons on the wall that automatically opens the door for handicapped/elderly whatever.

I aim my stream upwards and piss all over the button. Completely drench it in my urine.

Still not sure whether to feel bad about it or not.

Out on the pop with some friends, we walked past a clothes shop that had just opened in our town called "Wiseguys". My mate just blurted out "We'll see about that", then proceeded to piss through the letter box. After he finished, he just said "Not so wise now, are they", which I have to say, was very much the truth.
I fired an employee from my call center because he was a ricer and had shitty decals on his Hyundai. I made up some BS about him missing too much work.