biggest a-hole move you ever pulled

Flemmy Stardust

King of Lea
Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
Mine was tonight. Car pulls up to my left at a red light full of obnoxious college chicks (maybe a dude in the back). I dunno if they were trying to flirt or fuck with me, but I was not in the mood. At all. I was making an urgent phone call and they were interrupting.

The light turns green, I take a drag of my cigarette and the broad yells out something about cigarettes. I'm just ahead of them, so I stick my arm out the window, cig in hand, wait a second, and I flick that sumbitch as flagrantly as humanly possible onto their car.

At the next red light I turn and look in their direction (they veered off to another road) and they're screaming "fuck you" out the window.

I don't ordinarily do shit like this, but I have to say it felt really satisfying.
oh, i have something brewing...wait for it.

hell hath no fury.

yes, it will involve nekkid pics.
Yeah, pretty dick move. Why not just roll your window up. Especially if you're not even sure if they were fucking with you or not, they might not have been.
Nothing dramatic like that. Saying mean stuff while drunk, I guess. I'm sure I don't remember the worst of it.

Quick question. Clarification, really. You have a hands free kit for the car, right? One of them stand things?
Probably something I wasn't even aware I did to someone.
Some guy got a haircut and asked me how it looked. I said good but it wasnt good.
This still haunts me
Ive told this before on here.

I moved this broad in when I was 16, she was 22 and extremely good looking. There is a shit load more background to this. Lets just say we split 9 months after and I found out she slept with over 10 guys I knew plus alot more.

Here is the fucked up part. She gets ahold of me years later. She completely reformed herself and was a decent person at this time. I somehow didnt give a fuck and decided to mess with her.

We fucked a few times and then I decided to tell her that we were gonna bring our families together(she has 2 kids I have 1). I set up a fake apartment move in and told her the time and date to move in.

Pretty much she tried to move in to a random apartment with her kids while I just sat there and laughed. I feel like shit now but if I told SD the full background you would all laugh with me.
im a really nice guy unless im provoked. i have a big threshhold, but then its open war beyond it

in high school this fat asian kid named hugh kept myspace messaging my gf. he kept making up stories that i was cheating on her and telling her how she should go out with him instead. she showed me the messages and then i confronted him and told him to knock it off. he then told the principal that i beat him up over it and tried to get me expelled. after a bunch of witnesses proved it was bullshit, i targeted the fuck out of him for the rest of the year (and never got in trouble because he already cried wolf)

some things i'd do
-sprint across the lunch area, jump off a table and scream "FALCON PPPPAAAAUUUNNCHH" and punch his backpack so hard that he'd fall over
-jump onto his backpack so he fell on his back like a turtle
-if he was ever talk to a girl, i would go up to him, low kick his legs hard enough to knock him over, then say "leave her alone hugh, nobody likes you", usually the girl would be creeped out by him in the first place so they would happily talk to me as he tried to walk away with a deadleg

i was maximum bully, but at the time i felt he deserved it
^^ Damn, brah, that was harsh.

I once banged a chick without a condom, and when i was finishing, i yelled, "I'm COMMING!!!!". She asked me, "did you wear a condom?" I told her no and then she curled up into fetal position.
Mine was tonight. Car pulls up to my left at a red light full of obnoxious college chicks (maybe a dude in the back). I dunno if they were trying to flirt or fuck with me, but I was not in the mood. At all. I was making an urgent phone call and they were interrupting.

The light turns green, I take a drag of my cigarette and the broad yells out something about cigarettes. I'm just ahead of them, so I stick my arm out the window, cig in hand, wait a second, and I flick that sumbitch as flagrantly as humanly possible onto their car.

At the next red light I turn and look in their direction (they veered off to another road) and they're screaming "fuck you" out the window.

I don't ordinarily do shit like this, but I have to say it felt really satisfying.

They just wanted to be your friend, you monster! :eek:
I kicked a little 3 year old girl out of a KFC I work at for being too damn ugly to luck at. Been reflecting on it all night and I guess it was kind of an a-hole move.
Yeah, pretty dick move. Why not just roll your window up. Especially if you're not even sure if they were fucking with you or not, they might not have been.

Well, not defending that it wasn't a asshole move but...

I ignored them for a bit and they kept going. By the time she made her cigarette comment, they were just being annoying.

I have had a pretty rotten taste in my mouth because of some biatch and I took a tiny bit of it out on them. Oh well.
im a really nice guy unless im provoked. i have a big threshhold, but then its open war beyond it

in high school this fat asian kid named hugh kept myspace messaging my gf. he kept making up stories that i was cheating on her and telling her how she should go out with him instead. she showed me the messages and then i confronted him and told him to knock it off. he then told the principal that i beat him up over it and tried to get me expelled. after a bunch of witnesses proved it was bullshit, i targeted the fuck out of him for the rest of the year (and never got in trouble because he already cried wolf)

some things i'd do
-sprint across the lunch area, jump off a table and scream "FALCON PPPPAAAAUUUNNCHH" and punch his backpack so hard that he'd fall over
-jump onto his backpack so he fell on his back like a turtle
-if he was ever talk to a girl, i would go up to him, low kick his legs hard enough to knock him over, then say "leave her alone hugh, nobody likes you", usually the girl would be creeped out by him in the first place so they would happily talk to me as he tried to walk away with a deadleg

i was maximum bully, but at the time i felt he deserved it

Never did shit like this but it makes me laugh as long as your being truthful about what a dbag he was. I was always the kinda gentle giant that was popular so I never had people pick on me.
When I was a youngster I basically shit my pants but managed to frame one of my best friends so he took the rap. It's a long story.
Nothing dramatic like that. Saying mean stuff while drunk, I guess. I'm sure I don't remember the worst of it.

Quick question. Clarification, really. You have a hands free kit for the car, right? One of them stand things?

No, I completed the call at the red light though.
I kicked a little 3 year old girl out of a KFC I work at for being too damn ugly to luck at. Been reflecting on it all night and I guess it was kind of an a-hole move.

I kicked out about 10 little cheerleader future whores outta my restaurant 2 nights ago. They were around 12-14 and were rude as fuck and disturbing other guests. I got an email today from the GM of the hotel and once I talked to him he was on board.