biggest a-hole move you ever pulled

Out on the pop with some friends, we walked past a clothes shop that had just opened in our town called "Wiseguys". My mate just blurted out "We'll see about that", then proceeded to piss through the letter box. After he finished, he just said "Not so wise now, are they", which I have to say, was very much the truth.

On a similar note, my brother in law was out with his mates in London once, and one of their mob was a distinctly unpopular dick. They all got pretty hammered, and walked through one of the small town squares (little green parks in the middle of residential bits of the city) and saw a tramp sleeping on a bench. The unpopular guy asked the rest of them "Shall I piss on him, then?", to which they all replied in the affermative.

To their surprise, he actually goes through with it, and as soon as his stream of piss hits the tramp, the tramp springs up off the bench and starts battering him in the way that only the homeless can do. They see it happening, look at each other for a few seconds, then walk off, leaving him to get his pasting. Which is understandable.
I fired an employee from my call center because he was a ricer and had shitty decals on his Hyundai. I made up some BS about him missing too much work.

Sounds like you did the world a favor, the less of this...


...the better
On the beers with a couple friends, we bump into an old pal, and carry on to the town's late spot. The old pal was worse for the wear than the rest of us, and at one point shouts some soup, then staggers off to clean up in the gents. I see his left his wallet on the table, so I reached over, picked it up, took out the bills (he was minted), and handed them round to everyone at the table, keeping one for myself. He gets back, I announce I'm buying a round of JDs, get back, make everyone neck them, which causes him to puke again, then when he wanders off to clean up again, we all filed out the club and went to someone's house to carry on drinking.

Given that the old pal in question had once (playfully, granted) pressed his thumbs into my windpipe and choked me a bit, I felt no guilt. Well, not *much* anyway.
Got drunk with friends, met an old friend who'd once tried to choke me, stole his money whilst he was being violently sick, bought him more drinks which caused him to be sick again, left whilst he was cleaning himself up.
This one may very well be bullsh*t, but the guy in question is an utter maniac, and I'm inclined to believe him. When he was a student, he used to break into the college refectory (canteen, food hall, whatever) and steal food all the time. One time he stole a big thing of ice cream, ate some of it, then scooped a hole in the middle, took a dump in it, covered it back with ice cream, then returned it to the canteen freezer.

I certainly *hope* it's true, anyway.
On the beers with a couple friends, we bump into an old pal, and carry on to the town's late spot. The old pal was worse for the wear than the rest of us, and at one point shouts some soup, then staggers off to clean up in the gents. I see his left his wallet on the table, so I reached over, picked it up, took out the bills (he was minted), and handed them round to everyone at the table, keeping one for myself. He gets back, I announce I'm buying a round of JDs, get back, make everyone neck them, which causes him to puke again, then when he wanders off to clean up again, we all filed out the club and went to someone's house to carry on drinking.

Given that the old pal in question had once (playfully, granted) pressed his thumbs into my windpipe and choked me a bit, I felt no guilt. Well, not *much* anyway.

For the record:

worse for the wear = very drunk
shouting soup = puking
gents = men's room
minted = wealthy
JD = unpleasant generic bourbon
neck = drink in one go
filed out = left the building
I used to steal unattended text books in the campus center and sell them at the book buy back when I was a college student.
Got drunk with friends, met an old friend who'd once tried to choke me, stole his money whilst he was being violently sick, bought him more drinks which caused him to be sick again, left whilst he was cleaning himself up.

Why didn't you just say so? You big goof.
It was at an outside party and it was very dark outside. A large brawl had broken out, which was started when a good friend of mine was sucker punched and got pulled into a dog-pile. I couldn't see too well, and all of a sudden I see a guy pulling someone out of the pile in a front-choke. I thought it was my friend that he had by the neck. I took about a three-step head start and threw a superman-elbow right into his temple. He went down right away. I dropped a couple stomps on his grill and then turned around to realize that the guy he had by the neck was a complete stranger. I had no idea who the guy was. Upon seeing that, I just sort of backed off into the crowd of people. Amongst the confusion, nobody seemed to notice. Found out later that the guy had a busted jaw, broken nose and lost a couple teeth. I felt a little gulity, but I was pretty drunk too, so fuck it.

As far as the glass meatballs, I would do it again. Fuck those dogs. Tore up my trash on a few occasions, and I'd had enough. They could have hurt my cats if they had been outside for all I know. One of the dogs had a collar and obviously belonged to somebody. Let that be a lesson to those of you who let your dogs just run free through the neighborhood. There are people out there who will do bad shit to them. They had the bad luck of coming across one of those people.

Yeah a lesson that.... the world is full of douchebags I guess? Yeah I'm sure they weren't aware of that. You sound like a quality individual
Its pretty common in college to steal usb drives people leave behind in computer labs, what my friend did was pretty douchy though. Someone put up a sign that he lost his usb in the lab and it had his mother's immigration documents on it and would give $100 for its return.

Turns out my friend took it and wiped it clean to use the drive. I told him about it and what he had to say way "guess she ain't gonna be in Canada anymore".

He'd also poke holes in all the free condoms provided in the student center/lounge just for kicks
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Here's another one.

My cousin and a few of my friends were walking so some explosive gentlemen tried to rob us. There was four of them, one was a chick. So each one of us got an opponent so to speak. Unfortunately for the chick she was paired up against me. So I just flat out three a Wand style hook. This bitch just dropped to the floor and started crying and shit.

you're a pussy. three men and one woman and you decide to fight the woman. good for you man. im not defending her im just making sure you know you are the bitch of your group.
you're a pussy. three men and one woman and you decide to fight the woman. good for you man. im not defending her im just making sure you know you are the bitch of your group.

She acted like a man so I treated her like one. Would do it again.
i once told a chick if she blew 24 dudes in front of the bar she would get a holiday, little did she know that was just the name of a 4$ drink.
For the record:

worse for the wear = very drunk
shouting soup = puking
gents = men's room
minted = wealthy
JD = unpleasant generic bourbon
neck = drink in one go
filed out = left the building

Thank you. I honestly thought that was a joke post.
She acted like a man so I treated her like one. Would do it again.

I dont take issue with hitting a woman that tries to fight someone. I just hope you realize that their group wasnt the only group with a bitch in it.
Did you check your privilege? Because imo you are a true equal rights champion. Bravo.

I even raised my hands up like I just won a title fight after laying waste to her jaw.

I dont take issue with hitting a woman that tries to fight someone. I just hope you realize that their group wasnt the only group with a bitch in it.

Sounds boring.
I even raised my hands up like I just won a title fight after laying waste to her jaw.

Sounds boring.

All that other shit aside "sounds boring" made me laugh, but im drunk. good sense of humor on you.