Economy Biden imposed stiff Tariffs on China.... Like Trump had in place/Is Proposing.... And Kamala is condemning (What?)


Gold Belt
Feb 24, 2008
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Make it make sense... please.

This plays off Trump's "Bloodbath" comment that Democrats constantly take out of context where Trump proposed steep tariffs on any Chinese cars that would be made in Mexico. Which was condemned by Democrats because... Why? Because it was Trump that was proposing it.

But now, Biden just quietly imposes a similar plan?

Biden imposes 100pc tariffs on Chinese electric cars​

Joe Biden has imposed steep tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of Chinese goods, despite Kamala Harris calling similar levies proposed by Donald Trump a “sales tax”.

The US president on Friday confirmed a 100 per cent duty on electric vehicles, 50 per cent on solar cells and 25 per cent on steel and aluminium imports.

Other tariffs will apply to clothing imports, syringes, and face masks, as the government attempts to crack down on cheap imports that are threatening US manufacturing.

The decision comes despite Ms Harris’s criticism of Chinese tariffs proposed by Trump, which she said would amount to a tax on consumers and worsen inflation.

During the presidential debate on Tuesday, she described his plan for 60 per cent tariffs on Chinese imports as a “Trump sales tax”.

Also, I don't believe Biden has removed the steel tariffs to China that Trump put in place... But Kamala calls them a "Trump Sales Tax".... Hey retard, you're in office. Remove them already. What are you waiting for?

Here's Bill Mayer trying to get Al Franklyn to spell why Trump Tariffs are Bad and Biden Tariffs are Good

Spoiler Alert - He Can't

Poor KJP... Biden always puts her in shit positions to defend him

Tariffs are generally bad . Trump’s tariffs caused a huge increase in farmer bankruptcies which is why he had to give out tens of billions in handouts to farmers. He was/is very anti free market
Perhaps she disagrees with Biden as well. To make the argument about KH, we need to see her championing the tariffs on her own or openly supporting Biden's choice. But Biden doing something that KH condemns Trump for doing doesn't mean that KH supports Biden doing them.

KH and Biden remain separate people and are allowed have policy disagreements with each other.

If I'm going to be snide, this differs from Trump's approach where any disagreements are treated as disloyalty and results in being sent to the political gulag to atone for one's sins. Of course, maybe Biden is doing this as a fuck you to KH for stealing his chance at a 2nd term.
Tariffs are generally bad . Trump’s tariffs caused a huge increase in farmer bankruptcies which is why he had to give out tens of billions in handouts to farmers. He was/is very anti free market

I'm not going to disagree or agree.

I do know a few fabricators locally who got screwed when the steel tariffs got imposed. They had existing purchase orders where they hadn't locked down their steel. And had to eat the cost increases.

However, Trump got a lot of flack back them for them from Democrats, but Biden never removed them.

And now to impose these tariffs? With almost zero press. Why? What changed? To be able to take that card from Trump to use on his platform? Wouldn't this help Telsa?

The first I heard of it was on a podcast this morning and I didn't quite believe until i looked it up at work.

In the end, outside of a few high profile opinion differences, which are mostly superficial. The two parties are mostly the same...
There is one thing that Biden's administration in reality does loves and support Russia not lesser than Trump. This is real life likes or no.
While trading relationships with SK, Japan and Canada&Nz&Aussies matters for China more than trading potential with Russia. Biden's administration is heavily pro russian oriented not lesser than Trump, they does loves Russia a lot not lesser than Trump.
I'm not going to disagree or agree.

I do know a few fabricators locally who got screwed when the steel tariffs got imposed. They had existing purchase orders where they hadn't locked down their steel. And had to eat the cost increases.

However, Trump got a lot of flack back them for them from Democrats, but Biden never removed them.

And now to impose these tariffs? With almost zero press. Why? What changed? To be able to take that card from Trump to use on his platform? Wouldn't this help Telsa?

The first I heard of it was on a podcast this morning and I didn't quite believe until i looked it up at work.

In the end, outside of a few high profile opinion differences, which are mostly superficial. The two parties are mostly the same...
Biden should remove most of the tariffs. It’s bad policy all around
The difference is that Biden isn't counting on this tariff (ie. federal SALES TAX) as a revenue generator, he's set it high enough to prevent the import of these cars in the first place.

Trump actually wants people to have pay the tariff (federal sales tax), which is batshit because we all know that sales taxes are the most regressive of all forms of tax.

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