Best way to remove scars?

I got a scar on my right pointer finger from this



I have a scar on my left index finger because when I was a kid I was holding a knife by the blade and my brother decided to pull it

I also got this one drunk night when I fell on a mirror

A scar is both a story and a victory.

Embrace it or make up a good lie.
Namek's post, "creams don't work its just your body healing itself", would make sense if the damage was still fresh.

What I was talking about was a two year old track mark (more line than mark) that hadn't changed in appearance in ages. Tried the vitamin e oil. Month later it was 50% as visible.

I don't think my body just decided to start healing it.
Namek's post, "creams don't work its just your body healing itself", would make sense if the damage was still fresh.

What I was talking about was a two year old track mark (more line than mark) that hadn't changed in appearance in ages. Tried the vitamin e oil. Month later it was 50% as visible.

I don't think my body just decided to start healing it.

Maybe. I hope Vitamin E oil works. I tried it, it didn't work for me.

I'm glad it did for you.

From what I read up, there are a number of studies that have shown that it doesn't work. But if it did work for you, I happy for you.

I'm not bias in any way for any treatment. I just stating what I've read and know.
there are no ways to eliminate an scar, you can ''correct them'' surgically but it will cost you lots of money and it will only improve by 30 or 40 percent at most. I tried mederma for a while when i opened up a vagina on my eyebrow after an accident. It improved it a little bit but overall i think that through the months your body itself will make your scars heal. If you had them for too long i don't think any medication will fix that, just live with it. I used to be obsessed with the scar on my eyebrow , now i don't even care about it.
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I have some pretty cool scars. A few small ones on my face from fights or falling into shit while drunk. Two on my arms from some kid cutting me. Like 3 on my knees once from getting cut and two from tripping playing football when I was a kid and falling on pavement.
And like any other man my knuckles are heavily scarred.
I have a massive amount of scars, but they're all cool as hell.

I have 3 small and almost unnoticeable ones on my forehead from fights, one on the side of my brow from a fight, a few on my back from dirt bike wrecks, tons on my elbows and knees from bike wrecks, scars on my hips from bike wrecks, a cool looking circle scar where a handlebar stabbed me in the gut, a massive road rash scar on my right ass cheek, a big long one on my chest from wheelie-ing over on an old person's motorized scooter while drunk, and seriously vicious looking scars on my shins from bike wrecks. Even my hands, wrists, and arms have scars on them.

Having said that, I like the ones I have because of how I got them and because of how they look. They're all really cool in my opinion and they're all aesthetically pleasing.
I'm not an expert on the subject or anything, but I would think the laser treatments are way more effective than any tubes.

Apparently you'll need to undergo the procedure a few times and your face (I'm assuming it's the face) will look red and puffy for about a week but it's not overly expensive and gets decent results.
I have a lot of scars and I think they're all awesome. I have one on my forehead, one on my left eyebrow, two on the right eyebrow and one on the chin. Also my hands are filled with scars. Most recent ones came from a table saw accident which left some pretty gnarly scars on my right hand fingers.
Scars are tattoos to remind us the pain we feel is real. And temporary, but also forever. And also you can't hurt a man with a scar for an eye, and that an unscarred body is a virgin body.
Scars are tattoos to remind us the pain we feel is real. And temporary, but also forever. And also you can't hurt a man with a scar for an eye, and that an unscarred body is a virgin body.

More or less how I look at it. I have lots of scars, some pretty massive, and I appreciate every last one.
or make up a good lie.
When small children or the mentally challenged ask where all my scars come from I tell them it's because I was attacked by a shark.

Alas, with adults I have to tell the truth.