Australia making it illegal to bet on UFC

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Because when you bet you should expect that the fighters are fit and healthy, to many are not and only those with inside knowledge are aware of this, Australia takes gambling seriously and mma is a joke when it comes to transperancy or how ever you spell it, only fools would not comprehend the reasons
Merica fuck yeah
As of May 31, 247 mass shootings fit the Mass Shooting Tracker project criterion, leaving 283 people dead and 1,005 injured, for a total of 1,288 total victims, some including the shooter. This is your “great” country. Silly little americuck
Good they deserve it for the bs the champ pulls with delaying the division with this stupid "reality" show
What did I say that was racist? Walk into traffic you fucking loser.
Yeah because you vote for One Nation for their agricultural policies, take a long walk off a short pier cunt. Tell me why should people vote for One Nation? Their climate change denial? Islamaphobic policies? Tell me.
I guess they're gonna have to get real jobs now. Good, fuck em.
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