Anyone too nice to family and friends?


Brown Belt
Dec 27, 2013
Reaction score
I have a great trait in that I am super loyal. However I also let the people I have let in shit talk or walk over me at times.

This doesn't happen with the general public. I'd never let the same shit happen with general public that I do with family and friends.

It takes a lot for me to not be their friend anymore.

It sucks.

Anyone else?
Yeah sometimes people will take advantage of you kindness which sucks .....
new home.png
Loyalty is not a great trait. Like whoopty doo who the fuck are you?


Just kidding -- you should let those jerks know you require more for your loyalty.
You need more anger, come to tbe darkside and just hate everybody thats not family.
Note related =/= family
Being super loyal doesn't seem like an admirable trait. It kinda seems like you might be mildly retarded.

So if your family member turns out to be the next Dahmer, you'll still stay loyal, huh?
i used to be but now i'm not that nice anymore and for good reason, self-respect.
My mom pretty much spent my entire childhood life drugged up with some random guys and left me to be raised by family members here and there. Now that I'm an adult, she thinks she can just crash at my place and eat all my fucking food. Seriously, she'll just eat and fucking sleep. I've told her several times to leave, but she won't. I'm not going to physically kick my mother out, but holy shit this is ridiculous.

Just yesterday she ate two boxes of cereal on her own. I've had to buy three times the amount of milk since she's been here. I don't know if she's bulking or what, but it must stop.
I know what you mean but sometimes you gotta step up and say something. People often mistake kindness for being weak or a pushover.
I’m an asshole to everyone, I don’t discriminate, family and friends also feel my wrath.
Too nice? Nope. With my closer family (mom, dad, sister, brother) I guess I we all have pretty good relationships and everyone is financially doing fine which helps. We all try to help each other out as needed, which is never something financially related.

I think once you step into the boundry of someone asking you for money and/or shelter shit can get complicated. e.g,. Letting close family and friends 'borrow' money. Letting them live with you 'temporarily' or pretty much anything can is done repeatedly as a 'favor'. There is always exceptions though depending on the relationship. For example if my brother wanted to borrow money temporarily for some legitimate reason. I probably would do it up to an extent because I know his net worth is double mine and both him and his wife have good careers and do not live lavishly. My wife's nephew has been living with us for almost the past 5 years going to college. I gave him my old car, we feed him, pay for a lot of essentials, etc. He probably eats up over $5/year from us and potentially way more if we charged him rent, but we dont mind taking care of good family and he's a great kid.
My mom pretty much spent my entire childhood life drugged up with some random guys and left me to be raised by family members here and there. Now that I'm an adult, she thinks she can just crash at my place and eat all my fucking food. Seriously, she'll just eat and fucking sleep. I've told her several times to leave, but she won't. I'm not going to physically kick my mother out, but holy shit this is ridiculous.

Just yesterday she ate two boxes of cereal on her own. I've had to buy three times the amount of milk since she's been here. I don't know if she's bulking or what, but it must stop.

Lmao your mom sounds awesome tbh