Anyone else lol when someone mentions Bruce Lee in a serious MMA-context?

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OK here are my responses to your points:

1) Steven Seagal is not a professional fighter and I don't believe for a second that he could beat UFC fighters. He's old. He's out of shape. He has no professional record that lends him credibility to compete on that level. Anderson Silva and Lyoto Machida seemed to be humoring him for publicity and I think that's all it is. They wanted to be attached to the name of a movie star and Seagal wants more respect in the Martial Arts community by claiming he is training professional fighters. Maybe they are fans of his. Maybe he did teach them something practical but I do not believe for a moment that he could beat them or any UFC fighters. Also some UFC fighters were annoyed by Steven Segeal. Cung Le stated that it was disrespectful for Seagal to take credit for teaching UFC fighters how to fight. Randy Couture actually challenged Seagal to a fight to teach him a lesson and Seagal welcomed the challenged....only insisted that it be behind closed doors in the privacy of his own home. If he's really serious about his credibility as a fighter he could do a full-contact sparring match or actual fight with someone on video camera and prove it.

2) I don't think it really matters whether we are talking about an MMA fight or a street fight. I believe the outcome would be the same. An MMA fighter in a street fight can do anything that a Martial Artist in a street fight can do so Bruce Lee trying to use all of the "foul tactics" that are illegal in MMA to win wouldn't necessarily give him an advantage. I have the book Tao of Jeet Kune Do. There's some good stuff in there but a lot of it is based on theories. Bruce Lee didn't mention anything in his notes about the importance of defending against takedowns. Not only do you have to know how you need to drill it in training until you get a real feel for what it is like to stuff a takedown. What do you think would really happen if a skilled grappler took Bruce Lee to the ground, mounted him and pounded him in the face? Is he going to poke them in the eyes, bite them or scratch them to escape? No, he would need to know how to defend himself off of his back and I know that he trained with Gene Lebell and knew some grappling moves but I don't think he was on the level of college wrestlers, BJJ Black Belts and submission grappling world champions who are all present in the UFC who also no how to strike and can do the same dirty moves on the street that he can.

3) Camera phones didn't exist until the 1990s so no Bruce Lee and his friends wouldn't be walking around with cell phones recording fights prior to his death in 1973. But video cameras did exist. If Bruce Lee walked in to a bar or some public place and someone challenged him on the spot then no I don't expect to see that on camera and obviously most people don't walk around recording themselves fighting even today. There is a higher probability of being caught on camera thanks to camera phones that didn't exist when Bruce Lee was alive. But if he wanted to defend his reputation as a skilled Martial Artist he could have entered Martial Arts competitions. If he didn't like the rules he could have recorded a fight in his backyard or some private location. We have no video of these sparring matches Jim Kelly was talking about. There's also a lot of talk about Bruce Lee in challenge matches with other Martial Artists (ex. Wong Jack Man, Yoichi Nakachi and extras on the set of his movies). Why is there no video? I'm not saying that none of these fights or sparring sessions happened but if they had recorded any of these fights we would be able to assess his fighting skills. The lack of video indicates to me that Bruce Lee didn't want to document his fighting exploits. Many Martial Artists back then feared exposure. If they tested themselves they did it privately because they didn't want to be embarrassed by a loss. Bruce Lee seemed like he didn't feel he had anything to prove but he has been described by friends as being down for any challenge. If extras really were challenging him on the set of his films, with all of those cameras around he could have easily asked the crew to film the fight and kept it in his archive. But that didn't happen. There's literally no footage of Bruce Lee in a real fight despite the opportunity to film some. He couldn't have predicted that people would be debating this years after his untimely death but if he wanted to prove he was the real deal and not just an actor he could have filmed something.

4) Calling Cain Velasquez a shorter, chubby Mexican as if he isn't a world class athlete and seasoned professional fighter is rather disrespectful. I don't know what his ethnicity has to do with anything but we all know that MMA is not a bodybuilding contest and we know that shorter fighters can beat taller fighters. You can check my post history for my thoughts on Brock Lesnar. Clearly he is an exceptional athlete but as far as being "The Baddest Man on the Planet" well he was UFC Heavyweight champion but he got exposed pretty quickly and embarrassingly didn't he? I don't personally like him however I think he could easily get Bruce Lee to the ground and pound the hell out of him. We're talking about a Heavyweight vs. a guy the size of a natural Bantamweight here. Bruce Lee as a serious Martial Artist is more appealing than a brute like Lesnar but we should know all too well from MMA that the more intelligent and graceful fighter doesn't always win. Sometimes size, strength and overall athleticism matter more than technique and Lesnar's wrestling and superior size is going to matter more than Bruce Lee's striking and street fighting mentality in my opinion.
1.) I agree with a lot of what you wrote but a street fight is a street fight. They don't last long if guys know what they are doing. If you have never been in one, then you wouldn't know what I'm talking about. There is no "point fighting" and it isn't like the movies... no gloves and guys can't take a lot of clean shots. Just doesn't happen.

2.) Seagal in an Octagon doesn't last a round but in a street fight that lasts about 30 seconds, I give him a "puncher's chance" just to not ruffle your feathers.

3.) Bruce Lee nor any other "true Martial Artist" gives a crap what you or I think and they don't need a video to "look at me... look at me!"

4.) Velasquez is shorter and chubbier than Brock Lesnar and he is Mexican... notice the "brown pride" tattoo? He isn't a "world class" striker and he isn't a "world class" fighter. What HE IS... is a tough son of a bitch who can wrestle and take a punch. The Mexican attitude definitely helps in a fight because there is no lack of confidence in that culture. So if that guy could be a world champion in the sport of MMA then why the hell could Bruce Lee or Steven Seagal not beat a world champion in a street fight?

5.)You say scratching and biting doesn't matter but then you have probably never had your eyes gouged, your balls kicked or have been bitten or scratched by a strong guy. It hurts and it does effect the outcome of the fight. If you can't acknowledge this then it is because you are mesmerized by the chiseled bodies and the speedos. I have seen small guys beat big guys and big guys pound the crap out of bigger guys. Sometimes it's chance or luck of a shot and sometimes it's skill but a streetfight is definitely a world apart from an MMA match and those who don't know the difference have never been in either.
on the dog comment: I don't hate Bruce Lee man. I may not really admire him, though this might be because his movies do nothing for me. My only angle here is that people go on to call him something he quite evidently is not.

I think it's absolutely fair to say Bruce Lee was a fantastic spokesperson for martial arts, and thanks to him martial arts became more popular. You can even suggest that because of him, american audiences may have grown enough interest in bareknuckle street fighting that let to the success of MMA in the western world. He has an aura of determination, work ethics and humbleness that are a good role model for kids and even adults. He is quite inspirational and I understand he has a greatness about him.

But father of MMA, he is not. What you just said about Bruce Lee, "he may have been the first to incorporate certain styles to fit what he thought would be best for fighting", is factually wrong and speaks directly to the beauty of Vale Tudo. Vale Tudo fights, back in the beginning of the 20th century, already had martial artists trying to solve the exact same problems Bruce Lee was trying to solve. Luta Livre was a martial art designed for Vale Tudo. It has striking, wrestling, judo, and submissions that even BJJ practitioners were not aware of. BJJ itself had to improve a whole lot to deal with Luta Livre practitioners. The arts evolved because they were incorporating whatever was best for fighting. With all due respect to Lee, he was not in this type of competitive environment. When BJJ showed itself to the world in UFC 1, it already had over half a century of experience fighting with very few rules. BJJ and Luta Livre are already essentially MMA. Those styles grew with the no rules, bareknuckle nature of Vale Tudo.
If what the Gracies were able to accomplish in bringing the UFC and MMA to the public eye is an example of mixing styles, then they get an A+ for the accomplishment but an F for showing a "mixed martial art" fighting style. Their goal was to show that Gracie Jiu Jitsu was the best out there and they succeeded. I am saying that what Bruce Lee was attempting to do and may have done, had he not died so young, was bring a true MMA nature to the fighting world. It is still evolving and that is what his vision was... evolve to become a better, well rounded fighter. A true MMA fighter.
and there you go @TrueFightFan . You can see my problem. MMA is essentially Vale Tudo, and Vale Tudo has been around for a century. There is a martial art that was created around it, it's called Luta Livre. Luta Livre is literally a mix of martial arts adapted to Vale Tudo. Wrestling, striking, and submissions, which is exactly what you see nowadays in MMA. I'm not sure who misinformed everyone, but this whole 'godfather of MMA', 'brought forth the idea of mixing martial arts' attributed to Bruce Lee is embarrassing.
Luta Livre means Free Form Fighting and in those tournaments, it meant there were no rules. Just fight. It does not mean that all of the fighters were well rounded or even versed in any one discipline. It means that anyone could fight however they wanted.
The Bruce Lee worship on the internet, from YouTube to Facebook and reddit is insane and does make me lol.
He had the same chance of being good at MMA as any other random person.

There are a lot of kids on the internet period and it's silly to argue with them about anything involving Bruce Lee, pro wrestling, video games, etc.

Everything is very real and serious at certain ages. I only worry when that suspension-of-disbelief lasts into adulthood.
If what the Gracies were able to accomplish in bringing the UFC and MMA to the public eye is an example of mixing styles, then they get an A+ for the accomplishment but an F for showing a "mixed martial art" fighting style. Their goal was to show that Gracie Jiu Jitsu was the best out there and they succeeded. I am saying that what Bruce Lee was attempting to do and may have done, had he not died so young, was bring a true MMA nature to the fighting world. It is still evolving and that is what his vision was... evolve to become a better, well rounded fighter. A true MMA fighter.
BJJ has striking, takedowns, ground striking and submissions. BJJ competitions don't allow striking. If they did, they'd be MMA fights.
Luta Livre means Free Form Fighting and in those tournaments, it meant there were no rules. Just fight. It does not mean that all of the fighters were well rounded or even versed in any one discipline. It means that anyone could fight however they wanted.
MMA is exactly Vale Tudo. It's just safer. I don't think you understand this yet. Brazil was doing MMA before Bruce Lee was born, my friend. That's why BJJ was so dominating. BJJ and Luta Livre are MMA in a nutshell. Bruce Lee's vision was already taking place in Brazil.
1.) I agree with a lot of what you wrote but a street fight is a street fight. They don't last long if guys know what they are doing. If you have never been in one, then you wouldn't know what I'm talking about. There is no "point fighting" and it isn't like the movies... no gloves and guys can't take a lot of clean shots. Just doesn't happen.

2.) Seagal in an Octagon doesn't last a round but in a street fight that lasts about 30 seconds, I give him a "puncher's chance" just to not ruffle your feathers.

3.) Bruce Lee nor any other "true Martial Artist" gives a crap what you or I think and they don't need a video to "look at me... look at me!"

4.) Velasquez is shorter and chubbier than Brock Lesnar and he is Mexican... notice the "brown pride" tattoo? He isn't a "world class" striker and he isn't a "world class" fighter. What HE IS... is a tough son of a bitch who can wrestle and take a punch. The Mexican attitude definitely helps in a fight because there is no lack of confidence in that culture. So if that guy could be a world champion in the sport of MMA then why the hell could Bruce Lee or Steven Seagal not beat a world champion in a street fight?

5.)You say scratching and biting doesn't matter but then you have probably never had your eyes gouged, your balls kicked or have been bitten or scratched by a strong guy. It hurts and it does effect the outcome of the fight. If you can't acknowledge this then it is because you are mesmerized by the chiseled bodies and the speedos. I have seen small guys beat big guys and big guys pound the crap out of bigger guys. Sometimes it's chance or luck of a shot and sometimes it's skill but a streetfight is definitely a world apart from an MMA match and those who don't know the difference have never been in either.

1) Most street fights don't last long because they involve untrained fighters who usually end the fight with one haymaker or a quick flurry. In a street fight with no rules I agree that they usually end quickly but it also depends on the quality of the fighters. A Mixed Martial Artist who has under gone physical conditioning to fight a full MMA fight also has the conditioning to outlast most people on the street. A trained fighter is more dangerous than an untrained fighter and they have a huge advantage over someone that doesn't compete.

2) Steven Seagal at age 65, morbidly obese with zero professional fights does not have a good chance of beating any UFC fighters in a street fight with no rules. His Aikido isn't better than training at a top MMA gym and he's going to have to back up his tough talk on the street. The fact that he isn't willing to do it despite being challenged should say something.

3) Without actually seeing them fight we can't assess their ability. Bruce Lee didn't have to prove anything if he didn't want to but he also didn't do anything to deserve praise as the greatest fighter ever or justify all of these myths surrounding him. His "aura of invincibility" is based on an image manufactured by Hollywood as well as friends and family defending his reputation likely for their own interests. That's not to say he couldn't fight just that I don't believe he would beat the top fighters in MMA living today who train and compete multiple times a year against other world class fighters who have proven how good they are at fighting.

4) Like I said, MMA is not a bodybuilding contest. Cain Velasquez is known for outstanding cardio. Just because he's not ripped doesn't mean he isn't in great physical condition for fighting. The difference in size and stature between Cain Velasquez and Brock Lesnar vs. Bruce Lee and Brock Lesnar are very significant. Cain Velaquez, when he fought Brock Lesnar was 8-0 in MMA, 7 wins by KO or TKO, was a NCAA Division 1 wrestler and trains at American Kickboxing Academy, one of the top gyms in the sport. To say he is not a world class athlete or fighter is nonsense. He is. He has proven it. I didn't call him a world class striker but he's clearly above average and has knockout power. Comparing him to Bruce Lee and Steven Seagal who have no professional fight record is silly.

5) I didn't say that scratching and biting don't matter in a fight only that Bruce Lee's willingness to use dirty moves doesn't mean he can overcome the advantage that MMA fighters have in technique or experience. The MMA fighters can use all of those moves too and they are better at the striking and grappling techniques that are legal in MMA. If you take a Mixed Martial Artist and put him in a street fight with no gloves or rules he's even more dangerous as now he can fight unrestricted. Several Mixed Martial Artists have been in real fights. The more experience they have the better but their MMA training has better prepared them for a fight than someone who doesn't compete at that level and some of them train in self-defense techniques that prepare them for the unpredictability of a street fight.

Martial Artists who do have a lot of street fighting experience do stand a better chance of winning against a UFC fighter. I'm not saying they have literally zero chance only that the Mixed Martial Artist has a better chance. Steven Seagal in his prime and in better shape would still lose in my opinion. I think it is ridiculous to think he could beat modern professional fighters today and he's still alive to prove it unlike Bruce Lee.
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Bruce Lee had the right idea of blending the different styles of martial arts, that doesn't necessarily mean he would have been successful in MMA.
Carlson Gracie vs Bruce Lee would've been epic. And by epic, I mean Bruce getting shutdown & pummeled.
If what the Gracies were able to accomplish in bringing the UFC and MMA to the public eye is an example of mixing styles, then they get an A+ for the accomplishment but an F for showing a "mixed martial art" fighting style. Their goal was to show that Gracie Jiu Jitsu was the best out there and they succeeded. I am saying that what Bruce Lee was attempting to do and may have done, had he not died so young, was bring a true MMA nature to the fighting world. It is still evolving and that is what his vision was... evolve to become a better, well rounded fighter. A true MMA fighter.

I agree. His philosophy on Martial Arts was revolutionary. While he wasn't the first person to understand that blending techniques together to be well-rounded was good for fighting his philosophical approach to Martial Arts was at a high level. I heard that Bruce Lee was actually thinking about setting up a competition like MMA where his theories on Martial Arts could be tested. If he hadn't died when he did and lived out his full life I'm sure that he would have done a lot of interesting things for the Martial Arts community.
Ben Saunders is usually introduced as a JKD fighter. Tim Boetsch has also called himself a JKD fighter. It's a philosophy and all MMA fighters are in essences JKD fighters as long as they are open to learning what works for them. So, there's that.
Are you stupid? Bruce Lee was a pioneer of the Mixed Martial Arts. Read the Tao of Jeet Kune Do. The guy was very ahead of his time. He wasn't an advocate of that traditional woo woo shit. He was about practical martial arts and understood the value of things like wrestling, boxing, jj, etc. The fact that you would compare him to Steven Seagull shows you don't know much about him at all.
And the fact that he teached that not one way of doing martial arts was the correct way. People are different and therefore different "tactics" work better for them.
The trolls, they never sleep.
I'd bet every cent I have and everything I own that he'd whoop your fuckin ass.
Bruce Lee was the original Jet Li. A really talented stunt man with a martial arts background.
I agree. His philosophy on Martial Arts was revolutionary. While he wasn't the first person to understand that blending techniques together to be well-rounded was good for fighting his philosophical approach to Martial Arts was at a high level. I heard that Bruce Lee was actually thinking about setting up a competition like MMA where his theories on Martial Arts could be tested. If he hadn't died when he did and lived out his full life I'm sure that he would have done a lot of interesting things for the Martial Arts community.
All I ask is that guys pay respect to a Martial Artist who didn't have youtube to go and watch videos on how to fight yet changed the world.
Bruce Lee in an MMA context.
the only thing that really annoys me with bruce lee fans is when they go around calling him 'the father of MMA', when there's probably 0 jeet kune do fighters who have any relevancy in MMA, and vale tudo has been around since the beginning of the 20th century in Brazil.
Vale Tudo was literally bumfights. Nobody has ever heard of a 'vale tudo' fighter because they were all nobodies.
except for frank dux, now that's a warrior

Conor is basically a jeet kune do fighter.