Anybody Suprised that TBS is Still Showing A Christmas Story


Silver Belt
Aug 29, 2010
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Anybody suprised that TBS is still showing A Christmas Story movie this yr. I mean with all the Anti-Gun stuff going on right now, and the little boy only wanting a Gun for Christmas and Children and Guns being taboo right now.

What do you think. Should they keep showing it or is it time to stop.
If they stopped I might stop watching their afternoon reruns.
Keep showing it.

Fuck PC idiots. It's about a BB gun, not a gun rampage.

I agree but i had a friend on FB post something about wanting them to stop showing it and abunch of people agreed. I didn't but wanted to see what sherdog says.
Anyone who can find offensiveness in that movie might as well just stop living.
I agree but i had a friend on FB post something about wanting them to stop showing it and abunch of people agreed. I didn't but wanted to see what sherdog says.

You wondered what a site full of guys that like to watch half naked men beat the hell out of each other inside of a cage will think? Let me say this, anyone who thinks they should stop showing that movie because some deranged sack of dog fuck shot up a school is an idiot and should be slapped repeatedly across the face and kicked in the balls.
If someone is offended by a fictional Christmas movie based in the 50's about a kid wanting a bb gun, they should probably...Nevermind. Happy holidays everyone.
If someone takes offense to A Christmas Story, they need to reevaluate their life.
I don't think the REd Rider rifle comes with a clip of 30 .22s, that can fire off 45 rounds in 1 minute. Anybody linking A Christmas Story to the Newtown massacre is an idiot.

Oh ya, "FarkUs!!!!".

People never cease to amaze me.

It's a great movie that's meant for the holidays. Only the unstable ones would take offense.
I've never seen it. I did get a BB/pellet rifle as a kid though. I regret killing as many innocent animals as I did!

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