Anybody spending Christmas alone?

I wish. Nope. I am going to have 15 fucking people at my house, many of whom are stupid. So I have to make sure they don’t accidentally let my cats outside. Because they will if I don’t watch the door constantly.
I also wish I was going to be alone. But then I felt a little better knowing that I at least won't have to suffer being around FIFTEEN FUCKING PEOPLE.

Who thought this was a good idea? Sounds like the fucking worst.
Going to see family and looking forward to it for once. My aunt and one of my cousins have been going through a really rough period the last couple months so it'll be nice to spend the day with them.
Always loved the day with my family, but both my folks died recently. So we decided on a Jewish Xmas. Movies and Chinese. Xmas morning I will put on a face for my kids.
I am, I wish I was though because it's one of the two or three times a year my extended family all gets together.

I'm working though 2 1/2 pay is nice, but I d rather be with family.
No, same as last year I'll be spending Christmas with inter-dimensional beings.
I wish. Nope. I am going to have 15 fucking people at my house, many of whom are stupid. So I have to make sure they don’t accidentally let my cats outside. Because they will if I don’t watch the door constantly.
This cracked me up way more than it should have. You sound like such a scrooge .........but I totally get it.
I'll pray for you guys. In this, the darkest time of the year. The days are longer from here on
I don't really have family, but I'll be spending it with my best friend and his family. Usually Christmas depresses the shit out of me, but things are going well and I'm pretty happy, by my standards.

Almost done Christmas shopping just need to get a couple more things.
Don't have my son that day. Deciding if I'm gonna snag an OT shift or not.
Take a day off, watch some movies you like. Eat good food, have some beers or a toke or whatever you're into.

Everyone needs a break here and there.
Fuck I wish. Instead I have to go to a bunch of family dinners I don’t want to be at.
I normally go out with my friends for a few beers Xmas eve but I'll be flying back from Australia then straight go bed.

Heading over to my Dads Christmas day.
Already celebrated Christmas last Saturday with my folks, uncle, two cousins, and brother.

My folks are going up to Montana to be with my sister and her family for Christmas and New Years.

I'll be on the road for Christmas, getting a $600 bonus from my job.
Nah seeing both the in laws and my family, we love Xmas. My mother in law is a royal pain in the ass but the rest are cool.