i think he is doing it because a)jones is past his prime and he thinks he can exploit something and secondly cus of the fact jones is out of his price range; but real talk, noone in mma or casual fan or boxing fan can think a guy who is 1-1 as a pro beats the fmr p4p champ-fmr hw-lhw-smw-mw champ and silver medallist
i dnt think silva could beat pavlik-taylor-dawson-forrest-judah-mosley-mayweather-de la hoya-kassim ouma-cory spinks or anyone else even w/the weight adv; i know he is a striker, but he is not a boxer and in a boxing match most anyone tools him.
he might be fast and fluid; but everyone on this list has sparred tougher comp and see guys w/better ability and boxing; an p/t boxing does not overcome years of superior amateur and pro exp.
do mma guys think that little of boxing
i dnt think silva could beat pavlik-taylor-dawson-forrest-judah-mosley-mayweather-de la hoya-kassim ouma-cory spinks or anyone else even w/the weight adv; i know he is a striker, but he is not a boxer and in a boxing match most anyone tools him.
he might be fast and fluid; but everyone on this list has sparred tougher comp and see guys w/better ability and boxing; an p/t boxing does not overcome years of superior amateur and pro exp.
do mma guys think that little of boxing