America's gun problem, explained

Its almost funny....people with guns think the enemy will come , parachute in and soldiers marching with tanks.

The enemy found out a long time ago you cannot attack powerful counties in that traditional way
They have found a weakness in promoting liberalism , multiculturalism. Open borders, the push to not make.English the main language.

For the first time In history everything is translated into Spanish. Of all the number of languages spoken, the government choose 1. In doing that, a major blow to the country is made
Take away the language will damage a country more then bombs thesee days.
Take away it's border, the country starts to lose definition
Illegals are pawns used by enemies, and it's doing perfect damage. .backed behind compassion, doesn't matter if u.s. jails go.broke suppOrting criminals from other countries. Doesn't matter that illegal's send a damaging amount of money out of the country on a constant basis more then any other group. Screw numbers , screw logic think with compassion and watch a counties demise.
A leader has to make tough inhumane decisions to protect the citizens.
If borders were closed, even citizen killed or raped by and illegal would have been prevented. And money would not be spent on jailing illegals.
The government doesnt take these precautions. And ultimately blood is on their hands for not enforcing laws already on the book that would have prevented a lot of crime and lost money
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I'm pro gun but don't agree with open carry, don't agree with automatics, believe background checks should be thorough. Also parents who allow minors to get ahold of their weapons should be held responsible for anything the minor does with their weapon.

This is a logical stance. Open carry is just plain dumb. Many people are afraid of guns and for good reason. Allowing ordinary people to brandish weapons in public places is just going to make most people feel really uncomfortable, not safer.
Sadly, there really isn't an easy answer. I dislike parroting the common answer of 'expand mental health services' because that would only help those that seek it. Granted, it would help those that do use it, but many wouldn't use it anyways. But it's hard to argue that it wouldn't be a bad start.

A big problem, imo, is the media glorifying and concentrating on shootings. People that are already on edge see this, and think this could be their way to shine and be known. So convincing media to knock that shit off may help as well.

But one thing I like is something my employer does. Whenever an employee is terminated, they are referred to an employment agency in the process so that instead of the despair of suddenly being without a job they at least have a path pointed out to them to get back on their feet.

But as I said, there is no single, simple answer. This country has many issues that need to be resolved, and taking the easy way out will simply ignore the underlying causes. Cure the symptom and ignore the disease, if you will.

One possible answer is something that anti-government folks won't like to hear and that is the use of stricter laws and/or mandates to force the states to be proactive about diagnosing and submitting mental health records to the federal database. This is a key area where the Ron Paul way of thinking is actually causing the country more harm. The states are simply doing a shitty job at this. And I love Ron Paul.

In addition to this, more pro-action needs to be positively influenced at the community level e.g., schools, neighborhoods, families.
This is a logical stance. Open carry is just plain dumb. Many people are afraid of guns and for good reason. Allowing ordinary people to brandish weapons in public places is just going to make most people feel really uncomfortable, not safer.

Open carry, while not my personal choice outside the woods, is not brandishing
This is a logical stance. Open carry is just plain dumb. Many people are afraid of guns and for good reason. Allowing ordinary people to brandish weapons in public places is just going to make most people feel really uncomfortable, not safer.

In my experience, most people that are afraid of firearms are that way due to a lack of education and hands on exposure. When all your knowledge of firearms comes from what you read online and hear other people talk about (especially in todays world where the internet is filled with echo chambers where all you hear is what you want to hear) it can lead to biased and/or amazingly uninformed opinions. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a healthy dose of fear when it comes to firearms as they are amazingly dangerous pieces of equipment. But that fear is much better off when based out of experience and respect for its capabilities, rather than the boogeymen that people come up with in their own mind. I've been around firearms my entire life, and when I see someone open carry I don't even think twice about it. Someone that hasn't had much experience with them, or none at all, would be a lot more worried about it which I can understand.
Open carry, while not my personal choice outside the woods, is not brandishing
In my experience, most people that are afraid of firearms are that way due to a lack of education and hands on exposure. When all your knowledge of firearms comes from what you read online and hear other people talk about (especially in todays world where the internet is filled with echo chambers where all you hear is what you want to hear) it can lead to biased and/or amazingly uninformed opinions. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a healthy dose of fear when it comes to firearms as they are amazingly dangerous pieces of equipment. But that fear is much better off when based out of experience and respect for its capabilities, rather than the boogeymen that people come up with in their own mind. I've been around firearms my entire life, and when I see someone open carry I don't even think twice about it. Someone that hasn't had much experience with them, or none at all, would be a lot more worried about it which I can understand.

You dont have to waste energy rationalizing this to me. Im just telling you that the people in favor of open carry are not the majority. Id be surprised if 30% of people support it.

Why do we need everyday citizens walking around with their firearms? The obvious answer is because we can, an answer that can be given by any person without a single semblance of thought. If the law allows it, the law allows it. But the idea that the majority of open carry citizens have a legit reason to carry is absurd. The majority carry because they are making a statement, not because they are expecting fatal endangerment.
You dont have to waste energy rationalizing this to me. Im just telling you that the people in favor of open carry are not the majority. Id be surprised if 30% of people support it.

Why do we need everyday citizens walking around with their firearms? The obvious answer is because we can, an answer that can be given by any person without a single semblance of thought. If the law allows it, the law allows it. But the idea that the majority of open carry citizens have a legit reason to carry is absurd. The majority carry because they are making a statement, not because they are expecting fatal endangerment.

I will quit wasting the energy on you since you have now jumped to just knocking carrying period
You dont have to waste energy rationalizing this to me. Im just telling you that the people in favor of open carry are not the majority. Id be surprised if 30% of people support it.

Why do we need everyday citizens walking around with their firearms? The obvious answer is because we can, an answer that can be given by any person without a single semblance of thought. If the law allows it, the law allows it. But the idea that the majority of open carry citizens have a legit reason to carry is absurd. The majority carry because they are making a statement, not because they are expecting fatal endangerment.

And that's MSNBC, not a Fox News poll.
Its almost funny....people with guns think the enemy will come , parachute in and soldiers marching with tanks.

The enemy found out a long time ago you cannot attack powerful counties in that traditional way
They have found a weakness in promoting liberalism , multiculturalism. Open borders, the push to not make.English the main language.

For the first time In history everything is translated into Spanish. Of all the number of languages spoken, the government choose 1. In doing that, a major blow to the country is made
Take away the language will damage a country more then bombs thesee days.
Take away it's border, the country starts to lose definition
Illegals are pawns used by enemies, and it's doing perfect damage. .backed behind compassion, doesn't matter if u.s. jails go.broke suppOrting criminals from other countries. Doesn't matter that illegal's send a damaging amount of money out of the country on a constant basis more then any other group. Screw numbers , screw logic think with compassion and watch a counties demise.
A leader has to make tough inhumane decisions to protect the citizens.
If borders were closed, even citizen killed or raped by and illegal would have been prevented. And money would not be spent on jailing illegals.
The government doesnt take these precautions. And ultimately blood is on their hands for not enforcing laws already on the book that would have prevented a lot of crime and lost money

You dont have to waste energy rationalizing this to me. Im just telling you that the people in favor of open carry are not the majority. Id be surprised if 30% of people support it.

Why do we need everyday citizens walking around with their firearms? The obvious answer is because we can, an answer that can be given by any person without a single semblance of thought. If the law allows it, the law allows it. But the idea that the majority of open carry citizens have a legit reason to carry is absurd. The majority carry because they are making a statement, not because they are expecting fatal endangerment.

I don't carry, but I do own a gun. I prefer open carry to concealed carry, because I think I have a right to know that a person is armed.
But the idea that the majority of open carry citizens have a legit reason to carry is absurd.

depends where you live. if you live in highly concentrated urban areas, and you have zero training and are carrying a weapon around, then yea, you are a walking time bomb waiting for something negligent to hurt someone.

travel out to places like montana or wyoming. places where you have miles and miles between towns or any semblance of help. yea, i'd say it'd be smart to carry a gun on you even if you don't know how to use it all that well.

this country has extremely different geographic conditions, and even different gun cultures. some people grow up around guns since they were small children; others live in places where the only people that own guns are police and criminals. which is why a universal gun policy makes little sense since where you live matters a great deal.
This is a logical stance. Open carry is just plain dumb. Many people are afraid of guns and for good reason. Allowing ordinary people to brandish weapons in public places is just going to make most people feel really uncomfortable, not safer.
I think a big problem is the country can't have an honest discussion about guns. Your post being a great example. You practice what I call, minimal extremism. You take something legal, like open carry, and instead of calling what it is and describing it how it is, you refer it to brandishing a firearm, which is the extreme opposite. Comparing something totally legal and very common, to something only done by criminals.

This country has a problem with taking things, comparing them to their extreme opposites, and taking their compared falsehood as the new reality.
I'm not sure why anyone in the U.S. is so scared of someone open carrying and handgun.

You see it all the time with cops. Those in uniform and many times in plain clothes.

I see it regularly when out and it never bothered me.