Am i the only one who doesnt like potatoes?


Steel Belt
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
I dont get peoples fascination with French fries, baked potatoes, hash browns.....etc. They do nothing for me. Seems like nothing but empty tasteless calories. Food should be delicious. Potatoes taste like nothing except what you put on them.

Im sitting in my work cafeteria and the cook just put out French fries and everyone goes apeshit. Reminds me of the seals surrounding your boat after a fishing trip

Edit: Sweet potatoes are a different story. Im talking about regular potatoes
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kind of with you TS. I mean i can eat a baked potato at times. Some mashed with certain meals. But I would never miss them and french fries do zero for me.

I rustled people here when I copied an article saying a doctor said you should only have 6 french fries in any one serving.

Only 6 fries per serving? Harvard professor’s suggestion angers fried food lovers


The Perfect Serving!
Sweet potatoes are full of nutrition, no empty calories there.
Only potatoes don’t like to eat potatoes.
Meh, they help fill up a lunch but I wouldn't miss them if I never had them again. Same with rice, fuck rice.
I prefer Rice or Sweet Potatoes for my side
There are so many ways to make them. I like some good hash browns for breakfast.
Potatoes are in my top 3 food lol
1 Veal steak
2 Chicken
3 Potatoes

Either 1+3 or 2+3 are pure win to me, i don't even need spices outside salt
Brussel sprouts

Off the top of my head
I like all those too but Roast Potato is king! I love Roast parsnips too but Tators are where it's at!
Food should be delicious.

you do know most food is bland and is made to taste better using these things called "other ingredients" right?

pasta, rice, bread, most things you eat are super bland. and if they aren't, they are packed full of sugar or salt.

like maybe your mom just throws you a raw potato and says suck on it, and that's your idea of culinary delight, but the rest of the world is way ahead of ya bud.
you do know most food is bland and is made to taste better using these things called "other ingredients" right?

Uh what? I roast all kinds of vegetables all the time and they all taste amazing with a minimal amout of salt and oil. Except potatoes.