Am i the only one who doesnt like potatoes?

I dont get peoples fascination with French fries, baked potatoes, hash browns.....etc. They do nothing for me. Seems like nothing but empty tasteless calories. Food should be delicious. Potatoes taste like nothing except what you put on them.

Im sitting in my work cafeteria and the cook just put out French fries and everyone goes apeshit. Reminds me of the seals surrounding your boat after a fishing trip

Edit: Sweet potatoes are a different story. Im talking about regular potatoes
I love regular potatoes but I fucking hate sweet potatoes.
Who eats a plain unseasoned potato?

I like potatoes in stew, they're good filler and take on the overall flavour of the stew. Or potato soup; heavily mashed potatoes with milk, a bit of butter, some bacon, maybe some cooked red onion. It's easy, filling, and tastes great.
Well yes, especially given the response you’ve gotten in the thread so far.

Well on second thought, the chick that tazed the autistic dude probably feels the same way about potatoes as you do...

I’ll see myself out
Literally any other vegetable roasted has more flavor, nutrition, deliciousness
Potatoes give us Vodka. The rest of the vegetables need to step up their game imo
yes, things like vegetables do tend to taste good when you roast them and put things like olive and salt on them. gold star for you.

now, go take that raw potato you been gnawing on like a honey badger and do the same thing to it and with some ketchup (afterwards, don't put the ketchup in the fucking oven too you ninny. i can feel you thinking about doing it right now as you are fucking reading this). you'll be like oh maw gerd, i had no ideasies potatoes did be so gud.

that last sentence there i did my best to try to speak in a way i thought you'd understand. i think it was pretty good.
All the things posted on the internet and this is what you choose to fight about?

Most good food needs minimal anything added to make it great.

Seafood, steak, veggies (roasted or steamed), are all better without no sugar and minimal salt. Crap quality foods are the ones that need that and that is why fast food loads them up.
Thank you. My exact point
Brussel sprouts

Off the top of my head

You must be daft. All of the things you've listed I'd rate among the worst things I've ever tasted.

I can eat a lot of raw carrots but cooking them turns them into something unfit for human consumption.
You must be daft. All of the things you've listed I'd rate among the worst things I've ever tasted.

I can eat a lot of raw carrots but cooking them turns them into something unfit for human consumption.
Roasted beets and carrots are my favorite thing ever. It brings out a sweetness especially from the carrots. To each his own i guess
I can’t fathom not liking potatoes. I understand not eating them, but not liking them?


You gay.
This seems to be the most most likely scenario. TS may feel different if they all looked like...
Potatoes are the best. French Fries, Mash Potato, Wedges, Baked Potato, Fried Potato, Potatoes and Shrimp

Roasted beets and carrots are my favorite thing ever. It brings out a sweetness especially from the carrots. To each his own i guess
There is no such thing as a "good" beet...cooked carrots have recently grown on me. Love 'em.
Potatoes are the best. French Fries, Mash Potato, Wedges, Baked Potato, Fried Potato, Potatoes and Shrimp
This guy gets it! I was once taken aback by acquaintance who said "I've never met a potato I didn't like." I pondered that quite a while, but could find no fault or logical fallacy. You can argue the nutritional wisdom of potatoes at every meal, but not the taste!
Sweet potatoes are full of nutrition, no empty calories there.

It's really a common misconception that white potatoes are somehow inherently evil. It's just that the most common ways people see them are usually in fast food or frozen, where a ton of excessive fat has been added.
It's really a common misconception that white potatoes are somehow inherently evil. It's just that the most common ways people see them are usually in fast food or frozen, where a ton of excessive fat has been added.
It's ironic since most of the ways people eat sweet potatoes are no more healthy. People act as if a sweet potato fry is somehow healthy but a normal fry is poison. Or a sweet potato cooked in brown sugar is better than a baked potato with a little butter. The internet has really dumbed down society.
Who eats a plain unseasoned potato?

I like potatoes in stew, they're good filler and take on the overall flavour of the stew. Or potato soup; heavily mashed potatoes with milk, a bit of butter, some bacon, maybe some cooked red onion. It's easy, filling, and tastes great.

Didn't that fat dude Frome Penn and Teller lose like 100lbs from going on a potate only diet...?
Reminds me of the seals surrounding your boat after a fishing trip
I like fries enough, but I lost a big yellowtail to a sealion last year. I wish the orca's would get their stuff together and feast on their flesh. Fries are a chum line of cured sardines for the human tribe.