AI Generates the most attractive women from each country

Don't they sell these on Amazon?

Then imo the Norse regions have best looking women. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, etc

Norway in this list wins.

Depends if the whole Nordic angel look is your type. Some folks prefer a swarthy skinned, Adrianna Lima type from Brazil or another Latin American country. There's no right or wrong answer, of course.
So you like the tanned look? With the odd exception (Ireland?)

Love it.
But I also like pale skinned black haired snow whites...

always been into those kinda girls more than the normal blondes etc
Love it.
But I also like pale skinned black haired snow whites...

always been into those kinda girls more than the normal blondes etc

There was a time where I'd rank blonde women lower just because it was oversaturated to the point where it was generic. I even found Hugh Hefner's harem of carbon-copied blondes to be unappealing.

However, I always liked the blonde hair, dark eyebrows, combo... Like young Sharon Stone or Julianne Hough.

The dark women stand out more in a Western society with their "exotic" features.
There was a time where I'd rank blonde women lower just because it was oversaturated to the point where it was generic. I even found Hugh Hefner's harem of carbon-copied blondes to be unappealing.

However, I always liked the blonde hair, dark eyebrows, combo... Like young Sharon Stone or Julianne Hough.

The dark women stand out more in a Western society with their "exotic" features.

quiet possible, I just prefer different looks and things.
Like don't get me wrong, margot robbie is attractive, but to me is very generic. blonde, thin....not much else going on there for me.

I think part of it could be ive always been told that "this is whats best! if you dont like this, blonde hair blue eyes, your gay!" and the like

Im just drawn to different things.

doesn't help that most blondes ive been around/involved with who have that look have been insufferable twats
Would AI(artificially inseminate) them all.
Denmark, Chile, Israel , Greece, Italy, Ethiopia