AEW CXXV: Up In Flames

Ospreay just can't stop winning, jack! How much money has this man made this year from wins? 400k? 500k?

Tag match was fun which is good since we had no surprises right down to the result.
It’s time to make that move to Florida like God intended all professional wrestlers to do, Will!
Thought this week's Dynamite was largely there. Clunky in large parts.

Mox video to start was good. EVIL MUSIC!

MITB stip sucks. You can probably count on one hand the good cash ins.

Fans chanting What at Christian. Fuck those geeks.

Jack vs Lio Rush was there. Champ came out first as well Monsoon.

Hangman and Jarrett were good.

Trios match with Komander was testing my patience - but there might be a god as Mox and co put a stop to it.

Ricochet vs Sammy was there. They did moves and such. The highlight by far was that Beast dude killing Ricochet. He might have something.

They got to Darby vs Mox and Bryan vs Nigel in the most clunky nonsensical manner imaginable. They should've saved the latter match announcement for next week or something.

Odd, brief 9/11 thing.

Mariah vs QA was good. I assume the latter will not be seen again on Dynamite for many episodes.

Jericho stuff was awful. The car angle died a death. What were they thinking with that?

Main event was fine. Mullet guys were over like crazy. Cool Rockers-style theme. Darius has gotten quite pudgy.
I'm somewhat confused. Why is Darby not getting his title shot?
Danielson is too beat up to defend his belt, but is good enough to face Nigel? Or did I imagine that?