AEW CXXV: Up In Flames

Just read the deal with WBD is gonna be $170 million a year for 4 years. TBS, TNT, and apparently WBD wants to make TruTV a sports channel and wants AEW on that as well.

AEW still shopping for a 2nd TV package elsewhere as well, still talking with Fox and other possible suitors.

With the WBD deal and a 2nd deal with another company, AEW might actually get close to a billion on these deals. That's wild.
Would be nice if this would put the nail in the coffin of those idiots who obsess with ratings (Bischoff). It is not the 90s anymore, ratings are not as important as engagement.
Rex it’s a day away
Just read the deal with WBD is gonna be $170 million a year for 4 years. TBS, TNT, and apparently WBD wants to make TruTV a sports channel and wants AEW on that as well.

AEW still shopping for a 2nd TV package elsewhere as well, still talking with Fox and other possible suitors.

With the WBD deal and a 2nd deal with another company, AEW might actually get close to a billion on these deals. That's wild.

Especially with it sounds like it doesn't even include PPVs.

and people doubted that this company was worth $1b to purchase. Get ready for the goalposts to be on the moon.
Congrats on AEW being the 2nd most financially successful wrestling promotion of all-time.

Also sounds like Collision is being moved to Thursday.

Put some stars on that show now.

Yeah there is no reason for it to be as imbalanced as it is. Sadly there are rumours Rampage will be folded in to Collision which will be three hours which lets be real, is too much.
Yeah there is no reason for it to be as imbalanced as it is. Sadly there are rumours Rampage will be folded in to Collision which will be three hours which lets be real, is too much.

Collision, outside of Hologram has been an afterthought for MONTHS.

Now that this huge television contract is finished make it back into an A show like it was during the C2. (Those shows were awesome)

Also, Rampage is done come January and they are shopping Shockwave around to replace it.

Things be changing for AEW in 2025.

Wednesday Dynamite - Could be 3 hours, hope not, but very likely.

Thursday Collision (Likely) - Better ratings, less competition, make it a 2nd A show. I would put The Elite on this show and the Mox faction on Dynamite. keep them separate. I would also put Mariah on Collision and Mercedes on Dynamite and keep them separate.

Shockwave - Either a 1hr or 2hr show, has to be another A-level show given everything.

This bloated roster is about to be used. Its time for Tony to gain some momentum back that he lost in 2024.
Collision, outside of Hologram has been an afterthought for MONTHS.

Now that this huge television contract is finished make it back into an A show like it was during the C2. (Those shows were awesome)

Also, Rampage is done come January and they are shopping Shockwave around to replace it.

Things be changing for AEW in 2025.

Wednesday Dynamite - Could be 3 hours, hope not, but very likely.

Thursday Collision (Likely) - Better ratings, less competition, make it a 2nd A show. I would put The Elite on this show and the Mox faction on Dynamite. keep them separate. I would also put Mariah on Collision and Mercedes on Dynamite and keep them separate.

Shockwave - Either a 1hr or 2hr show, has to be another A-level show given everything.

This bloated roster is about to be used. Its time for Tony to gain some momentum back that he lost in 2024.
Can’t the one hour show be used for ROH?
I wouldn't sign that deal unless it included the provision that TBS and TNT fixed their shitty audio issues.
The main two major places AEW needs to improve on from a business stand point for me is merch and the PR/marketing.

In year 6 they'll stop being a start up company and start being a profitable company taking in several hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. Its time to start acting like it.

For merch, they need to stop relying on PWT. Don't ban wrestlers from using them because its good for the lower card guys to throw something out there and see if it works, but they need a total revamp of their merch department both from what goes on the road and online.

As far as marketing goes, its painful hearing stories every single week about people that live in X city and had no idea the show was on locally until the show started and then seeing they sold 3k tickets and the hard cam side is shut. It doesn't need to be like this.

How hard is it in 2024? We've got smart phones that listen to us and track google searches, etc. and they know exactly where you are. If someone has made any sort of pro wrestling searches in the last few months and a show anywhere close to them you should be hammering them with social media ads across Facebook, Insta, Youtube, etc.

I don't even watch WWE but I get hammered with emails and ads when they're in the UK. They promote.
The main two major places AEW needs to improve on from a business stand point for me is merch and the PR/marketing.

In year 6 they'll stop being a start up company and start being a profitable company taking in several hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. Its time to start acting like it.

For merch, they need to stop relying on PWT. Don't ban wrestlers from using them because its good for the lower card guys to throw something out there and see if it works, but they need a total revamp of their merch department both from what goes on the road and online.

As far as marketing goes, its painful hearing stories every single week about people that live in X city and had no idea the show was on locally until the show started and then seeing they sold 3k tickets and the hard cam side is shut. It doesn't need to be like this.

How hard is it in 2024? We've got smart phones that listen to us and track google searches, etc. and they know exactly where you are. If someone has made any sort of pro wrestling searches in the last few months and a show anywhere close to them you should be hammering them with social media ads across Facebook, Insta, Youtube, etc.

I don't even watch WWE but I get hammered with emails and ads when they're in the UK. They promote.

The promotion in AEW is pathetic, it is what it is. The department must be understaffed to extreme degree. They basically just advertise on twitter and youtube and expect people to come. Like, spend 5 minutes on Dynamite and Collision advertising upcoming shows at the very least. Also ticket prices...still not great. WWE is HOT right now and they need to be the low-cost alternative for some fans. Don't even try to match them in ticket prices.

Given their making so much more money with their television revenue they should probably lower ticket prices for the tvs to get more people in the building just from a perception POV. Lower ticket prices, student discounts in college towns, kid discounts and freebies. Who gives a shit about the gates of these tvs when its only like 5% of your revenues, if that? Its a better television experience watching a crowd of 4-5k than 2-3k, which has been the norm recently.

The PPVs though should stay the same, they are awesome and successful.
When they came to Denver it was advertised a couple of times on their future shows breakdown and that was it. The cards also don't get finalized or even slightly revealed until around a day or 2 before at the earliest. In their deal hopefully they also have a plan for venues, whether it be a reoccurring venue or something because attendance is rough.

I do agree to make the shows feel important all around, have House of Black (they have star power) reign over Collision and have one of the Champs (May/Ospreay/Okada/TNT Champ) propped up as the attraction. Feature up and comers and push people correctly vs the quick build up win for a quick Dynamite loss.
The promotion in AEW is pathetic, it is what it is. The department must be understaffed to extreme degree. They basically just advertise on twitter and youtube and expect people to come. Like, spend 5 minutes on Dynamite and Collision advertising upcoming shows at the very least. Also ticket prices...still not great. WWE is HOT right now and they need to be the low-cost alternative for some fans. Don't even try to match them in ticket prices.

Given their making so much more money with their television revenue they should probably lower ticket prices for the tvs to get more people in the building just from a perception POV. Lower ticket prices, student discounts in college towns, kid discounts and freebies. Who gives a shit about the gates of these tvs when its only like 5% of your revenues, if that? Its a better television experience watching a crowd of 4-5k than 2-3k, which has been the norm recently.

The PPVs though should stay the same, they are awesome and successful.

Totally agree. For TV just get people in the door and it looking good. the PPVs will sell themselves.