Why? The doctor did his job. He killed that baby.If I went to a doctor for an abortion and got a baby, I'd sue the shit out of him.
Why? The doctor did his job. He killed that baby.If I went to a doctor for an abortion and got a baby, I'd sue the shit out of him.
Like @oldshadow, I think allowing abortion in the first trimester can be discussed and I think the alternative of not allowing it at all comes with many downside. But some of the abortion stuff allowed in the US is downright disgusting.
Just realized that late term abortions can be allowed in Germany if the kid is badly handicapped.
24 weeks is the point of viability. i.e. a baby born at that age has a 50/50 chance of living. It goes up every week after that. At 28 weeks, it's something like 80-90%. Although, the baby would still most likely need NICU services for several weeks.
So that's probably where they come up with 24 weeks. i.e. "Well, if a baby is born before 24 weeks, they're most likely gonna die, so it's okay to abort it before then."....which is still fucked up.
How many female babies are aborted per year? Talk about a war on women.The problem is, here in America, if you put up any restrictions on abortion, pro-abortion groups will raise hell about the War on Women and old white crusty men legislating female health issues, which is of course misogyny.
You can bet that in leftist/progressive circles here in America, if we went the route of Germany, we'd be called archaic by anyone taking the identity of pro-choice. There would be a media onslaught of the government literally killing women who now have no access to abortion on demand (that's what they would say). I personally don't think the option of abortion should be completely eliminated, but I do favor much greater restrictions. At some point, a separate human life begins, and it's at that point where choice flies out of the window for me. At what point that new human life begins is up to debate, but viability is the latest possible time in my opinion.
It's absurd. One second you can kill the baby, the next second it's a human life with full rights to live. Depending on location as you say.You missed out on the Dr. Kermit thread. I wish I could find it. Some people were arguing that he didn't do anything illegal/immoral, until they found out the babies had been killed after failed abortions they had survived. Then, the argument was merely down to location - if these babies had been in the womb, it would have been considered abortion, but since they were not (even though they were meant to be aborted), it was considered murder. In other words, the only difference between abortion and murder was the location of the baby, which I think is a bullshit argument.
It should emotionally mess her up. Because that is murdering a little baby.in australia if the aborted fetus survives they are not required to try to keep it alive. there was a report of some nurse over there being told to dump a living fetus in a bucket of formaldehyde to kill it. it apparently emotionally fucked her up having to do that.
I forgot,
In before this thread gets dumped, or disappears.
Abortion threads tend to disappear around here.Why would it?
because human life has value.
Abortion threads tend to disappear around here.
But not enough "value" for you to volunteer to adopt & pay for babies brought to full term then given up. That's some fine virtue-signalling.
A lot of nurses say it isn't rare at all. This is different because someone called 911.
'suck it up for 9 months'? are you fucking kidding me. you think women just sneeze out a child? you think they just give birth and thats it? fuck. right. off.I'm in a similar position to you. I'm still not 100% anti-abortion, but I'm more and more starting to question why abortion - especially in a first world country - is necessary at all when there is still any sort of question as to exactly when that line from bundle of cells to human life is crossed.
Unless the mother's life is in danger, why can't she just suck it up for 9 months and give the child she doesn't want up for adoption?
'suck it up for 9 months'? are you fucking kidding me. you think women just sneeze out a child? you think they just give birth and thats it? fuck. right. off.
no. fuck offNo, I'm not kidding you. Yes, suck it up for 9 months.
no. fuck off