!!! 80s vs. 90s.. which is the FUNNER decade? !!!

80s vs. 90s

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Anyone who wasn't at least ten years old in 1980 should be disqualified from voting or even having an opinion on this topic.
Anyone who wasn't at least ten years old in 1980 should be disqualified from voting or even having an opinion on this topic.
Wait... 10 years old in 1980?

I kinda wish I was an adult in the 90s rather than a teen but the cartoons were awesome in the 80s and leafning to oarty on the back wave of the rave/ early hiphop/grunge scene was awesome. I'll probably die younger because of it all, but those times were nuts.
Anyone who wasn't at least ten years old in 1980 should be disqualified from voting or even having an opinion on this topic.

Please kill me if I'm 47 and still posting on sherdog.
Please kill me if I'm 47 and still posting on sherdog.
So when you are older and things are slower down it is worse to spend some time on a forum vs. when you are young and have nothing else to do? I call bullshit on that.
Lol, I just found this pic. I totally forgot about Red Dog and the "subliminal" Batman image in the logo.

I totally drank most of this garbage when I was a teenager.

If you're just talking about fun, it would be the 80's. Now, I think the music, movies,etc were better in the 90s, but it was more about fun in the 80s. Grunge and gangsta rap was not that much fun but it was better than hair metal
Why did worldofwarcraft get banned? He didn't strike me as the offensive type..also nice necro but Ill go with they were both awesome and collectively form the greatest 20 year stretch mankind has ever known.
80's and it isn't close.

Anyone who wasn't at least ten years old in 1980 should be disqualified from voting or even having an opinion on this topic.

And this. You have to understand what you're comparing.
I was born in 66, so my teenage years were in the 80s. Lots of good memories of doing stupid crap and watching tons of crappy movies on VHS.