6 figure contract - worth it?


Steel Belt
Jan 2, 2009
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Anyone else think winning the Ultimate Fighter's 6 figure contract doesn't mean as much as it used to? Back in 2005 it was definitely worth it but I'm not so sure anymore. I understand the fighter can win $300,000 in 3 years, but that's if they win every fight, and they're limited to only fighting 3 times. We've seen many up and coming fighters fight more than 3 times a year and can potentially earn more money. From what I understand, the pay increases incrementally with it being:

Year 1: 12k guaranteed/12k win bonus per fight = 72k if they win all 3.
Year 2: 16k guaranteed/16k win bonus per fight = 96k if they win all 3.
Year 3: 22k guaranteed/22k win bonus per fight = 132k if they win all 3.

I feel you can definitely potentially earn more money outside of the Ultimate Fighter's contract, but people only still do it for the status and recognition and it can potentially lead to an easier way into the UFC as most castmates seem to get at least 1 fight after being on the show

Anybody think the UFC needs to up the ante a bit?
It's worth millions when you add in lockeroom bonuses.
My problem with TUF is that pretty much everyone on the show gets into the UFC (even if it's just for one fight) that, to me, makes the finale of the tournament less important.
It's worth millions when you add in lockeroom bonuses.


Yeah, they give locker room bonuses-- but millions? It's actually very likely much less than their announced paid. That's just stuff Dana puts out there to make people think UFC fighters are paid better than they really are.

Yeah, they give locker room bonuses-- but millions? It's actually very likely much less than their announced paid. That's just stuff Dana puts out there to make people think UFC fighters are paid better than they really are.

Anyone who gets near a title shot is probably getting more in cars from Dana than what their contract is worth.
it's 16k/16k, 20k/20k, 24k/24k now I believe. on my phone so not gonna dig up the links for proof. but just go look at Nelsons and nate diaz's purses after they won.
My problem with TUF is that pretty much everyone on the show gets into the UFC (even if it's just for one fight) that, to me, makes the finale of the tournament less important.

Seriously...Theres no drama to it, its all fake bravado and stupid made up rivalries that essentially mean nothing in the end.

Theres a reason the ratings are in the toilet and no real talent is coming out of it anymore.
You can't just say "Dana says there's a secret bonus but he won't say how much, therefore lots." Of course Dana pretends it's a ton of money.
Like Jon Fitch?

It depends more on popularity than rankings. Guys like Randy and Wand probably got bonuses out the wazoo.

HA well hes the exception. They had to begrudgingly give him the title shot. Most guys nowadays are handpicked by Dana
People still apply, dont' they?
You definitely make a lot more than other unknown, entry-level guys. I'd also imagine that the sponsors are going to be more plentiful for TUF winners than guys who got signed right away. More high profile fights, etc.
Is being promoted on a weekly television show and winning a six figure contract with the top MMA organization in the world worth it? That's a tough decision for an unknown prospect..
People still apply, dont' they?

I'm not saying it's not a good deal, just you could probably earn more outside of the contract. Also most people are probably still applying because you just need 1 fight on the show and you're pretty much guaranteed a fight in the UFC