Crime 435,000+ Convicted Criminals and 226,847 that have pending criminal charges entered U.S. Under Biden-Harris per ICE report

I wasn’t making that as a statement. I was implying that’s what you thought that is what I said.

I never implied that Trump is the savior.

You’re being disingenuous.
So we’ve established I do in fact know how to and what quotations marks are for? Good. I always enjoy seeing people grow after being educated.

So now we can discuss what de facto means? And how this is a binary system, and if my children’s and grandchildren’s lives depend on it , meaning the very lives might be so awful that living isn’t worth it or they might actually die.

Or should we maybe just move on to your emotionality and hyperbolism?
So we’ve established I do in fact know how to and what quotations marks are for? Good. I always enjoy seeing people grow after being educated.

So now we can discuss what de facto means? And how this is a binary system, and if my children’s and grandchildren’s lives depend on it , meaning the very lives might be so awful that living isn’t worth it or they might actually die.

Or should we maybe just move on to your emotionality and hyperbolism?

No. You didn’t.

Use an ellipsis in the middle of a quotation to indicate that you have omitted material from the original sentence.
For example, if I quote this portion of your statement, does that mean that’s what you were saying

“I used them wrong”

If I just take that snippet and quote it, that’s one comment. if I leave out the before and after it changes the entire statement
Yes but because the original and full quote is there the quotations are just a reference point right? I’d have no problem being quoted like this yet you did.
No. You didn’t.

Use an ellipsis in the middle of a quotation to indicate that you have omitted material from the original sentence,
Sorry I believed you were smart enough to decipher things with a full unedited original quote in the post and then just posting a snippet . Either way care to discuss your emotionality and hyperbolism ?
Lmao at brainwashed cultists like @idrankyourbeer trying to spin the fuck out of this and act like it's no big deal. Ffs


pinched a nerve didn't i cultie?

you guys put forward any new bills to try to deal with that border "crisis" of yours yet, or are the do-nothing republicans still just sitting on their hands and crying about some kind of issues that they never lift a finger to do anything about as always?

when should we be expecting the republican house to introduce a bill that will help deal with that border thing that you guys are always screeching about whenever there's an election coming around? any day now but just not today right?

actions speak louder than words. the do-nothing republicans have had years to at least try to make the effort for you guys to at least pretend that they might even care about your concerns by putting forward a border bill. instead they haven't even made the effort to fart in your general direction. they have done nothing.

the do-nothing republicans pay lip service to the border every time an election rolls around. but as you can see, it's nothing more to them than just a prop for them to campaign off of. but when it comes time to try to do something about fixing up the border and put the pen to paper, they tuck their dicks and cluck. every. single. time.

and outside of project 2025, has private citizen donald trump released his immigration and border plans yet, or is it still just in concept?
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Ah, that ol' posting before reading the thread.....what's really unbelievable is people like you existing (don't know these stats have been there the whole time and act like a reactionary) calling out anybody lol.

lol @ expecting any maga muppets to be able to read. these people only do memes and flash cards bro. they have to tune into tucker carlson and catturd's twitter feed just to be told what to think about everything. i think you may have set your expectations just a little too high.
lol @ expecting any maga muppets to be able to read. these people only do memes and flash cards bro. they have to tune into tucker carlson and catturd's twitter feed just to be told what to think about everything. i think you may have set your expectations just a little too high.

I'm on Sherdog my man, the expectations came in low and have never disappointed!
What's a few thousand extra rapes and murders when we can secure a Globalist / Marxist future for America?

Child Slavery in mass you say? Psssshhhh.... They are just "collateral damage" for the cause my comrades.

What the Left /Globalists would say if they could tell the truth.

pinched a nerve didn't i cultie?

you guys put forward any new bills to try to deal with that border "crisis" of yours yet, or are the do-nothing republicans still just sitting on their hands and crying about some kind of issues that they never lift a finger to do anything about as always?

when should we be expecting the republican house to introduce a bill that will help deal with that border thing that you guys are always screeching about whenever there's an election coming around? any day now but just not today right?

actions speak louder than words. the do-nothing republicans have had years to at least try to make the effort for you guys to at least pretend that they might even care about your concerns by putting forward a border bill. instead they haven't even made the effort to fart in your general direction. they have done nothing.

the do-nothing republicans pay lip service to the border every time an election rolls around. but as you can see, it's nothing more to them than just a prop for them to campaign off of. but when it comes time to try to do something about fixing up the border and put the pen to paper, they tuck their dicks and cluck. every. single. time.

and outside of project 2025, has private citizen donald trump released his immigration and border plans yet, or is it still just in concept?
youre right on the ball, except Drumpf disavowed project 2025
youre right on the ball, except Drumpf disavowed project 2025


"i have no idea who these people are or what they are about. i've never even read it. i just hang out with their founder and give speeches at their events!"
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No. You didn’t.

Use an ellipsis in the middle of a quotation to indicate that you have omitted material from the original sentence.
This is the whole point. Do you notice you're not arguing about the thread/subject anymore? All the leftist on here do this. They're very good at sidetracking