Crime 435,000+ Convicted Criminals and 226,847 that have pending criminal charges entered U.S. Under Biden-Harris per ICE report

So you believe the world will end if trump isn’t elected? And im the emotional one?
Do you not know what a fallacy is? I don't care about Trump isn't that obvious from my post? Seriously dude just read the post and think about each sentence before you make it about Trump.
It's no bueno. Unfortunately, South America is an almost excessively corrupt, savage, and violent continent on the whole. It has a homicide rate three times higher the global average; 40% of the world's murders happen there despite accounting for less than 10% of the global population. Although I believe those figures include 'Latin America' on the whole (i.e., Mexico and the Central American states).
That’s racist
Do you not know what a fallacy is? I don't care about Trump isn't that obvious from my post? Seriously dude just read the post and think about each sentence before you make it about Trump.
What fallacy? Someone said something emotional and stupid, you tried white knighting for them, then also got butt hurt .

Not making things about trump it was literally in the post I responded to. Maybe take a breath and think before you quote someone.
Lmao at brainwashed cultists like @idrankyourbeer trying to spin the fuck out of this and act like it's no big deal. Ffs

Holy shit I can't believe people like this ^ exist 😳

Ah, that ol' posting before reading the thread.....what's really unbelievable is people like you existing (don't know these stats have been there the whole time and act like a reactionary) calling out anybody lol.
republicans trying to act like there's some kind of a border crisis while voting against or throwing away border bills each and every single time it comes up. i guess the border is just something that they like to pay lip service to whenever there's an election coming around, but they have absolutely no intentions of ever lifting a finger to do anything about whenever they actually have the chance.

the republicans have the house, and had years to do something about it but as always they choose to sit on their hands and do nothing at all to try to deal with their "crisis" but just point the finger at the other side.

these people don't care about the border. it's all just for political points. and when they get elected they just ignore it like it isn't an issue and the issue is fixed and totally gone away until they lose their seats again and then its back to the same playbook.

if these people truly cared about dealing with the border and illegal immigration and crime, they would have, at the very least, put forward that border funding bill at the start of this year. but they chose not to, on behest of a private citizen who was recently found liable for sexual assault, fraud, and defamation and indicted on nearly 100 felony charges, just so that the rubes could sit on their hands and do nothing some more until it's time for an election to roll around so private citizen molestini cheetolini could try to use it as campaign ammunition for cheap political points.

same playbook, different election.

That's right...scramble mf'er. Keep reaching for how this is someone else's fault besides the ones that are clearly responsible.

It's easier than admitting you were fooled.
is there a link to this report so we can read it or do we have to wait for the election to end and obama's real birth certificate to be released?

and can we get a number on how many illegals are eating peoples pets?

looks like their october surprise came a couple days early.

The Director of ICE wasn't enough for you?

And no surprise. People have been telling you this stuff for a while, but you chose to believe the side that keeps lying to you (Joe's sharp, Hunter's laptop is fake, Inflation will go away) because you haven't figured out that politicians and all media is biased.
I quoted your post with the function on here than highlighted you emotional behavior with quotation marks. And quoting what you said word for word. Please enlighten me how I used them wrong

Right here
“He’s the ONLY one to keep this country from being toast”
I’m sorry is there someone else running against Kamala?

that quotation mark you used before He’s and after toast.
You get that right? I never said it. Why would you put it in quotes?
No, I did not and if you would like to show me where I did, go to the post and quote it.
You took my statement as Trump is a savior and if Trump is the savior that means he’s the ONLY one to keep this country from being toast.
I never implied that nor do I think that so I apologize if you misunderstood the original comment.
So, if anyone has misunderstood anything, it’s you.
I wasn’t making that as a statement. I was implying that’s what you thought that is what I said.

I never implied that Trump is the savior.

You’re being disingenuous.
For example, if I quote this portion of your statement, does that mean that’s what you were saying?

“I used them wrong”

If I just take that snippet and quote it, that’s one comment. if I leave out the before and after it changes the entire statement.
For example, if I quote this portion of your statement, does that mean that’s what you were saying

“I used them wrong”

If I just take that snippet and quote it, that’s one comment. if I leave out the before and after it changes the entire statement
I quoted your post with the function on here than highlighted you emotional behavior with quotation marks. And quoting what you said word for word. Please enlighten me how I used them wrong