2018 PotWR Round 2: The Debate/ Town Hall

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First, I am no Homer, as but a brief perusal of my profile and post history will show. I'm further disappointed that I didn't receive any notification of this tag.
Second, to answer your question, I think Luckyshot should be congratulated on having stepped up and taking over in difficult circumstances. Too bad he's going down like the Titanic in this election.

Yes, I screwed up the first time and had to edit.

I appreciate the lengths you go to to deny your Homerism.

You're most definitely incorrect. This thread didn't exist before the list was finalized. Check again.

At the time I made the post I quoted Lead's second post in the thread

So answer my question then if you want to be president
When i click on that tag your profile pops up explain yourself Hunter.
At the time I made the post I quoted Lead's second post in the thread

So answer my question then if you want to be president

Did you moisturize today Mr. Clippy?
Sherbros and Sherbras - An announcement from Hunter Simpson campaign headquarters.
@KnightTemplar has, with grace and wisdom, accepted as my running mate. A vote for us is a vote for the ability to see multiple aspects of an issue, to include context and nuance, and exclude misinformation and lies. Truth is beauty and beauty is truth.

Help us make the War Room beautiful and true, my friends.
At the time I made the post I quoted Lead's second post in the thread

So answer my question then if you want to be president
Later today, when I have more time, sure, less observant one.
1. Rate the Donald from 1 - 10, explain your choice
2. Democrat or Republican pick one, justify your choice,
2a. Are both sides the same, why/why not?
3. What's the greatest threat to democracy, illegal immigrants, Gerry meandering, money in politics, under representation of urban populations?
4. Which presidents irl have you vote for

  1. I'd give Donald an incomplete. It's looking bad right now due to the constant embellishments and falsehoods. He's shaken some folks' faith in our institutions, put money in the pockets of the rich, and shown blatant disregard for the environment. So domestically that's going to be hard to recover from. His foreign policy appears to alienate other nations' leaders. There's been some movement with North Korea, and he hasn't started any new wars, so there's that. All tolled, Trump seems to be on pace for about a 2 on the scale.
  2. I'd have to vote Democrat and pray the courts save us from their gun-grabbing. Both sides are not the same, although many similarities exist. After all, both parties are still just human beings. But the policies have different points of emphasis.
  3. Gerry meandering. There's no way to justify it and it seems to be pretty effective.
  4. Clinton & Obama.

Question @luckyshot and @Cubo de Sangre :

As probably the two frontrunners at this point, here is my question to you.


Thank you.

Questions for all candidates- note 2 and 2a are critical questions for the people

1. Rate the Donald from 1 - 10, explain your choice



2. Democrat or Republican pick one, justify your choice,

Republicans—the party of family, tradition, patriotism, manliness, chivalry, independence, freedom, hard work, courage, low taxes, rule of law, justice, free speech, clean neighborhoods, fast cars, hot women, strong economy, big houses with backyards, barbecues, rock and roll, badass guns, Supreme Court majorities...

Democrats—the party of pedophiles, cuckholds, degenerates, fairies, trannies, illegal aliens, anarchists, communists, feminists, black identity extremists, Islamic terrorists, ghettos, corporatism, globalism, morbidly fat people, low-testosterone males, fake sexual assault victims, SJWs, forum moderators, Homer Thompson / Hunter Simpsons, bald midget ginger nerds...

It's a close one. I'll have to go with the Republicans.

2a. Are both sides the same, why/why not?


3. What's the greatest threat to democracy, illegal immigrants, Gerry meandering, money in politics, under representation of urban populations?

Forum moderators, followed by illegal aliens / anchor babies, and voter fraud.

4. Which presidents irl have you vote for

The answer you're looking for is here

@JamesRussler @leto1776
6. Which War Room repeat topic thread do you frequent the most (ie lounge, mueller thread, meme thread, etc.)

The Kavanaugh thread was fun, even though I got dubs for dunking of @GOATER. Some big revelations from @zebby23 in that thread about how he watches girls get roofied and raped (Zeb has of course endorsed a Left-leaning candidate in this race).

Optional questions for all
7. What MMA qualifications do you have, belts, tournaments (bjj, boxing, mt, wrestling)?
8. Can you bench your weight 10 times, run 3, 8 min miles, do you make at least teh $100K?
9. Have you ever slept with a tranny?

7. I've never been cheated on. The ladies love me. I like POTWRs who didn't get cheated on, okay?

8. Yes.

9. No, I'm not @luckyshot
@Cubo de Sangre

Questions for all candidates- note 2 and 2a are critical questions for the people

1. Rate the Donald from 1 - 10, explain your choice
2. Democrat or Republican pick one, justify your choice,
2a. Are both sides the same, why/why not?
3. What's the greatest threat to democracy, illegal immigrants, Gerry meandering, money in politics, under representation of urban populations?
4. Which presidents irl have you vote for

@leto1776 , @Clippy
5. What sherdog subforum do you post the most in?

@JamesRussler @leto1776
6. Which War Room repeat topic thread do you frequent the most (ie lounge, mueller thread, meme thread, etc.)

Optional questions for all
7. What MMA qualifications do you have, belts, tournaments (bjj, boxing, mt, wrestling)?
8. Can you bench your weight 10 times, run 3, 8 min miles, do you make at least teh $100K?
9. Have you ever slept with a tranny?
1. -4,990. I started at 10 and subtracted one point for every documented lie.

2. I’m a Democrat because I support universal healthcare, environmental protection, and workers’ rights. Not because the Democratic Party is perfect.
2a. As I might have mentioned, both sides are not the fucking same. Bothsideism is the the philosophy of false equivalence. It is the anally birthed love child of intellectual laziness and bitchmade cynicism. It must be smashed.

3. All of the above. Democracy is under siege right now.

4. Gore, Kerry, Obama, Obama, (Sanders), Clinton. Once again, deeply imperfect candidates, but if my guys had all won, I honestly feel that the country and the world would be a FAR better place today.

5. 97% of my posts are in the WR.

6. Idk. I ‘m everywhere.

7. BJJ since 2001. Tournaments when I was younger, hobbyist these days.

8. Of course, this is Sherdog.

9. No, I only bang virgin 11’s. Once again, this is Sherdog.
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We are Three Fifty Four are proud to announce, with the recent election ramping up, that our coverage and analysis will begin shortly. Here at Three Fifty Four, we have never been wrong in our predictions/models in calling these elections. Some may say this is because we are also funded by the Deep State, but we assure you it's simply because of our analytic geniuses on our staff. Others also may say, "Hey, but you weren't right at all last years election" to which we would point to our predictive analysis that went up post-election which stated a 90% of us being wrong about our election model. Please stay tuned for more election coverage through-out the remaining rounds.
Here are Three Fifty Four, we are always seeking additional analysts and reporters. With this election being the largest in War Room history, 354 has reached out to known predictive WR analysts like @waiguoren for additional insights and to further help us be correct 100% of the time or successfully predict we will sometimes be wrong 100% of the time. Please send out your resumes and support this news group.
We are Three Fifty Four are proud to announce, with the recent election ramping up, that our coverage and analysis will begin shortly. Here at Three Fifty Four, we have never been wrong in our predictions/models in calling these elections. Some may say this is because we are also funded by the Deep State, but we assure you it's simply because of our analytic geniuses on our staff. Others also may say, "Hey, but you weren't right at all last years election" to which we would point to our predictive analysis that went up post-election which stated a 90% of us being wrong about our election model. Please stay tuned for more election coverage through-out the remaining rounds.

Question @snakedafunky and @JamesRussler :

Boring Cubo's name means 'bucket.' With that in mind, how do you feel about the comparisons of Boring Bucket to Hillary Clinton, and how do you think his lack of charisma is going to play into your skillsets of sarcasm and humor?

Well, to be grossly generalistic, you can put about half of Sherdog into what I call the "Bucket of Retards." You know, the @LangfordBarrow , @kpt018 , @hillelslovak87 , you name it.

I would not put @Cubo de Sangre in that bucket.
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