1st annual Sherdog S&P Weighted Pull-up Contest Jamboree

rEmY said:
i apologize for the mishmash terminology.
the reason i set this up the way i did:
1. allowing either grip: i wanted people to use what they felt most comfortable with. for example, i cant do palms facing, my wrists dont do that. but palms facing is generally safer for the shoulder when dealing with larger amounts of weight (or so ive read).
2. grip width: why is it important to isolate the lats? a slightly wider than shoulder width grip is, for most people, a more natural and therefore more "functional" (god, i hate that word) motion. additionally, a wide grip can also compromise the shoulder.
3. finally, a lot of people are ok with the current setup so i see no reason to change it. this isnt meant to be a hardcore competiton, but a friendly way to motivate others to get some higher numbers.

exactly, i haven't lifted in about two weeks cuz of some heavy depression but now im all hyped up and into this and i did my first workout of the night in a while just tonight and i loved it, i see this doing great things for people and in my view...at least myself
Diligent said:
Do you do the captains of crush grippers?

Yep! I can close the #2 quite easily and I'm currently working on the #3.
Sonny said:
Yep! I can close the #2 quite easily and I'm currently working on the #3.
*Diligent feels shame and curses his #2 that has yet to be closed*

I am reeeeal close to closing it...about a 1/4 of an inch, which is not much, but in another since, it is...
im bout 5'9 1/2"
185 lbs
5rm is probably around 30

goal, 70-80

how often should i do low rep pullups, evertime i do pullups, or only half the time?
Height: 6'4
Weight: 215
5rm: 25lbs

The first time I did a weighted chin was a couple of weeks ago. I cannot remember my back being more sore than that. EVER.
I see a lot of people at the gym doing pullups (palms away) and turning their elbows forward and raising their legs for added momentum.
I usually do pullups /(palms away) with elbows pointing out to the sides and try to keep my back arched so my body is shaped like a banana bent backwards.
Dont know wich method most people on sherdog use. IMO the second are harder and shows better technique...
Pull up for me:

- Palms facing away
- Elbows out
- slight arch in the lower back
- shoulder blades pulled together
Diligent said:
*Diligent feels shame and curses his #2 that has yet to be closed*

I am reeeeal close to closing it...about a 1/4 of an inch, which is not much, but in another since, it is...

You'll get it bro! It took me a while to REALLY mash the #2. How are you training it???
Sonny said:
You'll get it bro! It took me a while to REALLY mash the #2. How are you training it???

Well, right now, I am doing the #2 about twice a week. I'll usually just try some all-out, max-effort, balls-to-the-wall single attempts (while frantically trying to measure the space between the two handle bars to see if I am making progress).

I also do the Super-gripper one, which to me is pretty good. Then I also do pinch grip, levering, and the infamous Rolling Thunder (of doom).

I would probably do more gripper stuff, but that Rolling Thunder absolutely makes my forearms and hands soooo sore... and any attempts on grippers the next couple of days after is futile. Any suggestions?
Diligent said:
*Diligent feels shame and curses his #2 that has yet to be closed*

I am reeeeal close to closing it...about a 1/4 of an inch, which is not much, but in another since, it is...
Hey man, you want frustration, try getting it repeatedly to within about two millimetres but still not being able to quite close the damn thing. I've been stuck there for about two weeks now and i swear if i dont shut the damn thing soon I'm gonna go apeshit and kill someone.
Diligent said:
I would probably do more gripper stuff, but that Rolling Thunder absolutely makes my forearms and hands soooo sore... and any attempts on grippers the next couple of days after is futile. Any suggestions?

For me it's tough to progress on the grippers when I'm working the RT hard. The key is keeping your RT work and gripper work as far apart as possible. You'll eventually get used to the RT more and more and you'll find that you won't be as sore. I would recommend doing gripper sessions on there own and RT/pinch work together.

I will say that if closing grippers is your focus then you're gonna have to devote more time to closing grippers, same holds true for the RT and pinch work etc.
SmashiusClay said:
Hey man, you want frustration, try getting it repeatedly to within about two millimetres but still not being able to quite close the damn thing. I've been stuck there for about two weeks now and i swear if i dont shut the damn thing soon I'm gonna go apeshit and kill someone.

Teh overcrushes and filed grippers will help you!
Sonny said:
Teh overcrushes and filed grippers will help you!
Yeah thanks I'm using overcrushes on an easier heavygrip that ive got, pretty sure that's whats got me so close to shutting it.
Sonny said:
For me it's tough to progress on the grippers when I'm working the RT hard. The key is keeping your RT work and gripper work as far apart as possible. You'll eventually get used to the RT more and more and you'll find that you won't be as sore. I would recommend doing gripper sessions on there own and RT/pinch work together.

I will say that if closing grippers is your focus then you're gonna have to devote more time to closing grippers, same holds true for the RT and pinch work etc.

Yeah, actually I do do pinch grip and RT on the same days. I do try to keep my grip days far away from my RT... ...probelm is, I don't know what I want to focus on more, grippers or RT...I want both! I am going to try doing the RT twice a week now, rather than once, and see how that works.

I am going to do the RT and pinch grip today around 5pm before my workout, and I'll post if I made any progress. One thing about pinch grip...I am doing two 25lb plates right now pretty easily and I want to move up ...but I really can't do a 35 and a 25...that's too big of a jump...I need a 30 lb plate...maybe I can tie 5lb weight onto one of the plates...

Either way, I may not win the RT comp, but as long as I beat rickdog, I'll be at peace.... That rickdog thinks he's so cool...he's just so smug I hate him. Rickdog...*psh* it's more like...jerkdog.... :D
Diligent said:
What is an overcrush???
Man these are fun, take a gripper you can shut fairly comfortably now squeeze until the veins in your temple feel like they're about to pop. you should be trying to absolutely mash the gripper. If done right they'll make your hands feel like theyve been worked over with a hammer.
SmashiusClay said:
Man these are fun, take a gripper you can shut fairly comfortably now squeeze until the veins in your temple feel like they're about to pop. you should be trying to absolutely mash the gripper. If done right they'll make your hands feel like theyve been worked over with a hammer.

sweet :D
weird, i swore i clicked on the pull up thread, and not a grip thread.
rEmY said:
weird, i swore i clicked on the pull up thread, and not a grip thread.

Sorry, back to the original topic now guys!

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